TAP Result File

In TAP menu, click Settings > Result to add the plug-in to output the test results in the file. See the Installation for Back End. The test result is saved as .csv file under the directory defined by Output Folder (default:My document\AMX\output).  There are two types for output result.


Array outputs the result of all test points for each test step. The file name is {LotName} - {TapPlanName}_nnnn.csv. (nnnn: consecutive number).


CSV files output the result summary including margin to limit and Rank . There are two types of format depending on the selected plug-in. Refer to Add Date Time for the file name.

Standard Format

The last two columns show the total result for one DUT (Index). If several tests are failed, the worst rank number is shown.

M Format(nnnn: consecutive number)

The header for each test is added at the top of file. Ranks and Worst values are output for each measurement.