Reducing Trace Noise

Any of the following methods can be used to lower the trace noise. This section provides the description of Turning on Smoothing.

Other topics about Optimizing Measurements

Turning on Smoothing

Smoothing can be used to reduce noise that has relatively small peaks. By turning on smoothing, the value of each point on a trace is represented by the moving average over the values of several nearby points. The smoothing aperture (percentage of sweep span) defines the range of points to be included in the calculation of the moving average.

Setting up smoothing

Set up the smoothing operation by following the steps below:

  1.  Press  Channel Next (or Channel Prev) and Trace Next (or Trace prev) to activate the trace on which smoothing will be defined.

  2. Press Avg.

  3. Click Smo Aperture, then  change the smoothing aperture (%) in the data entry area.

  4. Click Smoothing to turn ON smoothing. Smo is displayed at the trace status area.