Other topics about Advanced Calibration
The following table shows the supported calibration for the sliding load and offset load.
Calibration |
Response |
Enhanced Response |
TRL-Line |
Adapter Removal |
Scalar Mixer |
Vector Mixer (VBA) |
Sliding Load |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Offset Load |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
A sliding load is defined by making multiple measurements of the device with the sliding load element positioned at various marked positions of a long transmission line. The transmission line is assumed to have zero reflections and the load element has a finite reflection that can be mathematically removed using a least squares circle fitting method.
A sliding load calibration can be very accurate when performed perfectly. It can also be very inaccurate when not using proper technique. For accurate results, follow the users manual instructions closely.
The following calibration kits are supported:
85052B 3.5 mm Calibration Kit
85054B 50 Ohm Type-N Calibration Kit
85056A 2.4 mm Calibration Kit
Follow these steps to perform calibration using sliding load. The example demonstrates re-calibration for full 1-port calibration.
Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel for which you want to perform the calibration.
Press Cal key.
Click Calibrate > Cal Kit.
Select the calibration kit with sliding load, for example, 85052B.
Press Cal key.
Click Calibrate > 1-Port Cal > Select Ports.
Select the test ports for which you want to perform re-calibration for full 1-port calibration.
Make a OPEN connection on the selected test port.
Click Open.
Make a SHORT connection on the selected test port.
Click Short.
Make a LOAD connection on the selected test port with a sliding load.
Click Calibrate > 1-Port Cal > Load > Load 2 Sliding for female load OR Calibrate > 1-Port Cal > Load > Load 5 for male load. The assignment of female and male loads varies from one calibration kit to another. In the case of 85052B, load 2 is a female and load 5 is a male load.
Slide the load to the desired position and click Sliding Load. Repeat this step for at least 5 times (till Sliding Load 5), then click Done. This step can be repeated at most 10 times only.
Click Return.
Now, all Short, Open and Load should have check mark on their left.
Click Done.
The sweep range setting should match the frequency range of the sliding load. Else, the load process is not executed, hence no check mark appear on the Load softkey. Similarly, if the frequency range is extended, the load process is also not executed. Refer to redefining a calibration kit to learn more about it.
An offset load is a compound standard consisting of a load element and two known offset elements (transmission lines) of different length. The shorter offset element can be a zero-length (Flush-thru) offset. The load element is defined as a 1-port reflection standard. An offset load standard is used when the response of the offset elements are more precisely known than the response of the load element. This is the case with waveguide. Measurement of an offset load standard consists of two measurements, one with each of the two offset elements terminated by the load element. The frequency range of the offset load standard should be set so that there will be at least a 20 degree separation between the expected response of each measurement.
To specify more than two offset elements, define multiple offset load standards.
The following calibration kits are supported:
X11644A X Band 90 Calibration Kit
P11644A P Band WG 62 Calibration Kit
K11644A K Band WG 42 Calibration Kit
Follow these steps to perform calibration using offset load. The example demonstrates re-calibration for full 1-port calibration.
Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel for which you want to perform the calibration.
Press Cal key.
Click Calibrate > Cal Kit.
Select the calibration kit with sliding load, for example, X11644A.
Press Cal key.
Click Calibrate > 1-Port Cal > Select Ports.
Select the test ports for which you want to perform re-calibration for full 1-port calibration.
Make a OPEN connection on the selected test port.
Click Open.
Make a SHORT connection on the selected test port.
Click Short.
Click Calibrate > 1-Port Cal > Load > Load 2 Offset Load.
Make a LOAD connection on the selected test port with a offset load (Thru).
Click Offset Line 1 Thru.
Make a LOAD connection on the selected test port with a offset load (X-band Delay line).
Click X-band Delay Line.
Click Done.
Click Return twice.
Now, all Short, Open and Load should have check mark on their left.
Click Done.
The sweep range setting and Thru Offset frequency range should match the frequency range of the offset load. Else, the load process is not executed, hence no check mark appear on the Load softkey. Similarly, if the frequency range is extended, the load process is also not executed. Refer to redefining a calibration kit to learn more about it.