Property (Read Only)
All revision:
Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.DATA.XAXis
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).DATA.XAXis
This command reads the data of measurement points of X axis, for the active trace of selected channel (Ch).
In revision A.9.60 and above, you can select the trace and read the data of measurement points of X axis for the trace just by executing the above TRACe(Tr) command. You do not need to execute SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).SELect.
Parameter |
Data |
Description |
Indicates the array data (measurement points) of X axis |
Data type |
Variant type (Variant) |
Dim AnaData As Variant
No equivalent key is available on the front panel.
All revision:
In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:
<numeric 1>,… ,<numeric N><^END>
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