Fixture Compensation

Other topics about Calibration

Fixture Compensation Procedure

Perform the fixture compensation as follows:

  1. Ensure that the calibration is turned on in accordance to Calibration of Open/Short/Load/Low-loss Capacitor.

  2. Press the Cal key to display the Calibration Menu.

  3. Press Fixture Compen to display the Fixture Compensation Menu.

  4. If required, set user-defined standard values in accordance with Defining the Standard Values for Fixture Compensation.

  5. When you complete the changes, press Return to return to the Fixture Compensation Menu.

  6. Put the test fixture's device contacts in the OPEN state.

  1. Press Open to start OPEN compensation data measurement. When OPEN compensation data measurement is completed, OPEN compensation is automatically turned ON.

  2. Put the test fixture's device contacts in the SHORT state.

  1. Press Short to start SHORT compensation data measurement. When SHORT compensation data measurement is completed, SHORT compensation is automatically turned ON.

Turning the Fixture Compensation On or Off

The fixture compensation function is automatically turned On after completing each compensation data measurement. However, you can turn the function ON or OFF as required.

  1. Press Cal > Fixture Compen to bring up the Fixture Compensation Menu.

  2. Toggle between ON|OFF at OPEN and SHORT to make each fixture compensation valid (ON) or invalid (OFF) for the measurement.

Defining the Standard Values for Fixture Compensation

You can define standard values of OPEN and SHORT for fixture compensation. Figure below shows the circuit models of the fixture compensation kit used for the Keysight E4991B. In addition, the offset electrical delay from the compensation plane to the circuit model can be defined for each compensation's standard.

Each calibration’s standard value can be confirmed and changed as follows:

  1. Press the Cal > Fixture Compen > Define Value to display the Compensation Data Definition Menu.

  2. Select one of the calibration data definition keys, Open Conduct (G), Open Cap (C), Open Offset Delay,Short Resist (R) , Short Induct (L) or Short Offset Delay, to confirm or set the compensation data definition.

  3. Enter the desired value to specify the compensation data definition.