Powering the PNA ON and OFF

The following is described in this topic:


During boot up of Windows or of the Network Analyzer application program, do NOT press keys on the front panel, rotate the RPG knob, or connect a USB device. Doing so MAY lead to a front panel lockup state.

If the PNA front-panel keypad or USB ports are not responding, SHUTDOWN or RESTART the PNA.


How to Log off, Shut down or Restart the PNA.

  1. BRIEFLY press the front-panel PNA power button.

  2. In the What do you want the computer to do? list, choose an action:

    • Log off (closes programs)

    • Shut down

    • Restart (shutdown and start)

  1. Press OK to perform the action

Note:  ONLY if the PNA is locked and you cannot operate the mouse or keypad - Press and hold the power button for at least four seconds.  This practice should be avoided! Repeated shutdowns in this manner WILL damage the hard drive. Learn more about damaging the PNA hard drive.


ON Mode

Turn OFF PNA Autostart

The PNA application (835x.exe) always starts automatically when power is turned ON. To cause the PNA to NOT Autostart, do the following:

  1. Minimize the PNA application.

  2. From Windows Explorer, navigate to and double-click the following file: C:/Program Files(x86)/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Service/Toggle_PNA_Autostart.exe

The script toggles the PNA Autostart mode ON and OFF.

Shutdown Mode

Note: If the PNA is locked and you cannot operate the mouse or keypad, shut down the PNA by pressing and holding the power button for at least four seconds.
This practice should be avoided!
Repeated shutdowns in this manner WILL damage the hard drive. Learn more about damaging the PNA hard drive.

Unplugging the PNA