Main Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Show Taskbar | None | |
Move App to Back | None | |
Minimize Application | None | |
Exit | None | |
Security... | SYSTem:SECurity[:LEVel] | |
Control Panel... | None | |
Manage Files... | List Files | MMEMory:CATalog |
Copy Files | MMEMory:COPY | |
Move Files | MMEMory:MOVE | |
Delete Files | MMEMory:DELete | |
System Setup Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Next/Prev Keys | Trace | None |
Channel | None | |
Window | None | |
Sheet | None | |
Preferences... | Avg: On Preset set two-point Group Delay Aperture | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:GDELay:TWOPoint |
Cal: Always use Internal trigger during cal | None | |
Cal: (SCPI only) Auto-generate a User Cal Set | None | |
Cal: (SCPI only) Auto-save to current Cal Set | None | |
Cal: ECal Extrapolation for IMD | None | |
Cal: For Frequency Offset, use Primary frequencies | SENSe:CORRection:PREFerences:CALibration[:FOM]:RANGe | |
Display: Selected trace changes width briefly | None | |
Display: Selected trace is wider | None | |
Display: Touchscreen On | SYSTem:TOUChscreen[:STATe] | |
Ext Device: De-activate on Preset and Recall | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:EDEV:DPOLicy | |
Limit: Draw failed trace segments in red | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RTOF | |
Limit: Draw limit lines in red | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REDLimits | |
Limit: Test the nearest measurement point | None | |
Marker: Coupling controls on/off state of markers | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCControl | |
Marker: On Preset, Coupled Markers is On | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCPreset | |
Marker: On Preset, Coupling Method is Channel | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCMethod | |
Marker: On Preset, set BW/Notch search reference to Peak | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MARKer:BANDwidth:SEARch | |
Marker: Programming treats Mkr 10 as Reference | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REFMarker | |
Marker: Use single marker for marker search | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MARKer:SINGle | |
Meas: Mathematical offset for receiver attenuation | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:OFFSet:RCV | |
Meas: Mathematical offset for source attenuation | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:OFFSet:SRC | |
Trigger: External Trigger Out is Global | TRIGger:PREFerences:AIGLobal | |
Memory: Data Math 8510 Mode | None | |
Power: Power Sweep retrace (on=Start Pwr, off=Stop) | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PSRTrace | |
Power: RF power On during frequency sweep retrace | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RETRace:POWer | |
Power: On Preset turn power on | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PRESet:POWer | |
Power: Report source unleveled events as errors | SYSTem:ERRor:REPort:SUNLeveled | |
Power: Report when receiver is overloaded | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RECeivers:CERRor | |
Power: Turn Source Power Off when receiver is overloaded | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RECeivers:OVERload:POWer | |
Power-on: On Power-on show Keys toolbar | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:Keys | |
Preset: Confirm preset | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PRESet:CONFirm | |
Preset: On Preset show Quick Start dialog | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:QSTart | |
Recall: Softkey order is most recently used | None | |
Scale: On Preset Couple Scale to Window | None | |
Sweep: On Preset set Sweep Mode to Stepped | None | |
Sweep: Use only ramp sweeps for Auto Sweep Mode | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:ASMRamp | |
System: Enable sound | SYSTem:BEEP:STATe | |
System: On Power-on show Keys toolbar | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:Keys | |
System: Use keyboard to navigate softkeys | SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:SOFTkeys:NAVigation | |
Data Saves... | MMEMory:STORe:DATA | |
Power Limit... | SYSTem:POWer:LIMit | |
Transparency... | None | |
User Preset... | SYSTem:UPReset | |
Page Setup... | Hardcopy | |
Disp Colors... | See Display | |
Print Colors... | See Display | |
Sound | SYSTem:BEEPer:VOLume | |
Remote Interface... | GPIB Address | None |
SICL Enabled | None | |
SICL Address | None | |
Automatically Enable on Startup | None | |
Sockets Enabled | None | |
Telnet Enabled | None | |
HiSLIP Enabled | None | |
HiSLIP Address | None | |
Show SCPI Parser Console | None | |
Monitor GPIB Bus | None | |
LAN Status... |
LAN Reset |
None |
Code Emulation |
None |
Print Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Print... | HCOPy:DPRinter | |
Print to File... | HCOPy:FILE | |
Page Setup... | Hardcopy | |
Print Colors... | Pen | |
Background | DISPlay:COLor:BACKground | |
Active Background | DISPlay:COLor:ABACkground | |
Grid | DISPlay:COLor:GRAT2 | |
Active Labels, Grid frame | DISPlay:COLor:GRAT1 | |
Inactive Window Labels | DISPlay:COLor:ILABel | |
Failed Trace | DISPlay:COLor:LIM1 | |
N Trace: Data and Limits | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:DATA | |
N Trace: Memory | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MEMory | |
N Trace: Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MARKer | |
N Trace: Memory Markers | DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MMARker | |
Change Color... | None | |
Reset Color | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Color Theme | ||
Save Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:STORe | |
Recall Theme... | DISPlay:COLor:LOAD | |
Reset Theme | DISPlay:COLor:RESet | |
Help Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
NA Help... | None | |
On The Web... | None | |
Error Display... | Enable Messages | DISPlay:ANNotation:MESSage:STATe |
Status bar Display | DISPlay:ANNotation[:STATus] | |
Confirmation Dialog boxes | None | |
View Error Log... | None | |
About NA... | None | |
Service Tab Commands | ||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI |
Update Firmware |
None |
Verification |
None | |
Adjustment Routines... | None | |
Diagnostics |
None | |
Option Enable |
None |