About Swept IMD Sweep types

SweepType Property (IMD Opt 087)


Sets and returns the type of sweep for a Swept IMD measurement.

See a list of commands that are relevant for each sweep type.

 VB Syntax

imd.SweepType = value


(Type) - Description


A SweptIMD Object


(Enum as naSweepTypes) - Choose from:

  • 0 - naIMDToneCWSweep  The main tone frequencies (F1 and F2) and power levels (P1 and P2) are held constant. Measurements are taken for the specified number of points.

  • 1 - naIMDTonePowerSweep  The main tone frequencies are specified as either F1 and F2, or as FC and DeltaF. These frequencies are held constant while the power of each tone is varied from the Start Power to Stop Power

  • 2 - naIMDToneCenterFreqSweep  Maintaining a constant tone spacing (DeltaF) and tone powers (P1 and P2), the center frequency (FC) is swept from Start to Stop, or can also be specified as Center and Span.

  • 3 - naIMDDeltaFrequencySweep  The center frequency (FC) is held constant. The tone spacing is increased from Start DeltaF to Stop DeltaF.

  • 4 - naIMDToneSegmentSweep  Same as FCenter sweep, except that the center frequencies for the sweep are constructed using the standard segment sweep commands. (NOT valid for IMDx)

  • 5 - naLOPowerSweep  All frequencies are fixed while the LO power is swept. (IMDx ONLY)

Return Type



2 - naIMDToneCenterFreqSweep


imd.SweepType = naIMDToneCWSweep 'Write

swptyp = imd.SweepType 'Read

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_SweepType(tagNASweepTypes* pVal)

HRESULT put_SweepType(tagNASweepTypes newVal)
