Measurement Using E5091A (measuring FEM)

Other topics about Application Programs


The apl_fem.vba shows front end module (FEM) measurement as a sample program of measurement using the E5091A.

This program calibrates each channel using the ECal module and then measures the transmission characteristics EGSM:Tx-Antenna (channel 1), EGSM:Antenna-Rx (channel 2), GSM1800:Tx-Antenna (channel 3), and GSM1800:Antenna-Rx (channel 4) of the 6-port dual-band FEM as shown in the below figure.

When you start the program, "Connect A and T1 to ECal Module" is displayed. Connect the cables from A and T1 of the E5091A to the ECal module and then press the OK key to calibrate channel 1. If trouble occurs due to a problem in the connection to the ECal module, an error message is displayed. You can execute calibration again by clicking the Retry button. If you want to abort the program, click the Cancel button. For channels 2 to 4, execute the calibration in the same way.


When calibration is complete, "Set DUT" is displayed. Connect the DUT (FEM) and the E5091A as shown below and click the OK button to start measurement.


















Control Line 1


Control Line 2


The following figure shows a sample display of the LCD screen after the program exits execution.

 Example of display after execution of program in "apl_fem.vba"


The FEM measurement program (object name: mdlFemMeas) is described in detail below. Line numbers are added for description purpose only and do not appear in the actual program source code.

Lines 140 to 330

Set the ports assigned to Port 1 to Port 4 of the E5091A and the control line setting (table below) into the variables.

Channel number

Port 1

Port 2

Port 3

Port 4

Control Lines






0 (00000000)






2 (00000010)






0 (00000000)






1 (00000001)


Lines 340 to 660

Set the settings required for the measurement conditions in the table below to the variables.

Channel number

Sweep range

Number of points

Number of traces

Measurement parameter




400 MHz

1.4 GHz





880 MHz

1 GHz






1.34 GHz

2.34 GHz





1.665 GHz

2.015 GHz





Channel number

Fixture simulator






E/span> E/span> 

[EGSM] Tx-Antenna



SE:1, Bal:3,4

[EGSM] Antenna-Rx



E/span> E/span> 

[GSM1800] Antenna-Rx



E/span> E/span>

[GSM1800] Tx-Antenna


Line 710

Puts the instrument into preset state.

Line 720

Allocates the windows to the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right.

Lines 740 to 1020

Repeat the following for channels 1 to 4, where Ch is the channel number.

   Lines 780 to 810: For the E5091A whose ID is 1, set the port assigned to port 1 to Port1(Ch-1), the port assigned to port 2 to Port2(Ch-1), the Port assigned to port 3 to Port3(Ch-1), and the port assigned to port 4 to Port4(Ch-1).

   Line 820: Sets the control line of the E5091A whose ID is 1 to Clines(Ch-1).

   Lines 860 to 890: Set the sweep start value to Freq_star(Ch-1), the sweep stop value to Freq_stop(Ch-1), the number of points to Nop(Ch-1), and the number of traces to N_tr(Ch-1).

   Lines 910 to 950: If the fixture simulator function is ON (Fsim(Ch-1) is True), these lines set the fixture simulator function to ON, the device type to Dev(Ch-1), the port assignment to Tpl(Ch-1), the balance-unbalance conversion to ON, and the measurement parameter (mix mode S-parameter) to Trc(Ch-1).

   Line 970: If the fixture simulator function is OFF (Fsim(i) is False), sets the measurement parameter (S-parameter) to Trc(Ch-1).

   Lines 990 to 1010: Set the title label to Ttl(Ch-1), the title display to ON, and the continuous startup mode to ON.

Line 1040

Sets the trigger source to "Bus."

Lines 1050 to 1060

For the E5091A whose ID is 1, set the property display to ON and the control to ON.

Lines 1100 to 1120

Recall the Function procedure: ECal_solt (Lines 1410 to 1770) to execute the calibration of channel 1 with the ECal module (full 2-port calibration of ports A and T1). If the calibration is not completed correctly, these lines abort the program.

Lines 1130 to 1210

Execute the calibration of channels 2 to 4 in the same way.

Line 1260

Displays the message that prompts for connecting a DUT (Device Under Test) and waits for the OK button to be clicked after the connection.

Lines 1280 to 1290

Generate a trigger to start a single sweep and wait until the measurement finishes (1 is read out with the SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC object).

Lines 1310 to 1330

Execute auto scale for trace 1 of channels 1 to 4.

Line 1350

Displays the message asking whether you want to perform measurement again.

Line 1360

If the Yes button is clicked, returns to the DUT connection section.

Function procedure: ECal_solt (lines 1410 to 1770)

Line 1460

Clears the error queue.

Lines 1460 to 1480

Display the message that prompts for connecting the Tset_Port of the E5091A to the ECal module and wait for the OK button to be clicked after the connection.

Line 1500

Enables the error handling routine starting from Ecal_Err (lines 1670 to 1740). If a runtime error occurs, the program goes to the error handling routine.

Line 1540

If solt is 1, executes the ECal command that performs 1-port calibration on port Ana_port(0) of channel Ch.

Line 1560

If solt is 2, executes the ECal command that performs full 2-port calibration on port Ana_port of channel Ch.

Line 1580

If solt is 3, executes the ECal command that performs full 3-port calibration on port Ana_port of channel Ch.

Line 1600

If solt is 4, executes the ECal command that performs full 4-port calibration on port Ana_port of channel Ch.

Line 1630

Sets the return value of ECal_solt to 0.

Lines 1670 to 1740

Define a runtime error handler.

   Lines 780 to 810: For the E5091A whose ID is 1, these lines set the port assigned to port 1 to Port1(Ch-1), the port assigned to port 2 to Port2(Ch-1), the Port assigned to port 3 to Port3(Ch-1), and the port assigned to port 4 to Port4(Ch-1).

   Line 1670: Retrieves the error number and error message from the error queue.

   Line 1680: Displays the error message.

   Line 1700: When the Retry button is clicked, the program disables the error handler routine and then returns to the connection part and repeats ECal.

   Lines 1720 to 1730: When the Cancel button is clicked, the program sets the return value of ECal_solt to the error number and disables the error handler routine.

Sample Program

Measurement of FEM (object name: mdlFemMeas)

10| Sub Main()


30| Dim Port1(3) As String, Port2(3) As String

40| Dim Port3(3) As String, Port4(3) As String

50| Dim Trc(3) As String, Fsim(3) As Boolean, Dev(3) As String

60| Dim Tpl(3) As Variant, Ttl(3) As String, Inp_char As String

70| Dim Freq_star(3) As Double, Freq_stop(3) As Double

80| Dim CLines(3) As Long, Nop(3) As Long, N_tr(3) As Long

90| Dim Ch As Long, Res As Long, Buff As Long, Dmy As Long

100| Dim AnaPort As Variant

110| '

120| ' E5091A Setup

130| '

140| Port1(0) = "A" '[Ch1] Port1: A

150| Port2(0) = "T1" ' Port2: T1

160| Port3(0) = "R1" ' Port3: R1+

170| Port4(0) = "R1" ' Port4: R1-

180| CLines(0) = 0 ' Control Lines: 0

190| Port1(1) = "A" '[Ch2] Port1: A

200| Port2(1) = "T1" ' Port2: T1

210| Port3(1) = "R1" ' Port3: R1+

220| Port4(1) = "R1" ' Port3: R1-

230| CLines(1) = 2 ' Control Lines: 2 (Line1:HIGH)

240| Port1(2) = "A" '[Ch3] Port1: A

250| Port2(2) = "T2" ' Port2: T2

260| Port3(2) = "R2" ' Port3: R2+

270| Port4(2) = "R2" ' Port4: R2- (Dummy)

280| CLines(2) = 0 ' Control Lines: 2 (Line1:HIGH)

290| Port1(3) = "A" '[Ch4] Port1: A

300| Port2(3) = "T2" ' Port2: T2

310| Port3(3) = "R2" ' Port3: R2+

320| Port4(3) = "R2" ' Port4: R2- (Dummy)

330| CLines(3) = 1 ' Control Lines: 1 (Line0:HIGH)

340| '

350| ' Measurement Condition

360| ' [Ch1]

370| Freq_star(0) = 400000000# ' Start frequency : 400 MHz

380| Freq_stop(0) = 1400000000# ' Stop frequency : 1.4 GHz

390| Nop(0) = 51 ' Number of points : 51

400| N_tr(0) = 1 ' Number of traces : 1

410| Fsim(0) = False ' Fixture Simulator : OFF

420| Trc(0) = "S12" ' Meas. parameter : S12

430| Ttl(0) = "[EGSM] Tx-Antenna" ' Title

440| ' [Ch2]

450| Freq_star(1) = 880000000# ' Start frequency : 880 MHz

460| Freq_stop(1) = 1000000000# ' Stop frequency : 1 GHz

470| Nop(1) = 101 ' Number of points : 101

480| N_tr(1) = 1 ' Number of traces : 1

490| Fsim(1) = True ' Fixture Simulator : ON

500| Dev(1) = "SBAL" ' Bal. Device Type : SE-Bal

510| Tpl(1) = Array(1, 3, 4) ' Topology : SE:1, Bal:3-4

520| Trc(1) = "SDS21" ' Meas. parameter : Sds21

530| Ttl(1) = "[EGSM] Antenna-Rx" ' Title

540| ' [Ch3]

550| Freq_star(2) = 1340000000# ' Start frequency : 1.34 GHz

560| Freq_stop(2) = 2340000000# ' Stop frequency : 2.34 GHz

570| Nop(2) = 201 ' Number of points : 201

580| N_tr(2) = 1 ' Number of traces : 1

590| Fsim(2) = False ' Fixture Simulator : OFF

600| Trc(2) = "S12" ' Meas. parameter : S12

610| Ttl(2) = "[GSM1800] Tx-Antenna" ' Title

620| ' [Ch4]

630| Freq_star(3) = 1665000000# ' Start frequency : 1.665 GHz

640| Freq_stop(3) = 2015000000# ' Stop frequency : 2.015 GHz

650| Nop(3) = 101 ' Number of points : 101

660| N_tr(3) = 1 ' Number of traces : 1

670| Fsim(3) = False ' Fixture Simulator : OFF

680| Trc(3) = "S31" ' Meas. parameter : S31

690| Ttl(3) = "[GSM1800] Antenna-Rx" ' Title



720| SCPI.DISPlay.Split = "D12_34"


740| For Ch = 1 To 4

750| '

760| ' E5091A Setup

770| '

780| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).MULTiplexer(1).TSET9.Port1 = Port1(Ch - 1)

790| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).MULTiplexer(1).TSET9.Port2 = Port2(Ch - 1)

800| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).MULTiplexer(1).TSET9.Port3 = Port3(Ch - 1)

810| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).MULTiplexer(1).TSET9.Port4 = Port4(Ch - 1)

820| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).MULTiplexer(1).TSET9.OUTPut.DATA = CLines(Ch - 1)

830| '

840| ' Measurement Condition

850| '

860| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).FREQuency.STARt = Freq_star(Ch - 1)

870| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).FREQuency.STOP = Freq_stop(Ch - 1)

880| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).SWEep.POINts = Nop(Ch - 1)

890| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter.Count = N_tr(Ch - 1)

900| If Fsim(Ch - 1) = True Then

910| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).FSIMulator.STATe = True

920| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).FSIMulator.BALun.DEVice = Dev(Ch - 1)

930| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).FSIMulator.BALun.TOPology.SBALanced.PPOR ts = Tpl(Ch - 1)

940| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).FSIMulator.BALun.PARameter(1).STATe = Tr ue

950| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).FSIMulator.BALun.PARameter(1).SBALanced. DEFine = Trc(Ch - 1)

960| Else

970| SCPI.CALCulate(Ch).PARameter(1).DEFine = Trc(Ch - 1)

980| End If

990| SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(Ch).TITLe.DATA = Ttl(Ch - 1)

1000| SCPI.DISPlay.WINDow(Ch).TITLe.STATe = True

1010| SCPI.INITiate(Ch).CONTinuous = True

1020| Next Ch


1040| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.Source = "BUS"

1050| SCPI.SENSe.MULTiplexer(1).DISPlay.STATe = True

1060| SCPI.SENSe.MULTiplexer(1).STATe = True

1070| '

1080| ' Calibration

1090| '

1100| AnaPort = Array(1, 2)

1110| Res = ECal_Solt(1, 2, AnaPort, "A and T1")

1120| If Res <> 0 Then GoTo Prg_end

1130| AnaPort = Array(1, 3, 4)

1140| Res = ECal_Solt(2, 3, AnaPort, "A, R1+ and R1-")

1150| If Res <> 0 Then GoTo Prg_end

1160| AnaPort = Array(1, 2)

1170| Res = ECal_Solt(3, 2, AnaPort, "A and T2")

1180| If Res <> 0 Then GoTo Prg_end

1190| AnaPort = Array(1, 3)

1200| Res = ECal_Solt(4, 2, AnaPort, "A and R2+")

1210| If Res <> 0 Then GoTo Prg_end

1220| '

1230| ' Measurement

1240| '

1250| Meas_Start:

1260| MsgBox "Connect DUT.", vbOKOnly, "Measurement"


1280| SCPI.TRIGger.SEQuence.SINGle

1290| Dmy = SCPI.IEEE4882.OPC


1310| For Ch = 1 To 4


1330| Next Ch


1350| Buff = MsgBox("Do you make another measurement?", vbYesNo)

1360| If Buff = vbYes Then GoTo Meas_Start


1380| Prg_end:

1390| End Sub


1410| Function ECal_Solt(Ch As Long, Solt As Long, AnaPort As Variant, TsetPort As String) As Long

1420| Dim Err_info As Variant

1430| Dim Buff As Long


1450| Ecal_start:

1460| SCPI.IEEE4882.CLS


1480| MsgBox "Connect " + TsetPort + " to ECal Module."


1500| On Error GoTo Ecal_err


1520| Select Case Solt

1530| Case 1

1540| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.COLLect.ECAL.SOLT1 = AnaPort(0)

1550| Case 2

1560| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.COLLect.ECAL.SOLT2 = AnaPort

1570| Case 3

1580| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.COLLect.ECAL.SOLT3 = AnaPort

1590| Case 4

1600| SCPI.SENSe(Ch).CORRection.COLLect.ECAL.SOLT4 = AnaPort

1610| End Select


1630| ECal_Solt = 0

1640| GoTo Ecal_end


1660| Ecal_err:

1670| Err_info = SCPI.SYSTem.Error

1680| Buff = MsgBox("Error: " + Err_info(1), vbRetryCancel)

1690| If Buff = vbRetry Then

1700| Resume Ecal_start

1710| Else

1720| ECal_Solt = Err_info(0)

1730| Resume Ecal_end

1740| End If


1760| Ecal_end:

1770| End Function