Calibration Preferences

Cal type preferences are set from this dialog.

How to change Cal Preferences

Programming commands are NOT available for the preference settings discussed in this topic, although there are other Cal Preferences that can be set remotely.

Using a mouse

  1. Click Response

  2. Select Cal

  3. Select Cal Sets & Cal Kits

  4. Select Cal Preferences...


Cal Type Preferences dialog box help

This dialog is used to set which Cal Types are available, and the order in which they are selected as the default choice, during a SmartCal with Mechanical Standards. This setting is also used to set the default Cal Type for Guided calibrations using SCPI .

Note: Your Cal Type settings are saved only until the NA application is closed. When re-opened, the factory default settings are restored.

The specified Cal Type order should allow you to make fewer changes to the Cal Type during a SmartCal with Mechanical Standards.

For example, in the above image, the first Cal Type on the list is TRL. When doing a SmartCal with Mechanical Standards:

  • If a TRL Cal Kit is available for the specified DUT connectors, then TRL becomes the default Cal Type.

  • If a TRL Cal Kit is NOT available, then the second Cal Type on the list (SOLT) is evaluated for compatibility with the available Cal Kits, and so forth with the Cal Types that remain on the list.

  • If TRL is removed from the list, that Cal Type is NOT available for selection during a SmartCal with Mechanical Standards.

Learn more about Cal Types.

See where you choose Cal Type during a SmartCal


Prioritized list of choices for default Cal Type  Shows the current list of Cal Types and the order in which they will be selected for Mechanical calibrations.

Change  Click to invoke the Modify list of default Cal Types dialog.

Restore factory defaults  Returns the list to the original selections and order. The factory defaults are in order of accuracy from highest (TRL) to lowest (QSOLT).

Cancel  Closes the dialog without making changes.


Modify list of default Cal Types dialog box help

Use this dialog to Add, Remove, and re-order the available Cal Types. There must be at least ONE selected Cal Type to perform a SmartCal with Mechanical Standards.

Unselected Cal Types  Cal Types in this list will not be presented as a choice during a Calibration.

Selected Cal Types  Cal Types in this list will be presented, in order, as the default choice during a Calibration. Click a Cal Type to select it, then click the following buttons to perform that operation.

Add / Remove buttons  Click to Add and Remove the selected Cal Types from the Selected Cal Types list.

Move Up / Down   Click to re-order the Selected Cal Types list.