System Commands






Main Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
Show Taskbar   None
Move App to Back   None
Minimize Application   None
Exit   None
Security...   SYSTem:SECurity[:LEVel]
Control Panel...   None
Manage Files... List Files MMEMory:CATalog
Copy Files MMEMory:COPY
Move Files MMEMory:MOVE
Delete Files MMEMory:DELete
System Setup Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
Next/Prev Keys Trace None
Channel None
Window None
Sheet None
Preferences... Avg: On Preset set two-point Group Delay Aperture SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:GDELay:TWOPoint
Cal: Always use Internal trigger during cal None
Cal: (SCPI only) Auto-generate a User Cal Set None
Cal: (SCPI only) Auto-save to current Cal Set None
Cal: ECal Extrapolation for IMD None
Cal: For Frequency Offset, use Primary frequencies SENSe:CORRection:PREFerences:CALibration[:FOM]:RANGe
Display: Selected trace changes width briefly None
Display: Selected trace is wider None
Display: Touchscreen On SYSTem:TOUChscreen[:STATe]
Ext Device: De-activate on Preset and Recall SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:EDEV:DPOLicy
Limit: Draw failed trace segments in red SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RTOF
Limit: Draw limit lines in red SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REDLimits
Limit: Test the nearest measurement point None
Marker: Coupling controls on/off state of markers SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCControl
Marker: On Preset, Coupled Markers is On SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCPreset
Marker: On Preset, Coupling Method is Channel SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MCMethod
Marker: On Preset, set BW/Notch search reference to Peak SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MARKer:BANDwidth:SEARch
Marker: Programming treats Mkr 10 as Reference SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:REFMarker
Marker: Use single marker for marker search SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:MARKer:SINGle
Meas: Mathematical offset for receiver attenuation SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:OFFSet:RCV
Meas: Mathematical offset for source attenuation SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:OFFSet:SRC
Trigger: External Trigger Out is Global TRIGger:PREFerences:AIGLobal
Memory: Data Math 8510 Mode None
Power: Power Sweep retrace (on=Start Pwr, off=Stop) SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PSRTrace
Power: RF power On during frequency sweep retrace SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RETRace:POWer
Power: On Preset turn power on SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PRESet:POWer
Power: Report source unleveled events as errors SYSTem:ERRor:REPort:SUNLeveled
Power: Report when receiver is overloaded SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RECeivers:CERRor
Power: Turn Source Power Off when receiver is overloaded SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:RECeivers:OVERload:POWer
Power-on: On Power-on show Keys toolbar SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:Keys
Preset: Confirm preset SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:PRESet:CONFirm
Preset: On Preset show Quick Start dialog SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:QSTart
Recall: Softkey order is most recently used None
Scale: On Preset Couple Scale to Window None
Sweep: On Preset set Sweep Mode to Stepped None
Sweep: Use only ramp sweeps for Auto Sweep Mode SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:ASMRamp
System: Enable sound SYSTem:BEEP:STATe
System: On Power-on show Keys toolbar SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:Keys
System: Use keyboard to navigate softkeys SYSTem:PREFerences:ITEM:SOFTkeys:NAVigation
Data Saves... MMEMory:STORe:DATA
Power Limit... SYSTem:POWer:LIMit
Transparency... None
User Preset... SYSTem:UPReset
Page Setup... Hardcopy
Disp Colors... See Display
Print Colors... See Display
Sound   SYSTem:BEEPer:VOLume
Remote Interface... GPIB Address None
SICL Enabled None
SICL Address None
Automatically Enable on Startup None
Sockets Enabled None
Telnet Enabled None
HiSLIP Enabled None
HiSLIP Address None
Show SCPI Parser Console None
Monitor GPIB Bus None

LAN Status...

LAN Reset


Code Emulation



Print Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
Print...   HCOPy:DPRinter
Print to File...   HCOPy:FILE
Page Setup...   Hardcopy
Print Colors... Pen
    Background DISPlay:COLor:BACKground
    Active Background DISPlay:COLor:ABACkground
    Grid DISPlay:COLor:GRAT2
    Active Labels, Grid frame DISPlay:COLor:GRAT1
    Inactive Window Labels DISPlay:COLor:ILABel
    Failed Trace DISPlay:COLor:LIM1
    N Trace: Data and Limits DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:DATA
    N Trace: Memory DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MEMory
    N Trace: Markers DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MARKer
    N Trace: Memory Markers DISPlay:COLor:TRACe:MMARker
    Change Color... None
    Reset Color DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Color Theme
    Save Theme... DISPlay:COLor:STORe
    Recall Theme... DISPlay:COLor:LOAD
    Reset Theme DISPlay:COLor:RESet
Help Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI
NA Help...   None
On The Web...   None
Error Display... Enable Messages DISPlay:ANNotation:MESSage:STATe
Status bar Display DISPlay:ANNotation[:STATus]
Confirmation Dialog boxes None
View Error Log...   None
About NA...   None
Service Tab Commands
Softkey Sub-item SCPI

Update Firmware




Adjustment Routines...   None



Option Enable
