2 Channels Measurement

Other topics about TDR Sample Program


2 channel measurement allows you to makes TDR measurement on channel 1 and more customized S-parameter measurement on channel2. This is a program example of the 2 Channel Measurement Example. In 2 channel measurement, you need to setup two logical instrument, E5071C and E5071C-TDR. In this sample program, the E5071C is assigned as ENA and E5071C-TDR is assigned as ENATDR.

The TDR commands should be sent to ENATDR and The E5071C standard commands should be sent to ENA.

Note for 2 Channels Measurement

Sample Program in Excel VBA (VISA-COM)

Grobal valiables

    Dim rm As VisaComLib.ResourceManager

    Dim ENA As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

    Dim ENATDR As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

    Dim NumDmy As Integer


Open Instruments

Sub OpenInstrument()

    On Error GoTo errorhandler

    Set rm = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager

    Set ENA = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488

    Set ENATDR = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488


    ' Change the VISA address for your configuration. For example, if using USB interface, an example would be rm.Open("USB0::0x0957::0x0D09::{serial number}::0::INSTR"), if using LAN interface, an example would be rm.Open("TCPIP0::{ip address}::inst0::INSTR"). If using LAN interface, SICL-LAN Server in the E5071C should be turned on.

    Set ENA.IO = rm.Open("GPIB0::17::INSTR")

    ' Set time out time for ENA at 30 second

    ENA.IO.Timeout = 30000


    ' TDR address is not necessary to change.

    Set ENATDR.IO = rm.Open("TCPIP0::localhost::inst0::INSTR")

   ' Set time out time for ENATDR at 70 second

    ENATDR.IO.Timeout = 70000


    ' Clear Excel Sheet Cells





    MsgBox "E5071C and E5071C-TDR are opened.", vbOKOnly

    Exit Sub


    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

End Sub


Preparation for 2 Channels

Sub Preparation()

    On Error GoTo errorhandler

    ' Note: Must put *OPC? when you change the control between ENA and ENATDR.

    With ENA

        ' ENA- Preset ENA

        .WriteString "*RST"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    With ENATDR

        ' TDR- Set Diff 2 port as DUT

        .WriteString ":CALC:DEV DIF2"

        ' TDR- Wait Until Topology Setting is finished.

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber


        ' TDR- Trigger Hold

        .WriteString ":TRIG:MODE HOLD"


        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    ' ENA- Setup ENA

    With ENA

        ' Allocate channel must be done after TDR DUT Type setting.

        .WriteString ":DISP:SPL D12"


        ' ENA- Set Trigger at BUS

        .WriteString ":TRIG:SOUR BUS"


        ' ENA- Set Trigger scope at Active channel only

        .WriteString ":TRIG:SCOP ACT"


        ' ENA- Beep Warning OFF

        .WriteString ":SYST:BEEP:WARN:STAT OFF"


        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    MsgBox "Preparation for 2ch is done.", vbOKOnly

    Exit Sub



    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext


End Sub


Setup for Channel 1

Sub SetupCh1()

   On Error GoTo errorhandler


    With ENATDR


        ' TDR- Execute Deskew

        FrmDeSkew.Show  ' Call DeSkew subroutine in Form


        ' TDR- Execute Auto DUT Length

        FrmDUTLength.Show  ' Call DUT Length subroutine in From


        ' TDR- Set rise time for Traces 1 and 2

        .WriteString ":CALC:TRAC1:TIME:STEP:RTIM:THR T2_8"

        .WriteString ":CALC:TRAC1:TIME:STEP:RTIM:DATA 50e-12"

        .WriteString ":CALC:TRAC2:TIME:STEP:RTIM:THR T2_8"

        .WriteString ":CALC:TRAC2:TIME:STEP:RTIM:DATA 50e-12"


        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    ' Advance mode setting (such as Limit Test) for channel 1 (TDR) should be setup through ENA


    With ENA

        ' ENA- Limit Test ON

        .WriteString ":CALC1:LIM ON"

        ' ENA- Limit Line On

        .WriteString ":CALC1:LIM:DISP ON"

        ' ENA- Edit Limit Line

        .WriteString ":CALC1:LIM:DATA 2,1,0,1e-9,105,105,2,0,1e-9,75,75"


        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With



    MsgBox "Setup for Ch1 is done.", vbOKOnly

    Exit Sub



    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

End Sub


Deskew (This is called from SetupCh1)

Sub DeSkew()

    With ENATDR

        ' TDR- Execute Descrew

        .WriteString ":SENS:CORR:EXT:AUTO:IMM"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With

End Sub


DutLength (This is called from SetupCh1)

Sub DUTLength()

    With ENATDR

        ' TDR- Execute Auto DUT length

        .WriteString ":SENS:DLEN:AUTO:IMM"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With

End Sub


Measurement for Channel 1

Sub MeasCh1()

      On Error GoTo errorhandler


    Dim TimeData() As Double, Impedance() As Double

    Dim Nop As Integer, PassFail As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer


    ' Making Measurement for TDR (Channel 1)


    With ENA

        ' ENA- Set active channel at channel 1

        .WriteString ":DISP:WIND1:ACT"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    With ENATDR

        ' TDR- Single Trigger

        .WriteString ":TRIG:SING"

        ' TDR- Wait for measurement end

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

        ' TDR- Autoscale

        .WriteString ":DISP:ATR:SCAL:AUTO"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    ' Read TDR data (Channel1) - TDR Data should be read through ENA.


    With ENA

        ' Query Number of Test Points

        .WriteString ":SENS1:SWE:POIN?"

        Nop = .ReadNumber

        ReDim TimeData(Nop - 1)

        ReDim Impedance(Nop * 2 - 1)

        ' Get the data for X axis.

        .WriteString ":CALC1:SEL:DATA:XAX?"

        TimeData() = .ReadList(ASCIIType_R8, ",")

        ' Select the trace 1.

        .WriteString ":CALC1:PAR1:SEL"

        ' Get the data for Y axis for active trace.

        .WriteString ":CALC1:DATA:FDAT?"

        Impedance() = .ReadList(ASCIIType_R8, ",")

        ' Get limit line test result

        .WriteString ":CALC1:LIM:FAIL?"

        PassFail = .ReadNumber


        k = 0

        For i = 0 To Nop - 1

            Cells(i + 7, 4) = TimeData(i)

            Cells(i + 7, 5) = Impedance(k)

            k = k + 2

        Next i

        Cells(4, 5) = PassFail

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    'MsgBox "Measurement for Ch1 is done.", vbOKOnly

    Exit Sub



    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext


End Sub


Setup for Ch2


Sub SetupCh2()

    On Error GoTo errorhandler

    With ENA


        ' Setup Network measurement(S-Parameter) on channel 2.


        ' ENA- Set Start Frequency

        .WriteString ":SENS2:FREQ:STAR 1E9"

        ' ENA- Set Stop Frequency

        .WriteString ":SENS2:FREQ:STOP 3E9"

        ' ENA- Set IFBW

        .WriteString ":SENS2:BAND 1E3"

        ' ENA- Fixture Simulator ON

        .WriteString ":CALC2:FSIM:STAT ON"

        ' ENA- Set topology at Balance-Balance

        .WriteString ":CALC2:FSIM:BAL:DEV BBAL"

        ' ENA- Assign Phisical Ports

        .WriteString ":CALC2:FSIM:BAL:TOP:BBAL 1,2,3,4"

        ' ENA- Balance-Balance Conversion ON

        .WriteString ":CALC2:FSIM:BAL:PAR1:STAT ON"

        ' ENA- Select Measurement Parameter at Sdd21

        .WriteString ":CALC2:FSIM:BAL:PAR1:BBAL SDD21"


        ' ENA- Limit Test ON

        .WriteString ":CALC2:LIM ON"

        ' ENA- Limit Line On

        .WriteString ":CALC2:LIM:DISP ON"

        ' ENA- Edit Limit Table

        .WriteString ":CALC2:LIM:DATA 3,2,100e6,1.25e9,-1.5,-5,2,1.25e9,2.5e9,-5,-7.5,2,2.5e9,7.5e9,-7.5,-25"


        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With




    MsgBox "Setup Ch2 is done.", vbOKOnly

    Exit Sub



    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

End Sub


EcalCalibration (This is called from SetupCh2)


Sub EcalCalibration()

    With ENA

        ' ENA- 4 Port Ecal

        .WriteString ":SENS2:CORR:COLL:ECAL:SOLT4 1,2,3,4"

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With

End Sub


Measurement for channel 2

Sub MeasCh2()

    On Error GoTo errorhandler

    Dim FreqData() As Double, InsersionLoss() As Double

    Dim Nop As Integer, PassFail As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer


    With ENA

        ' ENA- Set active channel at channel 2

        .WriteString ":DISP:WIND2:ACT"

        ' ENA- Single Trigger

        .WriteString ":INIT2;:TRIG:SING"

        ' ENA- Wait for measurement end

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    ' Read Newtwork Meaurement (Channel 2) data


    With ENA

        ' ENA- Get Number of Points of data

        .WriteString ":SENS2:SWE:POIN?"

        Nop = .ReadNumber

        ' Get the data for x-axis (Frequency)

        ReDim FreqData(Nop - 1)

        .WriteString ":SENS2:FREQ:DATA?"

        FreqData() = .ReadList(ASCIIType_R8, ",")

        ' Select the trace 1.

        .WriteString ":CALC2:PAR1:SEL"

        ' Get the data for Y-axis (Sdd21 - LogMag)

        ReDim InsersionLoss(Nop * 2 - 1)

        .WriteString ":CALC2:DATA:FDATA?"

        InsersionLoss() = .ReadList(ASCIIType_R8, ",")

        ' Get limit line test result

        .WriteString ":CALC2:LIM:FAIL?"

        PassFail = .ReadNumber


        k = 0

        For i = 0 To Nop - 1

            Cells(i + 7, 7) = FreqData(i)

            Cells(i + 7, 8) = InsersionLoss(k)

            k = k + 2

        Next i

        Cells(4, 8) = PassFail

        ' *OPC? for checking the process finish

        .WriteString "*OPC?"

        NumDmy = .ReadNumber

    End With


    Exit Sub



    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Occurred", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext

End Sub


Close Instrument

Sub CloseInstrument()




    MsgBox "E5071C and E5071C-TDR are closed.", vbOKOnly


End Sub