Setting Stimulus Conditions

You can set the stimulus condition for each channel independently.

Other topics about Setting Measurement Conditions

Setting the Sweep Type

You can select the sweep type from the following four types.



Linear Freq

Sweeps frequencies in linear scale.

Log Freq

Sweeps frequencies in logarithmic scale.

There could be a little bit margin of error between the ideal frequency points of the selected sweep type and the real frequency points of measurement. Use Saving Data in CSV Format or SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.DATA.XAXis command to get the X axis data of actual measurement points.


Performs a sweep with linear sweep conditions (segments) combined. For more information, refer to Performing a Segment-by-Segment Sweep (segment sweep).

Power Sweep

Sweeps power levels in linear scale.

The procedure for selecting the sweep type is as follows:

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel for which you want to set the sweep type.

  2. Press Sweep Setup > Sweep Type.

  3. Press the desired softkey to select the sweep type.

  4. To use the E5071C in CW Time sweep, refer to Setting CW Time Sweep

Setting the Sweep Range

There are two ways to set the sweep range: by specifying the lowest and the highest values and by specifying the center value and a span. Once the sweep range is set, it is possible to change the range by substituting the lowest value, the highest value, or the center value with a value (stimulus value) represented by a marker on the trace.


Setting the Sweep Range with the Lowest and Highest Values

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel whose sweep range will be set.

  2. Click Start, then input the lowest value.

  3. Click Stop, then input the highest value.

Setting the Sweep Range with the Center Value and a Span

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel whose sweep range will be set.

  2. Click Center, then input the center value.

  3. Click Span, then input the span value.

Setting the Sweep Range Using the Marker

  1. In the channel window whose range must be set, place the active marker on the active trace to a position that corresponds to the new range (to the lowest, highest, or center value).

  2. Press Marker Fctn key.

  3. Click the softkey that corresponds to each value.



    Marker -> Start

    Sets the lowest value to the stimulus value of the active marker on the currently active trace.

    Marker -> Stop

    Sets the highest value to the stimulus value of the active marker on the currently active trace.

    Marker -> Center

    Sets the center value to the stimulus value of the active marker on the currently active trace.

  4. If the reference marker is on and the stimulus value of the active marker is expressed by a value relative to the reference marker, the absolute stimulus value will be used to set the new sweep rang.

Enable Stimulus Signal Output

You can turn on/off the stimulus signal output, but this will prevent you from performing measurement. Therefore, you will not normally use this feature. This is mainly used to turn the output back to on after it has been turned off by the power trip feature.

Follow these steps to turn the stimulus signal output on/off:

  1. Press Sweep Setup key.

  2. Click Power > RF Out (Each press toggles between on/off).

When set to off, "RF OFF" is displayed in Instrument Status Bar.

Power trip

The power trip is a feature that the instrument uses to automatically turn off the output of the stimulus signal to protect the instrument when a signal whose level exceeds the upper limit is inputted to the test port.

If the power output is automatically turned off by the power trip feature, remove the cause of the over-input and turn on the power output according to the above steps to restart the measurement.

Setting power level

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key.

  3. Click Power > Port Couple, then select the on/off setting of the level coupling for all ports.


    The same power level is outputted to all ports.


    A specific power level is outputted to each port independently.

  4. The power level of port 1 is coupled with the power level for all ports.

  5. If you change the on/off setting of the level coupling, all ports are automatically changed to the same level value as that of port 1.

  1. Follows the following procedure according to Port Couple.

Correcting attenuation of power level (using power slope feature)

You can use the power slope feature to correct the attenuation of a power level so that it is simply proportional to the frequency (attenuation due to cables and so on), which improves the accuracy of the level actually applied to the DUT.

Turning power slope feature on/off

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key.

  3. Click Power > Slope [OFF] (Slope [ON]). Each press toggles between on/off.

Setting correction coefficient (correction amount per 1 GHz)

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key.

  3. Click Power > Slope [xxx dB/GHz] ("xxx" represents the current set value.).

  4. Enter the correction coefficient using the ENTRY block keys on the front panel.

Setting fixed frequency at power sweep

The procedure for setting the fixed frequency (CW frequency) at the power sweep is as follows:

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key.

  3. Click Power > CW Freq, then enter the fixed frequency.

Setting CW Time Sweep

The E5071C supports sweep type of CW Time where the E5071C is set to a single frequency, and the data is displayed versus time. To use the E5071C in CW time, follow the procedure explained below:

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the channel whose sweep range will be set.

  2. Press Sweep Setup > Sweep Time, then input the duration of the sweep which is displayed on X-axis.

  3. Click Span, then input the span value as 0 Hz (zero span).

  4. Press Center, then input the center value.

  5. Press Marker to display the marker 1. The marker position shows the time for its measurement point.

Setting Power Level with Auto Power Range (options 2D5, 4D5, 2K5 and 4K5 only)

When the Auto Power Range set function is effective, the proper source attenuator and power range are selected automatically according to the output power setting of each channel.

Under the following conditions, turn OFF the Auto Power Range set function and set the power range and power level manually:

Setting the level

  1. Press Channel Prev/Channel Next to select the channel for which you want to set the power level.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key, then click Power > Port Couple and select the ON/OFF setting of the level coupling for all ports.




The same power level is outputted to all ports.


A specific power level is outputted to each port independently.

  1. The power level of port 1 is coupled with the power level for all ports when Port Couple is set to ON.

  2. If you change the on/off setting of the level coupling, all ports are automatically changed to the same level value as that of port 1.

  3. When setting level for all ports (Port Couple ON), click Power input the power level using the ENTRY block keys on the front panel.

When setting level for each port (Port Couple OFF), click Port Power and select the softkey corresponding to each port (Port 1 Power to Port 4 Power).

The table below describes the relation between source power level and step attenuation:

Source Power Range

Step Attenuation

-25 ~ +10 dBm

0 dB

-35 ~  0 dBm

10 dB

-45 ~ -10 dBm

20 dB

-55 ~ -20 dBm

30 dB

-65 ~ -30 dBm

40 dB

-75 ~ -40 dBm

50 dB

-85 ~ -50 dBm

60 dB

For Auto Power Range setting, the minimum value of step attenuation is selected according to the available source power level. The table below describes the step attenuation selection based on the setting source power level:

Source Power Range

Step Attenuation

-25 ≤ power ≤ +10 dBm

0 dB

-35 ≤ power <  -25 dBm

10 dB

-45 ≤ power < -35 dBm

20 dB

-55 ≤ power < -45 dBm

30 dB

-65 ≤ power < -55 dBm

40 dB

-75 ≤ power < -65 dBm

50 dB

-85 ≤ power < -75 dBm

60 dB

When Power Sweep is selected as sweep type, Step attenuation is selected with the start power condition and the maximum value of the Stop power (>= Start Power) is selected with the step ATT value.

For example:

Correcting attenuation of power level (using power slope feature)

You can use the power slope feature to correct the attenuation of a power level so that it is simply proportional to the frequency (attenuation due to cables and so on), which improves the accuracy of the level actually applied to the DUT.

Turning power slope feature on/off

  1. Press Channel Prev/Channel Next to select the channel for which the power slope feature will be turned OFF.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key, then click Power > Slope and select the ON/OFF setting of the power level.

Setting correction coefficient (correction amount for 1 GHz)

  1. Press Channel Prev/Channel Next to select the channel for which you want to set the correction coefficient.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key, then click Power > Slope [xxx dB/GHz] where “xxx” represents the current set value and input the correction coefficient using the ENTRY block keys on the front panel.

Setting the Number of Points

The number of points is the number of data items collected in one sweep. It can be set to any number from 2 to 1601 for each channel independently.

Setting the number of points

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key.

  3. Click Points, then input the desired number of points.

Setting the Sweep Time

Sweep time is the time it takes to complete a sweep for each stimulus (source) port. Two modes are available for setting the sweep time: manual sweep time mode and automatic sweep time mode.

Manual Sweep Time Mode

In this mode, the sweep time is set manually. Once the sweep time is set, changes in measurement conditions will not affect the sweep time as long as it is within the analyzer's capability. If the sweep time becomes lower than the analyzer's lower sweep time limit, the sweep time will be reset to the shortest time within the conditions. If the sweep time exceeds the analyzer's upper sweep time limit, the sweep time will be reset to the longest time within the conditions.

Automatic Sweep Time Mode

The sweep time is always kept to the shortest time possible with the current measurement conditions.

The following figure shows the definitions of the sweep time and the sweep delay time.


Sweep delay is time before starting a sweep for each stimulus (source) port

Setting Up the Sweep Time (Manual Sweep Time Mode)

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key, then Click Sweep Time.

  3. Using the ENTRY block keys on the front panel, input the desired sweep time (in seconds).

If the previous operation mode was automatic sweep time mode, entering a new sweep time forces the analyzer to switch to manual sweep time mode.

Switching to Automatic Sweep Time Mode

  1. Press Channel Next/Channel Prev keys to select the desired channel.

  2. Press Sweep Setup key, then click Sweep Time, press  0 > x1.

By entering zero (seconds), automatic sweep time becomes effective.