
Using Math / Memory Operations

You can perform four types of math on the active trace versus a memory trace. In addition three statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation and Peak to Peak) can be calculated and displayed for the active data trace.

Note: Trace Math (described here) allows you to quickly apply one of four math operations using memory traces. Equation Editor allows you to build custom equations using several types of traces from the same, or different channels.

Other Analyze Data topics

Trace Math

To perform any of the math operations, you must first store a trace to memory. You can display the memory trace using the View options.

Trace math is performed on the complex data before it is formatted for display. See the VNA data processing map.

Markers can be used while viewing a memory trace.

How to select Trace Math

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

  1. Press Math > Memory.

  1. Right click on any trace status area above the grid box.

  2. Select on Memory....

Normalize, available only from the Memory menu, (not on the Math / Memory dialog), performs the same function as Data=>Memory, then Data / Memory.  

Math / Memory dialog box help

Normalize, available only from the Memory menu, (not on the Math / Memory dialog), performs the same function as Data=>Memory, then Data / Memory.  

Data=>Memory  Puts the active data trace into memory. You can store one memory trace for every displayed trace.

Note: Many VNA features are NOT allowed on Memory traces. For example, Memory traces can NOT be saved to any file type (PRN, SNP, CTI, CSV, MDF). However, you can restore a memory trace to a data trace using the Memory-to-Data utility at the website.

Data Math

All math operations are performed on linear (real and imaginary) data before being formatted. See the VNA Data flow.

Data (or OFF)  Does no mathematical operation.

Data / Memory - Current measurement data is divided by the data in memory. Use for ratio comparison of two traces, such as measurements of gain or attenuation. Learn more.

Data – Memory - Data in memory is subtracted from the current measurement data. For example, you can use this feature for storing a measured vector error,  then subtracting this error from the DUT measurement. Learn more.

Data + Memory - Current measurement data is added to the data in memory. Learn more.

Data * Memory - Current measurement data is multiplied by the data in memory. Learn more.

8510 Mode - Learn more.

Trace View Options

Data Trace  Displays ONLY the Data trace (with selected math operation applied).

Memory Trace  Displays ONLY the trace that was put in memory.

Data and Memory Trace  Displays BOTH the Data trace (with selected math operation applied), and the trace that was put in memory.


Note: The E5080A and M9485A do not support this function.

After performing a Data->Memory operation, memory interpolation controls whether the memory data is interpolated or not if the start frequency, stop frequency, or Number of Points is subsequently changed. Using the GUI control, interpolate applies to the currently active measurement. When using the remote interfaces (SCPI or COM), the commands apply to the specified measurement.

Note: Interpolate does not support the 8510 Mode.

The PNA will return to a default interpolation state after a Preset, creating a new trace, or closing the PNA application. The default interpolation state is set in the Preferences dialog by checking or unchecking the Memory: Interpolate ON is the default condition preference. The factory default is unchecked. The default can also be set using the remote interfaces (SCPI or COM).


 When unchecked, after a Data->Memory operation the memory trace's x-y positions will not change if the start or stop frequency is subsequently changed. In addition, if the Number of Points in the sweep is changed after a Data->Memory operation, the memory trace will be invalidated and disappear. If the Number of Points is changed while using Data Math, the Memory trace will be invalidated and Data Math will be forced to the "Off" condition.

 When checked, after a Data->Memory operation the memory trace's x-y positions will be interpolated if the start or stop frequency is subsequently changed. In addition, if the Number of Points in the sweep is changed after a Data->Memory operation, the memory trace will be interpolated.

Note: The PNA will not extrapolate to stimulus values beyond the range that was present at the time of the Data->Memory operation. Instead, the Memory data will be invalidated if the stimulus values exceed the original range.

Note: If Interpolate is checked (ON) and stimulus conditions are different than they were at the time of Data->Memory operation, unchecking (OFF) Interpolate will cause the Memory trace to be either updated (using both original and current stimulus settings) or invalidated (if Number of Points changed since Data->Memory operation). The Memory trace will remain disabled until either Interpolate is checked (ON) or the stimulus settings corresponding to the Data->Memory operation are restored.

Learn more about Trace Math (scroll up)

(Data / Memory) and (Data - Memory)

(Data / Memory) and (Data - Memory) math operations are performed on linear data before it is formatted. Because data is often viewed in log format, it is not always clear which of the two math operations should be used. Remember: dividing linear data is the same as subtracting logarithmic data. The following illustrates, in general, when to use each operation.

Use Data / Memory for normalization purposes, such as when comparing S21 traces "before" and "after" a change is made or measurement of trace noise. In the following table, the Data/Mem values intuitively show the differences between traces. It is not obvious what Data-Mem is displaying.

S21 values to compare



0.5 dB and 0.6 dB

0.1 dB

-39 dB

0.5 dB and 0.7 dB

0.2 dB

-33 dB

Use Data - Memory to show the relative differences between two signals. Use for comparison of very small signals, such as the S11 match of two connectors.

In the following table, Data/Mem shows both pairs of connectors to have the same 2 dB difference. However, the second pair of connectors have much better S11 performance (-50 and -52) and the relative significance is shown in the Data-Mem values.

S11 values to compare



 -10 dB and -12 dB

2 dB

-24 dB

 -50 dB and -52 dB

2 dB

-64 dB

Data * Memory and Data + Memory

Use Data * Memory and Data + Memory to perform math on an active data trace using data from your own formulas or algorithms rather than data from a measurement. For example, if you want to simulate the gain of a theoretical amplifier placed in series before the DUT, you could do the following:

  1. Create an algorithm that would characterize the frequency response of the theoretical amplifier.

  2. Enter complex data pairs that correspond to the number of data points for your data trace.

  3. Load the data pairs into memory with SCPI or COM commands. The analyzer maps the complex pairs to correspond to the stimulus values at the actual measurement points.

  4. Use the data + memory or data * memory function to add or multiply the frequency response data to the measured data from the active data trace.

Note: The data trace must be configured before you attempt to load the memory.

Trace Statistics

You can calculate and display statistics for the active data trace. These statistics are:

You can calculate statistics for the full stimulus span or for part of it by using User Ranges.

You can define up to 16 user ranges per channel. These user ranges are the same as the Search Domain specified for a marker search in that same channel. They use the same memory registers and thus share the same stimulus spans.

The user ranges for a channel can overlap each other.

A convenient use for trace statistics is to find the peak-to-peak value of passband ripple without searching separately for the minimum and maximum values.

The trace statistics are calculated based on the format used to display the data.

See how to make Trace Statistics display settings.


How to activate Trace Statistics

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

  1. Press Math > Analysis > Statistics....

Trace Statistics dialog box help

See how to make Trace Statistics display settings.

Statistics  Check to display mean, standard deviation, and peak to peak values for the active trace.

Span  Specifies the span of the active trace where data is collected for a math operation. You can select Full Span, or define up to 16 user spans per channel with Start and Stop. You can also define the user spans from the Search Domain selector on the Marker Search dialog box.

Start  Defines the start of a user span.

Stop  Defines the stop of a user span.

Learn more about Trace Statistics (scroll up)