Quick Start

This quick start shows the basic operation of WPT application.

Presetting Analyzer

  1. Press Preset.

Performing 2 Port Calibration

2 Port Calibration is required for WPT analysis. It is recommended to perform before you start the WPT application. Otherwise, the application is operated in Advanced Mode.

  1. Specify the frequency range by using Start, Stop, Center or Span.

  2. Press Cal > Calibrate > 2 Port Cal or Cal > ECal > 2 Port Cal to perform 2 port calibration.

Starting Application

  1. Press Analysis > Start WPT Analysis to execute the WPT application.

  2. The dialog box which describes Basic and Advanced modes will be displayed. Click Ok to proceed.

  3. The WPT application GUI is displayed at the bottom of screen.

Making measurements in real-time (Mode-1)

In Mode-1, you can measure various parameters related with wireless power transfer in real time.

  1. Specify User Defined Parameters.
  1. After you input the value for these three parameters, click Set Parameter to apply the specified values.

  2. These three parameters are applied to all traces. Traces defined by Math Function are not updated even if Set Parameter is clicked.

  3. Specify Trace Setting.

  1. After you input the value for these three parameters, click Set Trace to apply the specified values.

  2. The measurement result will be displayed on the trace at each sweep.

  3. If you require scaling, click Auto Scale for selected trace or Auto Scale All for all traces.

  4. Show Circuit shows the simulation model which is described in Theory of Operation.

Math Function

Math function allows you to perform complex data math (+,-,×,÷) between two traces (Tr1 and Tr2).

  1. Select Math function from Tr1+Tr2, Tr1-Tr2, Tr1*Tr2 or Tr1/Tr2.

  2. Select Format.

  3. Click Calculation to perform math function.

  4. The parameter of the trace4 is changed to Math formula you specified. The result is displayed in the trace 4 (Tr4). The result is updated only when the Calculation is pressed. (It is not updated at each sweep.)

  5. Math function is calculated as vector parameter. The formats of Tr1 and Tr2 affect the calculation as show below. Where Tr1=a+jb, Tr2=c+jd:

      • When the format of both Tr1 and Tr2 is set at Polar (Real/Imag), Tr1+Tr2=(a+b)+j(c+d)

      • When the format of both Tr1 and Tr2 is set at Imag, Tr1 real=b, Tr1 imag=0, Tr2 real=d and Tr2 imag=0, then Tr1+Tr2 is calculated as (b+d)+j(0+0).

      • When the format of both Tr1 and Tr2 is set at phase, Tr1 real=Tr1 phase, Tr1 imag=0, Tr2 real=Tr2 phase and Tr2 imag=0, then Tr1+Tr2 is calculated as (Tr1 phase+Tr2 phase)+j(0+0).

Using other functions

The following standard functions may be useful to analyze measurements.

Simulating result with sweeping one or two parameters (Mode-2)

In Mode-2, you can simulate the measurement results with sweeping one (2D) or two (3D) of the three parameters (Load R, Load X, Frequency). The measurement result of Mode-1 is used to simulate.

  1. Get the desired measurement result in Mode 1.

  2. Click Go to Mode-2 from Mode 1 menu. Trigger (Sweep) is hold in Mode-2. Do not change Trigger setting in Mode-2.

  3. Specify Sweep Mode.

  4. Specify either Fix or Start/Stop in Frequency.  

  5. Specify either Fix or Start/Stop/NOP for R and/or X in Sweep Parameter.  

  6. Specify the trace parameter and its format in Trace Parameter.

  7. Check Log-Y if you want to have Log scale in Y axis.

  8. Check Save if you want to save the result in .csv file. This check box is available only when 2D is selected in Sweep Mode. The .csv file is stored in root directory of the D drive.

  9. Click Calculation to simulate the result. The 2D or 3D simulated result is displayed in the screen.

  10. If you require a screen shot, at the upper left of graph windows, click File > Save as to save the graph image.

  11. When you want to return Mode-1 in order to make a measurement again, click Go To Mode-1. Trigger Mode is changed from hold to continuous. If Keep Trigger Hold is checked, trigger is kept in hold mode.