This example program does the following:
Setup an A/R and B/R measurement
Turn ON point averaging
Set external edge triggering (commented out)
Set FIFO and Fast CW
Write data into FIFO data buffer
Read FIFO data buffer
IMPORTANT - Because the IFBW is set to 600 kHz, data will NOT be sent to the FIFO after each acquisition. Learn more.
The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as FIFO.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
See Other SCPI Example Programs
Dim returnStr Dim app Dim p Dim start Dim complete Dim init Dim finished ' Create / Get the PNA application. Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") Set p = app.ScpiStringParser sub Write (command) if len(returnStr) <> 0 then err.Raise 55,"Write","Query Unterminated" end if returnStr = p.parse(command) end sub ' sub WriteIgnoreError(command) returnStr = p.Execute(command) p.Parse("SYST:ERR?") ' clear error queue end sub ' function Read if len(returnStr) = 0 then err.Raise 55,"Read","Bad read" end if Read = returnStr returnStr = "" end function ' Setup and measure A/R and B/R Write "SYST:FPRESET" Write "DISP:WIND ON" Write "CALC:PAR:DEF:EXT 'meas1','A/R1,0'" Write "DISP:WIND:TRACE:FEED 'meas1'" Write "CALC:PAR:DEF:EXT 'meas2','B/R1,0'" Write "DISP:WIND:TRACE2:FEED 'meas2'" ' Set IFBW to 600 khz (400 thousand pts/second) Write "SENS:BWID:RES 600khz" ' Point Averaging Count = 1 Write "SENS:AVER:MODE POINT" Write "SENS:AVER ON" Write "SENS:AVER:COUNT 1" ' Edge triggering - positive edge 'Write "CONT:SIGN BNC1,TIEPOSITIVE" 'Write "TRIG:SOUR EXT" 'Write "SENS:SWE:TRIG:POIN ON" ' Setup FIFO and Fast CW count Write "SENS:SWE:MODE HOLD" Write "SYST:FIFO ON" Write "SYST:FIFO:DATA:CLEAR" Write "SENS:SWE:TYPE CW" Write "SENS:SWE:TYPE:FACW 1000000"' set the point count to 1 million Write "SENS:SWE:MODE SING" ' start an asynchronous acquisition. init = now() ' Gather data 'wait until end of sweep. Timeout needs to be very large here. Write "*OPC?" ' opcCount = Read() Dim points Write "SYST:FIFO:DATA:COUNT?" points = Read() msgbox points ' points == 2000000 ' points = 2million. Took 5 seconds to acquire For I = 0 to 1 ' 2 iterations (2 parameters * 2 sets of 1 million) Dim data Write "SYST:FIFO:DATA? 1000000" Data = Read() Next 'turn FIFO and FastCW OFF Write "SYST:FIFO OFF" Write "SENS:SWE:TYPE:FACW 0"
finished = now() msgbox "Init =" & init & vbCrLf & "Done ="& finished |
Last Modified:
12-Jan-2011 |
Replaced example with updated from TS |
10-Oct-2008 |
MX New topic |