Controls External Triggering.
TRIGger: AUXiliary | COUNt CHANnel:AUXiliary | DELay | DURation | [ENABle] | INTerval | POSition | TYPE PREFerence | AIGLobal [SEQuence] | LEVel | ROUTE | INPut | READy | SCOPe | SOURce | SLOPe | TYPE STATus | READy? |
Click on a keyword to view the command details.
Blue commands are superseded.
See Also
Example program Triggering the VNA
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-only) Returns the number of AUX trigger input / output connector pairs in the instrument. |
Parameters |
Examples |
TRIG:AUX:COUN? trigger:auxiliary:count? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the delay that should be applied by the VNA after the Aux trigger input is received and before the acquisition is made. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Delay value in seconds. Choose a value between 0 and 3.0 seconds. |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:DEL .5 trigger:channel2:aux2:delay 1.5 |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:DELay? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the width of the output pulse, which is the time that the Aux trigger output will be asserted. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<num> |
Duration value in seconds. Choose a value between 1us (1E-6) and 1 |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:DUR .1 trigger:channel2:aux2:duration .01 |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:DURation? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1E-6 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Turns ON / OFF the trigger output. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - turns trigger output ON. OFF (or 0) - turns trigger output OFF. |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX 1 trigger:channel2:aux2:enable off |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:[ENABle]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Turns handshake ON / OFF. To enable handshake, the main trigger enable must also be set using TRIG:CHAN:AUX:ENAB. When ON, VNA waits indefinitely for the input line to be asserted before continuing with the acquisition. When OFF, the VNA acquires data without waiting. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - turns handshaking ON. OFF (or 0) - turns handshaking OFF. |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:HAND 1 trigger:channel2:aux2:handshake off |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:HANDshake? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies how often a trigger output signal is sent. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:INT POI trigger:channel2:aux2:interval sweep |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:INTerval? |
Return Type |
Character |
SWEep |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the polarity of the trigger IN signal to which the VNA will respond. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from:
Set Edge or Level triggering using TRIG:CHAN:AUX:TYPE |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:IPOL POS trigger:channel2:aux2:ipolarity negative |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:IPOLarity? |
Return Type |
Character |
NEGative |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the polarity of the Aux Output signal being supplied by the VNA. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:OPOL NEG trigger:channel2:aux2:opolarity positive |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:OPOLarity? |
Return Type |
Character |
NEGative |
Appplicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies whether the aux trigger out signal is sent BEFore or AFTer the acquisition. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:POS BEF trigger:channel2:aux2:position after |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:POSition? |
Return Type |
Character |
AFTer |
Appplicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the type of Aux input detection that the VNA will employ. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<n> |
AUX Trigger connector used to send or receive signals. Choose from 1 (AUX TRIG 1) or 2 (AUX TRIG 2) If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
Choose from: EDGE VNA responds to the leading edge of a signal LEVel VNA responds to the level (HIGH or LOW) of a signal |
Examples |
TRIG:CHAN:AUX:TYPE EDGE trigger:channel2:aux2:type level |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:CHANnel<ch>:AUXiliary<n>:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets and reads the trigger delay for ALL channels (globally). This delay is only applied while TRIG:SOURce = EXTernal and TRIG:SCOP = ALL After an external trigger is applied, the start of the sweep is held off for an amount of time equal to the delay setting plus any inherent latency. To apply a trigger delay for the specified channel ONLY, use SENS:SWE:TRIG:DELay |
Parameters |
<num> |
Delay value in seconds. Choose from 0 to 3. |
Examples |
TRIG:DEL .0003 Sets the trigger delay to 300 microseconds. The sweep will not start until approximately 300 microseconds after an external trigger is applied. |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:DELay? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, M9485A, P937xA (Read-Write) Sets the Trigger OUT behavior to either Global or Channel. Learn more about this setting. This command will cause the VNA to Preset. This setting remains until changed again using this command, or until the hard drive is changed or reformatted. To send this command using the VNA GUI, open the GPIB Command Processor Console, then type either of the following examples at the command prompt. Then type the Query Syntax and press enter to be sure the VNA took the command. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Choose from:
Examples |
TRIG:PREF:AIGL 1 trigger:preference:aiglobal 0 |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:PREFerence:AIGLobal? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, E5080A, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the polarity of Ready for Trigger output. All existing Ready for Trigger outputs are configured simultaneously with this command. |
Parameters |
<char> |
LOW - Outputs a TTL low when the VNA is ready for trigger. HIGH - Outputs a TTL high when the VNA is ready for trigger. |
Examples |
TRIG:READ:POL HIGH trigger:ready:polarity low |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger:READy:POLarity? |
Return Type |
Character |
Low |
This command is replaced with CONTrol:SIGNal (Read-Write) Triggers either on a High or Low level trigger signal. This setting only has an effect when TRIG:SOURce EXTernal is selected. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:LEVel? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Specifies the connector to use for the external trigger input. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: MATH - handler I/O Pin 18 PULSE3 - Internal routing of pulse 3 output to the MEAS TRIG IN on the rear pane |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ROUTE:INPut? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M937xA, P937xA (Read-Write) Specifies the connector to use for the trigger OUT ready line. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: MATH - handler pin 21 |
Examples |
TRIG:ROUTE:READ MATH trigger:sequence:route:ready math |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ROUTE:READy? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Specifies whether a trigger signal is sent to all channels or only the current channel. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SCOPe? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Specifies the polarity expected by the external trigger input circuitry. Also specify TRIG:TYPE (Level |Edge). |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe? |
Return Type |
Character |
POSitive |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets the source of the sweep trigger signal. This command is a super-set of INITiate:CONTinuous which can NOT set the source to External. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce? |
Return Type |
Character |
IMMediate |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Specifies the type of EXTERNAL trigger input detection used to listen for signals on the Meas Trig IN connectors. Edge triggers are most commonly used. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: EDGE VNA responds to the rising and falling edge of a signal. LEVel VNA responds to a level (HIGH or LOW). Use TRIG:SLOPe to specify Rising or falling - High or Low. |
Examples |
TRIG:TYPE EDGE trigger:sequence:type level |
Query Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
LEVel |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB, M9485A, E5080A (Read-only) Checks if the VNA is ready for a hardware trigger. This command is not intended to be used in a dynamic triggering situation where the ready status is constantly changing. Instead, the expected use is a more static situation where you are expecting the VNA to transition from not ready to ready, and then wait for a trigger. The VNA is polled until it becomes ready and then an operation that triggers the VNA is performed. |
Parameters |
<char> |
ANY - Check if the VNA is ready for any of the following hardware triggers. MEAS - Check if the VNA is ready for an External trigger from the Meas Trig In BNC, Handler IO Pin 18, or Pulse 3 line. AUX1 - Check if the VNA is ready for a trigger from the AUX TRIG 1 IN on the rear panel. (PNA, ENA) AUX2 - Check if the VNA is ready for a trigger from the AUX TRIG 2 IN on the rear panel. (PNA, ENA) |
Examples |
TRIG:STAT:READ? MEAS trigger:status:ready? aux1 |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Not applicable |