
ThruPortList Property


Note: Available only on PNA releases 5.0 and greater.

Note: Do NOT send this command to rely on SmartCal to determine the most accurate Thru port pairs for the cal. You can send the query form of this command to learn the port pairs determined by SmartCal.

Sets and returns the Thru connection port pairs for the calibration. Send the query form of this command to learn the Thru pairs determined by SmartCal.

See Thru Pairs Sequence to learn how to send this and other Thru commands.

Learn more about Thru method and port pairings.

See an example of a 4-port guided calibration using COM.

VB Syntax

guidedCal.ThruPortList = t1a, t1b, t2a, t2b, t3a, t3b


(Type) - Description


GuidedCalibration (object)

t1a, t1b...

(Variant)  Port numbers in pairs - a one-dimensional array of Long integers.

t1a, t1b  (Thru1 - port A and port B)

t2a, t2b  (Thru2 - port A and port B)

t3a, t3b  (Thru3 - port A and port B)

Return Type

Variant - a one-dimensional array of Long integers.


The most accurate port pairs for the cal.


thruList = Array(1,2,1,3,1,4)

guided.ThruPortList = thruList

'Sets the following three thru connections for a 4-port calibration:
Thru 1 - ports 1 and 2
Thru 2 - ports 1 and 3
Thru 3 - ports 1 and 4

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_ThruPortList(VARIANT* portList);

HRESULT put_ThruPortList(VARIANT portList);

