Last Updated: August 29, 2007
A series of Power-on Self Tests are performed each time the test set is booted up.
Power-on Self Tests verify the correct operation of digital hardware including processors and their communication paths then identifies faulty assemblies. Analog hardware is verified during Self Test.
Refer to the following sections for details of each power-on self test:
This Power On Self Test starts immediately after power up. The Microsoft Windows XP operating system Power-on Self Test sends results to the front panel display only. These results are not saved to a file.
The Application Power-on Self Test executes after the Real Time Processor has booted up checking for licensing requirements, missing DLLs, socket communications with the Real Time Processor and the Data Transfer Processor.
The Real Time Processor Power-on Self Test is executed from its own Boot ROM. Results are written in the PowerupStatus file.
The Data Transfer Processor Power-on Self Test is started by the Real Time Processor. Results are written in the Power Up Status File.
The Real Time Processor communicates with Hardware Control Processors that are on the real time hardware.
List of real time hardware:
Upconverter 1 and 2 modules
Each Hardware Control Processor provides Power-On Self Test results that are written to the Power Up Status File.