Object type

Property (Read-Write)


All revision:

SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = Data

Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).SELected.RLIMit.DATA


In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:

SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).RLIMit.DATA = Data

Data = SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).TRACe(Tr).RLIMit.DATA


This command sets/gets the ripple limit table for the active trace (specified with the SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).SELect command)of selected channel (Ch).

The data transfer format when this command is executed depends on the setting with the SCPI.FORMat.DATA command.

In revision A.9.60 and above, you can select the trace and set/get the ripple limit table for the trace just by executing the above TRACe(Tr) command. You do not need to execute SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(Tr).SELect.





Indicates the array data (for ripple line) of 1 + Num (number of limit lines)\ 4. Where n is an integer between 1 and Num.

  • Data(0) :The number of limit lines you want to set. Specify an integer ranging 0 to 12. When the number of limit lines is set to 0 (clears the limit table), the variable Data is only required with Data(0).

  • Data(nx4-3) :The type of the n-th line.
    Specify an integer 0 to 1 as follows.
    0: OFF
    1: ON

  • Data(nx4-2) :The value on the horizontal axis (frequency/power/time) of the start point of the n-th line.

  • Data(nx4-1) :The value on the horizontal axis (frequency/power/time) of the end point of the n-th line.

  • Data(nx4) :The ripple line value (dB) of the n-th line.

The index of the array starts from 0.

Data type

Variant type (Variant)


If there is no array data of 1+Num (number of set lines))*4 when setting a formatted memory array, an error occurs when executed and the object is ignored. For Data(n \   4-3) in the array data, if you specify an integer other than 0 or 1, an error occurs when executed. For Data(n* 4-2) and Data(n * 4-1) in the array data, if the specified value is out of the allowable setup range, the minimum value (if the lower limit of the range is not reached) or the maximum value (if the upper limit of the range is exceeded) is set.

Examples (1)

Dim RLimData As Variant
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = Array(1,1,1E6,1E9,0)
RLimData = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA

SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = Array(0) ''' Clear Ripple Limit Table

Examples (2)

Dim RlimData(5) As Variant
Dim Ref As Variant
RLimData(0) = 1
RLimData(1) = 1
RLimData(2) = 1e6
RLimData(3) = 1e9
RLimData(4) = 0
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = RLimData
Ref = SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA

Dim RLimData(0) as Variant
RLimData(0) = 0
SCPI.CALCulate(1).SELected.RLIMit.DATA = RLimData ''' Clear Ripple Limit Table

Related objects



Equivalent key

Analysis > Ripple Limit > Edit Ripple Limit > Add

Equivalent SCPI command


All revision:

:CALCulate{[1]-160}[:SELected]:RLIMit:DATA <numeric 1>,… ,<numeric 1+(N4)>



In revision A.9.60 and above, the following syntax is also supported:

:CALCulate{[1]-160}:TRACe{[1]-16}:RLIMit:DATA <numeric 1>,… ,<numeric 1+(N4)>


Query response

{numeric 1},… ,{numeric 1+(Nx4)}<newline><^END>

Example of use

10 DIM B(1:2,1:4)
20 OUTPUT 717;":CALC1:RLIM:DATA 2,1,1E9,3E9,3,1,5E9,7E9,3"
40 ENTER 717;A,B(*)

10 OUTPUT 717;":CALC1:RLIM:DATA 0" ! Clear Ripple Limit Table