Measurement Classes

Measurement Classes are categories of measurements that can coexist on a channel.

See other 'Setup Measurements' topics

What are Measurement Classes

The dialog below shows the Measurement Classes currently available for the PNA. Within each of these classes there are a number of measurements.

Measurement Classes are categories of measurements that can coexist on a channel. A measurement from one class can NOT reside in a channel with a measurement from another class. For example, a Noise Figure measurement can NOT reside in a channel that is currently hosting Scalar Mixer Measurements.

The Measurement Class dialog is accessed in the following ways:

How to assign a Measurement Class to a Channel

Using front-panel
[softkey] buttons

Using Menus

  1. Press Meas

  2. then [Measurement Class]

  1. Click Trace/Chan

  2. then Measurement Class


Measurement Class dialog box help

Measurements in a measurement class can NOT coexist in a channel with a measurement of a different measurement class.

Select a measurement class for the active channel or new measurement channel.

  • The Standard measurement class contains S-Parameters. Balanced parameters, and Receiver measurements.

  • All other measurement classes are commonly called "Applications".

Title Bar Indicates the active channel to which the measurement class will be assigned.

Show setup dialog

  • Check to launch the selected Measurement Class dialog.

  • Clear (default setting) to not launch the selected Measurement Class dialog. This setting survives a Preset and PNA Shutdown.

Confirm changes

  • Check (default setting) to launch the Confirm Measurement Class Change dialog.

  • Clear to perform the 'OK' actions without confirmation. This setting survives a Preset and PNA Shutdown.

New Channel Click to create the measurement class in a new channel and new window. A default measurement for that class is created in the channel.

To change the measurement, click Trace, then select a new measurement.


Choose to do the following: