Perform an Unguided ECal

This VBScript program performs an Unguided Full 2-Port ECal.

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as Unguided.vbs.  Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Sense:Correction commands.

See other SCPI Examples

Set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")
Set scpi = pna.ScpiStringParser
' Preset the analyzer

scpi.Execute "SYSTem:PRESet"

' Start frequency of 10 MHz

scpi.Execute "SENSe:FREQuency:STARt 10E6"

' Stop frequency of 9 GHz

scpi.Execute "SENSe:FREQuency:STOP 9E9"

' Select the preset S11 measurement

scpi.Execute "CALCulate:PARameter:SELect 'CH1_S11_1'"
' Read the information about the Keysight factory
' characterization data of ECal module #1 on the USB bus

module1Info = scpi.Execute("SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:CKIT:INFormation? ECAL1,CHAR0")

' Prompt for the ECal module

MsgBox "Description of ECal Module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info & _Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Make port connections to the ECal module, then press enter"
' ECal full 1 port and 2 port
' Choose a Calibration Type (comment out one of these)

scpi.Execute "SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:METHod refl3"
scpi.Execute "SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:METHod SPARSOLT"
' Specify to have the PNA automatically determine which port of the
' ECal module is connected to which port of the PNA.

scpi.Execute "SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:ECAL:ORIentation ON"
' Alternatively, if you are measuring at very low power levels where
' the PNA fails to sense the module's orientation, you may need to turn
' off the auto orientation and specify how the module is connected (as in
' these next two commented lines of code -- "A1,B2" would indicate Port A
' of the module is connected to Port 1 and Port B is connected to Port 2).
'scpi.Execute "SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:ECAL:ORIentation OFF"
'scpi.Execute "SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:ECAL:PMAP ECAL1,'A1,B2'"
' Acquire and store the calibration terms.  *OPC? causes a "+1" to be
' returned when finished.  CHAR0 indicates to use the Keysight factory
' characterized data within the ECal module (as opposed to a user characterization).

x = scpi.Execute("SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:ACQuire ECAL1,CHAR0;*OPC?")
' Note: if you have set up a slow sweep speed (for example, if
' you’re using a narrow IF bandwidth), and while this calibration is
' being acquired you wish to have your program perform other operations
' (like checking for the click event of a Cancel button) and you’re
' NOT using the COM ScpiStringParser, you can use the optional
' ASYNchronous argument with the ACQuire command as shown here below
' instead of sending that command in the way shown above. The SCPI
' parser then will return immediately while the cal acquisition
' proceeds (i.e., the parser will NOT block-and-wait for the
' cal to finish, so you can send additional commands in the meantime).
' So you can do “*ESR?” or “*STB?” queries to monitor the status register
' bytes to see when the OPC bit gets set, which indicates the cal has
' finished.  That type of OPC detection works for all of the PNA’s SCPI
' parsers except the COM ScpiStringParser.
' An alternative to querying the status register, is to setup an SRQ handler
' if your IO Libraries supports that.
' When an SRQ event occurs, a call back will automatically
'  “SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:ACQuire ECAL1,CHAR0,ASYNchronous;*OPC”

MsgBox "Done with calibration."