About Triggering

PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle Property


Set and read the preference for the chan.Single trigger behavior. This setting persists until changed.

These preferences are important when performing a Guided calibration, as the PNA  uses the chan.Single trigger command to measure standards.

  • set PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle = False to use an External trigger sweep to measure a cal standard.

  • set PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle = True to use an External sweep for the measurement, but rely on the PNA to send Internal trigger signals for calibrating.

To set this preference for an Unguided Calibration, use PreferInternalTriggerOnUnguidedCal Property

The chan.Single trigger command NEVER respects the Trigger Source = Manual setting. It always switches to Internal for one trigger, then back to Manual, regardless of this preference command.

 VB Syntax

pref.PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle = bool


(Type) - Description


A Preferences (object)


(Boolean) -  Choose from:

0 - False - the Single trigger property does respect the Trigger Source = External setting. For example, if Trigger source = External, the single trigger method will wait for the External trigger signal and then allow only one sweep.

1 - True - the Single trigger command does NOT respect the Trigger Source = External setting. For example, when the Single method is sent, the PNA  immediately switches to Internal sweep, responds to one trigger signal, then switches back to External.

Return Type



0 - False


pref.PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle = False 'Write

prefer = pref.PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle 'Read

C++ Syntax

HRESULT put_PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle( VARIANT_BOOL bprefSingle)

HRESULT get_PreferInternalTriggerOnChannelSingle( VARIANT_BOOL *bprefSingle)

