CSET:Fixture Commands

Manages several aspects of Cal Sets.


     | CATalog?

     | COPY

     | DALL

     | DATE?

     | DELete

     | EXISts?

     | ETERm:

          | CATalog?

          | [:DATA]

          | X:VALues

     | FIXTure:

          | CASCade

          | CHARacterize

          | DEEMbed

          | EMBed

          | ENR:EMBed

          | ZERO

     | ITEM:

          | CATalog?

          | DATA?

     | TIME?

Click on a keyword to view the command details.

Note: There is no user-interface equivalent for some of these commands.

See Also


Applicable Models: All

This command replaces SENS:CORR:CSET:CAT?

(Read-only) Returns the names of Cal Sets stored on the VNA.








Return Type

Comma-separated string of names


Not Applicable

CSET:COPY <string>,<string>

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Creates a new Cal Set and copies the current Cal Set data into it.  Use this command to manipulate data on a Cal Set without corrupting the original cal data.




The first string is the name of the current Cal Set. The second string is the name of the new Cal Set copy.


CSET:COPY 'My2Port','My2PortCopy'

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Deletes ALL Cal Sets from the VNA, including phase reference and Global Delta Match Cal Sets.





Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:DATE? <string>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) Returns the (year, month, day) that the specified Cal Set was last saved.  

See Also







Cal Set name.


CSET:DATE? "CalSet_11"



Return Type

Comma-separated integers.


Not Applicable

CSET:DELete <string>

Applicable Models: All

This command replaces SENS:CORR:CSET:DELete

(Write-only) Deletes the specified Cal Set from the VNA.

  • If the Cal Set is currently being used by a channel, the Cal Set is deleted and correction for the channel is turned off.

  • If the Cal Set is not found, no error is returned.




Name of the Cal Set to delete. Not case-sensitive.



Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:EXISts? <string>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) Returns whether or not the specified Cal Set exists on the VNA.




Name or GUID of the Cal Set enclosed in quotes.

The GUID must also be enclosed in curly brackets.


dim check

check = CSET:EXISts? "MyCalSet"

check = CSET:EXISts? "{7C4EEA5E-40D2-4D70-A048-33BFFE704163}"

Return Type


ON or 1 - Cal Set exists.

OFF or 0 - Cal Set does NOT exist.


Not Applicable

CSET:ETERm:CATalog? <CSET Name>[,<errorTermFilter>]

Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) Returns a list of error term names for the given Cal Set.



<CSET Name>

(String) Name of Cal Set to query.


(Optional argument) CSET:ETER:CAT? <CSETName>, “<errorTermFilter>” will return only the error term names with the filter string in them. For example, if it is a full 2-port cal, then CSET:ETER:CAT? <CSETName>, “cross” would return all “Crosstalk(n,n)” error terms. (Note that the filter is not case sensitive.)

Entering CSET:ETER:CAT? <CSETName> "" or  CSET:ETER:CAT? <CSETName> will return all error terms for the given Cal Set.



CSET:ETER:CAT? "CalSet_1", "trans"

Return Type



Not Applicable

CSET:ETERm[:DATA] <CSET Name>,<ETerm Name>,<data>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the error term data (real, imaginary pairs) for the given Cal Set and error term name.



<CSET Name>

(String) Name of Cal Set to manipulate.

<ETerm Name>

(String)  Name used to identify an error term in the Cal Set.


(Block) Error term data - a real/imaginary data pair for each data point.


CSET:ETER "CalSet_1","Directivity(1,1)", 0.237,-1.422, 0.513, 0.895
CSET:ETER? "CalSet_1","Directivity(1,1)"  'read

Query Syntax

CSET:ETERm:DATA? <CSET Name>,<ETerm Name>

Return Type

Block data


Not Applicable

CSET:ETERm:X:VALues <CSET Name>,<ETerm Name>,<freqlist>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the x-axis frequencies for the given Cal Set and error term name. This command requires that the error term already be in existence either from a calibration session or having been created with CSET:ETER:DATA.

This command requires that the frequency array length match the existing size of the error term. For example, if the error term is 3 buckets long (3 complex numbers), then the frequency list must be 3 values long.



<CSET Name>

(String) Name of Cal Set to manipulate.

<ETerm Name>

(String)  Name used to identify an error term in the Cal Set.


(Block) X-axis frequencies associated with the error term.


'Query error term data from calset named "Calset1"
CSET:ETER:DATA? "Calset7","Directivity(1,1)"

'If needed, change or upload the data for the "Directivity" error term (example of a three point eterm)
CSET:ETER:DATA "Calset7","Directivity(1,1)",-3.86251918972E-002,+5.34659661353E-002,+2.90613174438E-002,-2.16645095497E-002,-1.38868670911E-003,+3.30922640860E-002

'Query what the frequency values are for the error term
CSET:ETER:X:VAL? "Calset7","Directivity(1,1)"

'If needed, change the frequency values for the error term
CSET:ETER:X:VAL "Calset7","Directivity(1,1)",1.00000000000E+007,1.42450000000E+008,2.74900000000E+008

Query Syntax

CSET:ETERm:X:VALues? <CSET Name>,<ETerm Name>

Return Type

Block data


Not Applicable

CSET:FIXTure:CASCade <s2p1>,<s2p2>,<s2pResult>,<char>

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Combines the losses and phase shift of two S2P files into a single S2P file.  Learn more.




(String)  Path and filename of one of the S2P files to be combined.


(String)  Path and filename of the other S2P file to be combined.


(String) Path and filename of the combined S2P file.


(Character) Format. Choose from:

  • REIM - Real, imaginary data pairs

  • LOG - Log magnitude, phase

  • LINear - Linear magnitude, phase


CSET:FIXT:CASC "D:\a.s2p","D:\b.s2p","D:\c.s2p",LOG

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:FIXTure:CHARacterize <cs1>,<cs2>,<port>,<s2p>,<char>[,<pivot>]

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Characterizes a fixture based on two Cal Sets. The stimulus settings of the two Cal Sets do NOT have to be identical, but they MUST have a common frequency range for interpolation. A new S2P file is created.  Learn more about Cal Plane Manager.




(String)  Name of an existing Cal Set 1 which describes the cal closest to the VNA. The Cal Set must reside on the VNA.


(String)  Name of an existing Cal Set 2 which describes the cal closest to the DUT. The Cal Set must reside on the VNA.


(Numeric) Port number described in the Cal Sets.


(String) Name of the S2P file containing the adapter/fixture characterization.


(Character) Format. Choose from:

  • REIM - Real, imaginary data pairs

  • LOG - Log magnitude, phase

  • LINear - Linear magnitude, phase


(Numeric) Optional argument. Phase value for the specified port.


CSET:FIXT:CHAR "CalSet1","CalSet2",1,"Fixture.s2p"

cset:fixture:characterize "CalSet1","CalSet2",2,"Fixture.s2p",90

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:FIXTure:DEEMbed <cs1>,<cs2>,<s2p>,<port>, <compPwr>[,extrap]

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) De-embeds a fixture from an existing Cal Set based on an S2P file. A new Cal Set is created with the effects of the fixture removed.

When the new Cal Set is applied to a channel, the effects of fixturing are removed from the measurement data. Do NOT enable fixturing. The effects of the fixture are removed when the new Cal Set is selected and correction is turned ON.




(String)  Name of an existing Cal Set which resides on the VNA.


(String)  Name of new Cal Set which contains updated error terms with fixture de-embedded.


(String) Name of the S2P file which characterizes the adapter/fixture.


(Numeric) Port number from which fixture will be de-embedded.



ON (1) - When the Cal Set contains a power correction array for the fixture port, that array will be compensated for the fixture loss.  

Warning: enabling power compensation can result in an increase in test port power and consequently, increased power to the DUT. Use with caution.

OFF (0) - Do not compensate for loss in source power through the fixture.


(Boolean) Optional argument.

ON (1) -Applies a simple extrapolation when the S2P file has a narrower frequency range than the Cal Set. The values for the first and last data points are extended in either direction to cover the frequency range of the Cal Set.

OFF (0) - Extrapolation is NOT performed (default setting).


CSET:FIXT:DEEM "MyCalSet","MyNewCalSet","Fixture.s2p",1,1

cset:fixture:deembed "MyCalSet","MyNewCalSet","Fixture.s2p",1,1,1 'extrapolation is performed if the s2p frequency range is narrower than that of the Cal Set.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:FIXTure:EMBed <cs1>,<cs2>,<s2p>,<port>, <compPwr>[,extrap]

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Embeds a fixture (usually a matching network) into an existing Cal Set based on an S2P file. A new Cal Set is created with the effects of the matching network included in the correction data.

When the new Cal Set is applied to a channel, the effects of the fixture are included in the measurement data. Do NOT enable  fixturing. The effects of the matching network are included when the new Cal Set is selected and correction is turned ON.




(String)  Name of an existing Cal Set which resides on the VNA.


(String)  Name of new Cal Set which contains updated error terms with fixture embedded.


(String) Name of the S2P file which characterizes the fixture / matching network.


(Numeric) Port number to which fixture will be added.



ON (1) - Increase the source power to compensate for the loss through the fixture. The result is that the specified power level will be correct at the DUT input.

Warning: enabling power compensation can result in an increase in test port power and consequently, increased power to the DUT. Use with caution.

OFF (0) - Do not compensate for loss in source power through the matching network.


(Boolean) Optional argument.

ON (1) -Applies a simple extrapolation when the S2P file has a narrower frequency range than the Cal Set. The values for the first and last data points are extended in either direction to cover the frequency range of the Cal Set.

OFF (0) - Extrapolation is NOT performed (default setting).


CSET:FIXT:EMB "MyCalSet","MyNewCalSet","Fixture.s2p",1,1

cset:fixture:embed "MyCalSet","MyNewCalSet","Fixture.s2p",1,1,1 'extrapolation is performed if the s2p frequency range is narrower than that of the Cal Set.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:FIXTure:ENR:EMBed <inEnr>,<s2p>,<outEnr>

Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Generate a new ENR file by embedding an adapter to an existing ENR file.




(String) Path and filename of original ENR file.


(String) Path and filename of the S2P file which characterizes the adapter/fixture network.


(String) Path and filename of new ENR file to output


CSET:FIXT:EMB "D:\Original.enr","D:\adapter.s2p","D:\new.enr"

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


Applicable Models: All

(Write-only) Creates a new S4P file.




(String)  Path and filename of the original S4P file.


(String)  Path and filename of the new S4P file.


(String) Comma-separated terms to zero-out.


(Character) Format. Choose from:

  • REIM - Real, imaginary data pairs

  • LOG - Log magnitude, phase

  • LIN - Linear magnitude, phase


CSET:FIXT:ZERO "D:\originalFile.s4p","D:\newFile.s4p","S11,S21,S33",LOG

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

CSET:ITEM:CATalog? <calset>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) The Cal Set mainly contains error term data for measurement correction purposes. But Cal Sets can also contain auxiliary information used to describe how the Cal Set was constructed. This information is stored as name value pairs and can be accessed by the item name. The catalog query returns a list of item names contained in the specific Cal Set being queried.




(String) Name of the Cal Set item.


CSET:ITEM:CAT? "mycalset"

Return Type



Not Applicable

CSET:ITEM:DATA? <calset>,<itemName>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-Write) Returns the VNA Measurement Class or Channel that created the specific Cal Set item.

About Cal Set Items

A Cal Set item is a named value. You can list the named values using CSET:ITEM:CATalog? or SENS:CORR:CSET:ITEM:CATalog?

You can query the value of a specific item by asking for its data:  CSET:ITEM:DATA?

For example, one of the items added by the VNA firmware to every Cal Set is named  'Created By'. The value attached to this item is the name of the VNA Measurement Class or Channel that created the Cal Set. When an SMC cal is performed, you can query the Cal Set for the 'Create By' item, and it will return 'Scalar Mixer/Converter'. The same query on an NFx channel returns 'Noise Figure Converters'.

CSET:ITEM:DATA? "mycalset","Created By"




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


(String) Name of the Cal Set item.


(String) VNA Measurement Class or Channel that created the Cal Set.


SENS:CORR:CSET:ITEM? "mycalset","Created By"

Return Type



Not Applicable

CSET:TIME? <string>

Applicable Models: All

(Read-only) Returns the (hour, minute, second) that the specified Cal Set was last saved. The time is returned in local time as setup in the VNA operating system.  

See Also







Cal Set name.


CSET:TIME? "CalSet_11"



Return Type

Comma-separated integers.


Not Applicable