Performing 8 term Calibration using External PC

Other topics about Advanced Calibration


To perform 8-term error model calibration using an external PC (measuring raw measurement data using the E5071C, calculating error term using external PC and then performing correction with calculated error terms and measured raw data), the procedure described in this section must be followed. When you use this method, the measurement specification is not satisfied.


Turning off the "System Calibration"

In its default setting, the E5071C applies "system calibration" to the measured S-parameter data. Because the "system calibration" is applied only to the S-parameter measurement data and NOT to the absolute value measurement data, it interferes with 8-term error model calibration when calculating error coefficients on external computer. You need to turn OFF this state, all the time for calibration and measurement.

The system calibration can be turned off by executing SCPI.SYSTem.CORRection.STATe

Turning off the "Virtual Bridge" (3 GHz, 4.5 GHz, 6.5 GHz and 8.5 GHz option only)

There is a software conversion function called "virtual bridge" on E5071C. The default setting of this state is ON, and this state interferes with 8-term error model calibration when calculating error coefficients on external computer. You need to turn OFF this state, all the time for the calibration and the measurement.

The virtual bridge can be turned off by the command: SERVice:ADJust:VIRTual:BRIDge[:STATe] {ON|OFF|1|0}.

Set the "RF ranging mode" to MANual  (3 GHz, 4.5 GHz, 6.5 GHz and 8.5 GHz option only)

There is a hardware function called "RF ranging mode" on E5071C. The default setting of this state is AUTO, and this state interferes with 8-term error model calibration when calculating error coefficients on external computer. You need to turn off the "RF ranging Auto mode".

The "RF ranging mode" can be changed by the command: SERVice:ADJust:SENSe[Ch]:SWEep:RF:RANGe:PORT[Pt]:AUTO {ON|OFF}. This command applies to each channel and measurement port.

You need to keep the state of "RF range Auto Mode" as OFF, all the time for calibration and measurement using this method


Assume you perform 4-port TRL calibration on channel1, you need to send following command before calibration. Also, you need to keep this state all the time for calibration and measurement.

SYSTem:CORRection:STATe OFF  'system correction off

SERVice:ADJust:VIRTual:BRIDge:STATe OFF  'virtual bridge off

SERVice:ADJust:SENSe1:SWEep:RF:RANGe:PORT1:AUTO OFF  'RF ranging mode to manual on port1

SERVice:ADJust:SENSe1:SWEep:RF:RANGe:PORT2:AUTO OFF  'RF ranging mode to manual on port2

SERVice:ADJust:SENSe1:SWEep:RF:RANGe:PORT3:AUTO OFF  'RF ranging mode to manual on port3

SERVice:ADJust:SENSe1:SWEep:RF:RANGe:PORT4:AUTO OFF  'RF ranging mode to manual on port4