PNA User Accounts and Passwords

Important: When the PNA power is switched on, it AUTOMATICALLY logs into Windows using the default user name and password. You do NOT need to log on.  This gives anyone full access to the analyzer. The following steps can be taken to increase security of your PNA.

See Also: User-Specific PNA Settings

Please read about Anti-virus protection for your PNA

Existing User Accounts

The following user accounts already exist on new PNAs.


Add or Change User Accounts, Passwords, and require Logon

If the analyzer is in a secure environment, you can setup PNA users by name and grant various levels of access.

You can designate a person as the administrator and then configure the PNA to allow others to use it with reduced permissions. That is, other people can be signed on to use the analyzer but they will not have the ability to perform all of the administrative functions that you can as the administrator.  

The following are examples of some of the functions that can be performed with these account types:

How to add a user account and require logon

Windows 7

Click Start, then Control Panel.

Click User Accounts.

Click Manage another account.

Click Create a new account.

Enter an account name.

Select an account type.

Click Create Account.

Optional: Click Create a password to require the user to enter a password when logging on.


User-Specific PNA Settings

Almost all persistent settings in the PNA are global (apply to all users).

The following exceptions reset to their defaults when a new user account is setup: