Limit Test

Other topics about Sample Programs


This sample program demonstrates how to perform limit tests.

The sample program creates a limit table as shown in the following two tables, turns on the Limit Test feature, performs one cycle of measurement, and then displays the test results.

Limit table of trace 1



Begin Stimulus

End Stimulus

Begin Response

End Response



847.5 MHz

905.0 MHz

-55.0 dBm

-55.0 dBm



935.0 MHz

960.0 MHz

-3.5 dBm

-3.5 dBm



935.0 MHz

960.0 MHz

0 dBm

0 dBm



980.0 MHz

1047.5 MHz

-25.0 dBm

-25.0 dBm

Limit table of trace 2



Begin Stimulus

End Stimulus

Begin Response

End Response



847.5 MHz

925.0 MHz

0 dBm

0 dBm



935.0 MHz

960.0 MHz

-9.5 dBm

-9.5 dBm



970.0 MHz

1047.5 MHz

0 dBm

0 dBm


See Limit Test for this programming.

Sample Program in Excel VBA using VISA

Example of excel sheet with limit test program


Private Sub Measure_Click()

    Dim defrm As Long

    Dim Age506x As Long


    Dim Cent As Double, Span As Double

    Dim Param(1) As String, Fmt(1) As String

    Dim NumofSeg(1) As Integer


    Dim LimTbl1 As LimitTbl1

    Dim LimTbl2 As LimitTbl2


    Dim Dummy As String * 20

    Dim ret As Integer


    Dim Lim_Judge As Integer

    Dim Tr1_Judge As Integer

    Dim Tr2_Judge As Integer

    Dim Fail_Point As Integer

    Dim Fail_Data() As Double

    Dim ptr As Long

    Dim Fail_Point2 As Integer

    Dim Fail_Data2() As Double

    Dim ptr2 As Long



    '*** Open session.



    Call viOpenDefaultRM(defrm)

    Call viOpen(defrm, "GPIB0::17::INSTR", 0, 0, Age506x)

    Call viSetAttribute(Age506x, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000)



    '*** Set variable of measurement condition.



    Cent = CDbl(Cells(3, 3).Value)

    Span = CDbl(Cells(4, 3).Value)

    Param(0) = Trim(Cells(5, 3).Value)

    Fmt(0) = Trim(Cells(6, 3).Value)

    Param(1) = Trim(Cells(7, 3).Value)

    Fmt(1) = Trim(Cells(8, 3).Value)



    '*** Set variable of limit tables.



    NumofSeg(0) = 4

    NumofSeg(1) = 3


    For i = 0 To NumofSeg(0) - 1

        With LimTbl1

            If Trim(Cells(12 + i, 3).Value) = "MAX" Then

                .Typ(i) = 1


                .Typ(i) = 2

            End If

            .BeginStim(i) = CDbl(Cells(12 + i, 4).Value)

            .EndStim(i) = CDbl(Cells(12 + i, 5).Value)

            .BeginResp(i) = CDbl(Cells(12 + i, 6).Value)

            .EndResp(i) = CDbl(Cells(12 + i, 7).Value)

        End With

    Next i


    For i = 0 To NumofSeg(1) - 1

        With LimTbl2

            If Trim(Cells(19 + i, 3).Value) = "MAX" Then

                .Typ(i) = 1


                .Typ(i) = 2

            End If

            .BeginStim(i) = CDbl(Cells(19 + i, 4).Value)

            .EndStim(i) = CDbl(Cells(19 + i, 5).Value)

            .BeginResp(i) = CDbl(Cells(19 + i, 6).Value)

            .EndResp(i) = CDbl(Cells(19 + i, 7).Value)

        End With

    Next i



    '*** Send measurement condition to E5061B.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":SENS1:FREQ:CENT " + CStr(Cent) + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":SENS1:FREQ:SPAN " + CStr(Span) + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR1:COUN 2" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":DISP:WIND1:SPL D1_2" + vbLf, 0)


    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":TRIG:SOUR BUS" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":INIT1:CONT ON" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*OPC?" & vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)



    '*** Send measurement parameter and format of trace 1 to E5061B.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR1:SEL" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR1:DEF " + Param(0) + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:FORM " + Fmt(0) + vbLf, 0)



    '*** Send limit table of trace 1 to E5061B.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:DATA " + CStr(NumofSeg(0)), 0)

    For i = 0 To NumofSeg(0) - 1

        With LimTbl1

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.Typ(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.BeginStim(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndStim(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.BeginResp(i)), 0)

            If i = NumofSeg(0) - 1 Then

                Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndResp(i)) + vbLf, 0)


                Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndResp(i)), 0)

            End If

        End With

    Next i

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:DISP ON" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM ON" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*OPC?" & vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)


    '*** Send measurement parameter and format of trace 2 to E5061B.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR2:SEL" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR2:DEF " + Param(1) + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:FORM " + Fmt(1) + vbLf, 0)



    '*** Send limit table of trace 2 to E5061B.


    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:DATA " + CStr(NumofSeg(1)), 0)

    For i = 0 To NumofSeg(1) - 1

        With LimTbl2

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.Typ(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.BeginStim(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndStim(i)), 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.BeginResp(i)), 0)

            If i = NumofSeg(1) - 1 Then

                Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndResp(i)) + vbLf, 0)


                Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "," + CStr(.EndResp(i)), 0)

            End If

        End With

    Next i

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:DISP ON" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM ON" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*OPC?" & vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)



    '*** Setting status resister.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1:ENAB 6" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1:PTR 6" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1:NTR 0" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:PTR 2" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:NTR 0" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*CLS" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*OPC?" & vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)



    '*** Trigger.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":TRIG:SING" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, "*OPC?" & vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)



    '*** Checking test results.



    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM?" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)

    ret = CInt(Dummy)

    Lim_Judge = ret And 2

    Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1?" + vbLf, 0)

    Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)

    ret = CInt(Dummy)

    Tr1_Judge = ret And 2

    Tr2_Judge = ret And 4



    '*** Displaying test results.



    If Lim_Judge = 0 Then

        Cells(25, 3).Value = "PASS"


        Cells(25, 3).Value = "FAIL"

        If Tr1_Judge = 0 Then

            Cells(26, 3).Value = "PASS"


            Cells(26, 3).Value = "FAIL"

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR1:SEL" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:REP:POIN?" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)

            Fail_Point = CInt(Dummy)

            ReDim Fail_Data(Fail_Point - 1)

            ptr = VarPtr(Fail_Data(0))

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:REP?" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%," + CStr(Fail_Point) + "lf", ptr)

            For i = 0 To Fail_Point - 1

                Cells(26 + i, 5).Value = Fail_Data(i)

            Next i

        End If

        If Tr2_Judge = 0 Then

            Cells(27, 3).Value = "PASS"


            Cells(27, 3).Value = "FAIL"

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:PAR2:SEL" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:REP:POIN?" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%t", Dummy)

            Fail_Point2 = CInt(Dummy)

            ReDim Fail_Data2(Fail_Point2 - 1)

            ptr2 = VarPtr(Fail_Data2(0))

            Call viVPrintf(Age506x, ":CALC1:LIM:REP?" + vbLf, 0)

            Call viVScanf(Age506x, "%," + CStr(Fail_Point2) + "lf", ptr2)

            For i = 0 To Fail_Point2 - 1

                Cells(26 + i, 6).Value = Fail_Data2(i)

            Next i

        End If

    End If

    Call viClose(Age506x)

    Call viClose(defrm)


End Sub



'*** The public user definition type variable can not be defined in the object module.

'*** It is necessary to write the following codes in standard module, etc.


Type LimitTbl1

    Typ(3) As Integer       '1:MAX 2:MIN

    BeginStim(3) As Double

    EndStim(3) As Double

    BeginResp(3) As Double

    EndResp(3) As Double

End Type

Type LimitTbl2

    Typ(2) As Integer       '1:MAX 2:MIN

    BeginStim(2) As Double

    EndStim(2) As Double

    BeginResp(2) As Double

    EndResp(2) As Double

End Type


Sample Program in HT Basic (lim_test.htb)

10 DIM Param1$[9],Param2$[9],Fmt1$[9],Fmt2$[9],Buff$[9]

20 REAL Cent,Span,Lim1(1:4,1:5),Lim2(1:3,1:5),Fail_data(1:1601)

30 INTEGER Num_of_seg1,Num_of_seg2,Segment,Column,Fail_point

40 !

50 ASSIGN @Agte506x TO 717

60 !

70 Cent=9.475E+8

80 Span=2.00E+8

90 Param1$="S21"

100 Param2$="S11"

110 Fmt1$="MLOG"

120 Fmt2$="MLOG"

130 !

140 ! == Trace 1 Limit Line ==

150 Num_of_seg1=4 ! Number of segments: 4

160 ! -- Segment 1 --

170 Lim1(1,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

180 Lim1(1,2)=8.475E+8 ! Frequency Start: 847.5 MHz

190 Lim1(1,3)=9.050E+8 ! Stop : 905.0 MHz

200 Lim1(1,4)=-55 ! Response Start: -55 dBm

210 Lim1(1,5)=-55 ! Stop : -55 dBm

220 ! -- Segment 2 --

230 Lim1(2,1)=2 ! Type : Minimum

240 Lim1(2,2)=9.350E+8 ! Frequency Start: 935.0 MHz

250 Lim1(2,3)=9.600E+8 ! Stop : 960.0 MHz

260 Lim1(2,4)=-3.5 ! Response Start: -3.5 dBm

270 Lim1(2,5)=-3.5 ! Stop : -3.5 dBm

280 ! -- Segment 3 --

290 Lim1(3,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

300 Lim1(3,2)=9.350E+8 ! Frequency Start: 935.0 MHz

310 Lim1(3,3)=9.600E+8 ! Stop : 960.0 MHz

320 Lim1(3,4)=0 ! Response Start: 0 dBm

330 Lim1(3,5)=0 ! Stop : 0 dBm

340 ! -- Segment 4 --

350 Lim1(4,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

360 Lim1(4,2)=9.800E+8 ! Frequency Start: 980.0 MHz

370 Lim1(4,3)=1.0475E+9 ! Stop : 1047.5 MHz

380 Lim1(4,4)=-25 ! Response Start: -25 dBm

390 Lim1(4,5)=-25 ! Stop : -25 dBm

400 ! == Trace 2 Limit Line ==

410 Num_of_seg2=3 ! Number of segments: 3

420 ! -- Segment 1 --

430 Lim2(1,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

440 Lim2(1,2)=8.475E+8 ! Frequency Start: 847.5 MHz

450 Lim2(1,3)=9.250E+8 ! Stop : 925.0 MHz

460 Lim2(1,4)=0 ! Response Start: 0 dBm

470 Lim2(1,5)=0 ! Stop : 0 dBm

480 ! -- Segment 2 --

490 Lim2(2,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

500 Lim2(2,2)=9.350E+8 ! Frequency Start: 935.0 MHz

510 Lim2(2,3)=9.600E+8 ! Stop : 960.0 MHz

520 Lim2(2,4)=-9.5 ! Response Start: -9.5 dBm

530 Lim2(2,5)=-9.5 ! Stop : -9.5 dBm

540 ! -- Segment 3 --

550 Lim2(3,1)=1 ! Type : Maximum

560 Lim2(3,2)=9.700E+8 ! Frequency Start: 970.0 MHz

570 Lim2(3,3)=1.0475E+9 ! Stop : 1047.5 MHz

580 Lim2(3,4)=0 ! Response Start: 0 dBm

590 Lim2(3,5)=0 ! Stop : 0 dBm

600 !

610 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS1:FREQ:CENT ";Cent

620 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":SENS1:FREQ:SPAN ";Span

630 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR1:COUN 2"

640 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":DISP:WIND1:SPL D1_2"

650 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":TRIG:SOUR BUS"

660 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":INIT1:CONT ON"

670 !

680 ! Trace 1

690 !

700 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR1:SEL"

710 !

720 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR1:DEF "&Param1$

730 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:FORM "&Fmt1$

740 !

750 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:DATA ";Num_of_seg1;

760 FOR Segment=1 TO Num_of_seg1

770 FOR Column=1 TO 5

780 OUTPUT @Agte506x;",";Lim1(Segment,Column);

790 NEXT Column

800 NEXT Segment

810 OUTPUT @Agte506x;""

820 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:DISP ON"

830 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM ON"

840 !

850 ! Trace 2

860 !

870 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR2:SEL"

880 !

890 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR2:DEF "&Param2$

900 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:FORM "&Fmt2$

910 !

920 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:DATA ";Num_of_seg2;

930 FOR Segment=1 TO Num_of_seg2

940 FOR Column=1 TO 5

950 OUTPUT @Agte506x;",";Lim2(Segment,Column);

960 NEXT Column

970 NEXT Segment

980 OUTPUT @Agte506x;""

990 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:DISP ON"

1000 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM ON"

1010 !

1020 ! Setting status registers

1030 !


1050 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1:PTR 6"

1060 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1:NTR 0"

1070 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM:PTR 2"

1080 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM:NTR 0"

1090 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*CLS"

1100 !

1110 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":TRIG:SING"

1120 OUTPUT @Agte506x;"*OPC?"

1130 ENTER @Agte506x;Buff$

1140 !

1150 ! Checking test results

1160 !

1170 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM?"

1180 ENTER @Agte506x;Reg_val

1190 Ch1_judge=BIT(Reg_val,1)

1200 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":STAT:QUES:LIM:CHAN1?"

1210 ENTER @Agte506x;Reg_val

1220 Tr1_judge=BIT(Reg_val,1)

1230 Tr2_judge=BIT(Reg_val,2)

1240 !

1250 ! Displaying test results

1260 !

1270 IF Ch1_judge=0 THEN

1280 PRINT "## PASS! ##"

1290 ELSE

1300 PRINT "## FAIL! ##"

1310 IF Tr1_judge=0 THEN

1320 PRINT " Trace1(S21): PASS"

1330 ELSE

1340 PRINT " Trace1(S21): FAIL"

1350 !

1360 ! Reading and displaying frequency at failed points

1370 !

1380 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR1:SEL"

1390 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:REP:POIN?"

1400 ENTER @Agte506x;Fail_point

1410 REDIM Fail_data(1:Fail_point)

1420 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:REP?"

1430 ENTER @Agte506x;Fail_data(*)

1440 PRINT " Frequency:"

1450 FOR I=1 TO Fail_point

1460 PRINT USING "3X,MD.4DE";Fail_data(I)

1470 NEXT I

1480 END IF

1490 IF Tr2_judge=0 THEN

1500 PRINT " Trace2(S11): PASS"

1510 ELSE

1520 PRINT " Trace2(S11): FAIL"

1530 !

1540 ! Reading and displaying frequency at failed points

1550 !

1560 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:PAR2:SEL"

1570 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:REP:POIN?"

1580 ENTER @Agte506x;Fail_point

1590 REDIM Fail_data(1:Fail_point)

1600 OUTPUT @Agte506x;":CALC1:LIM:REP?"

1610 ENTER @Agte506x;Fail_data(*)

1620 PRINT " Frequency:"

1630 FOR I=1 TO Fail_point

1640 PRINT USING "3X,MD.4DE";Fail_data(I)

1650 NEXT I

1660 END IF

1670 END IF

1680 END


Line 50

Assigns a GPIB address to the I/O pass.

Lines 70 to 120

These lines store the sweep center value, sweep span value, trace 1 measurement parameter, trace 2 measurement parameter, trace 1 data format, and trace 2 data format into the variables Cent, Span, Param1$, Param2$, Fmt1$, and Fmt2$, respectively.

Line 150

Stores the number of segments in trace 1 limit table into the Num_of_seg1 variable.

Lines 160 to 390

These lines store the settings in trace 1 limit table into the Lim1(*) variable.

Line 410

Stores the number of segments in trace 2 limit table into the Num_of_seg2 variable.

Lines 420 to 590

These lines store the settings in trace 2 limit table into the Lim2(*) variable.

Lines 610 to 620

These lines configure the sweep range for channel 1's sweep range using the center and span values contained in the Cent and Span values.

Lines 630 to 660

These lines configure channel 1 so that it contains 2 traces, displays graphs in two windows tiled horizontally (i.e., with the screen split into upper and lower halves), uses a bus trigger source, and works in continuous activation mode.

Line 700

Sets channel 1's active trace to trace 1.

Lines 720 to 730

These lines store trace 1's measurement parameter and data format into the variables Param1$ and Fmt1$, respectively.

Lines 750 to 810

These lines set up the limit table for trace 1.

Line 750: Sends the command that sets up a limit table along with the Num_of_seg1 variable that contains the number of segments.

Lines 770 to 790: Sends five data items (type, start point stimulus value, end point stimulus value, start point response value, and end point response value) for each segment.

Lines 820 to 830

These lines turn ON the display of limit lines and the Limit Test feature for trace 1.

Line 870

Sets channel 1's active trace to trace 2.

Lines 890 to 900

These lines set trace 2's measurement parameter and data format to Param2$ and Fmt2$, respectively.

Lines 920 to 980

These lines set up the limit table for trace 2.

Lines 990 to 1000

These lines turn ON the display of limit lines and the Limit Test feature for trace 2.

Lines 1040 to 1060

These lines set, under the questionable limit channel 1 status register, the enable register and positive transition filter to 6 (0000000000000110 in binary notation) while setting the negative transition filter to 0 so that the questionable limit status condition register's bit 1 is set to 1 when the test result that combines the results for trace 1 and trace 2 is "fail."

The sample program provides an example of explicitly configuring the register bits so that they reflect the test results that only cover trace 1 and trace 2. However, because the results for traces 3 to 9 will never "fail" as long as the Limit Test feature is disabled for those traces, the register bits would reflect the test result that is limited to traces 1 and 2, even if the default setting is not changed.

Lines 1070 to 1080

These lines set transition filters so that the questionable limit status event register's bit 1 is set to 1 when the questionable limit status condition register's bit 1 changes from 0 to 1.

Line 1090

Clears the questionable limit status event register and questionable limit channel 1 status event register.

Lines 1110 to 1130

These lines trigger the instrument and wait until the sweep cycle is completed.

Lines 1170 to 1190

These lines retrieve the value of the questionable limit status event register and store the setting of bit 1 of the value into Ch1_judge.

Lines 1200 to 1230

These lines retrieve the value of the questionable limit channel 1 status event register and store the settings of bit 1 and bit 2 of the value into Tr1_judge and Tr2_judge, respectively.

Line 1280

Displays a message indicating that the DUT has passed the limit test if the test result for channel 1 is "Pass" (i.e., if Ch1_judge returns 0).

Lines 1300 to 1660

These lines are executed if the test result for channel 1 is "Fail" (i.e., if Ch1_judge returns 1).

Line 1300: Notifies the user that the limit test result is "Fail".

Line 1320: Displays a message indicating that trace 1 has passed the limit test if the test result for trace 1 is "Pass" (i.e., if Tr1_judge returns 0).

Lines 1340 to 1470: These lines are executed if the test result for trace 1 is "Fail" (i.e., if Tr1_judge returns 1). The lines notify the user that the test result for trace 1 is "Fail" and then retrieve and display the frequencies at the failed measurement points on trace 1.

Line 1340: Notifies the user that the limit test result for trace 1 is "Pass."

Line 1380: Sets channel 1's active trace to trace 2.

Lines 1390 to 1410: These lines retrieve the number of failed measurement points on trace 1 and, based on that number, resize the array that contains retrieved frequencies.

Lines 1420 to 1470: These lines retrieve and display the frequencies at the failed measurement points on trace 1.

Line 1500: Displays a message indicating that trace 2 has passed the limit test if the test result for trace 2 is "Pass" (i.e., if Tr2_judge returns 0).

Lines 1520 to 1650: If the test result for trace 2 is "Fail" (i.e., if Tr2_judge returns 1), these lines notify the user that trace 2 has failed to pass the limit test and then retrieve and display the frequencies at the failed measurement points on trace 2.