Specifies the settings to remotely control the Material Handler IO connector.
CONTrol:HANDler: [EXTension] | OUTPut | [DATA] PASSfail | LOGic | MODE | POLicy | SCOPe | STATus? | SWEepend |
Click on a Red keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Writes and reads data on the specified port. |
Parameters |
<port> |
Port identifier to set bits for. Choose from: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H |
<num> |
The number of the data bits to set. Refer to the following table for the maximum number for each port. The minimum number for each port is 0. |
Port |
Max allowable <num> |
MSB...........................................LSB |
A |
255 |
A7...A0 |
Write-only |
B |
255 |
B7...B0 |
Write-only |
C |
15 |
C3...C0 |
Read-Write |
D |
15 |
D3...D0 |
Read-Write |
E |
255 |
D3...D0 + C3...C0 |
Read-Write |
F |
65535 |
B7...B0 + A7...A0 |
Write-only |
G |
1048575 |
C3...C0 + B7...B0 + A7...A0 |
Write-only |
H |
16777215 |
D3...D0 + C3...C0 + B7...B0 + A7...A0 |
Write-only |
Note: When writing to port G, port C must be set to output mode |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:<port>:DATA? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the direction of data flow for Port C. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Direction of flow. Choose from: INPut - Port C is used to input data OUTPut - Port C is used to output data |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Character |
INPut |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the direction of data flow for Port D. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Direction of flow. Choose from: INPut - Port D is used to input data OUTPut - Port D is used to output data |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:D:MODe? |
Return Type |
Character |
Input |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Determines the control of Material Handler connector Pin 20. A "Mnemonic not implemented" error is returned if the VNA does NOT have this capability. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Choose from: ON (1) - Pin 20 is controlled by the Index signal OFF (0) - Pin 20 is controlled by Output Port B6 |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler[:EXTension]:INDex[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Determines the control of Material Handler connector Pin 21. A "Mnemonic not implemented" error is returned if the VNA does NOT have this capability. |
Parameters |
<bool> |
Choose from: ON or 1 - Pin 21 is controlled by the Ready for Trigger signal OFF or 0 - Pin 21 is controlled by Output Port B7 |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler[:EXTension]:RTRigger[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Applicable Models: E5080A. M9485A
(Read-Only) Reads a hardware latch that captures high to low transitions on Input1 of the Material Handler IO. Reading the latch causes it to reset and is ready for the next transition. The hardware latch is only capable of capturing one transition per query. Additional transitions are ignored until after the next query. Momentarily driving Input1 high, then low, will cause a transition to be detected and latched. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Integer - Returns a value of zero or one. 0 - No transition detected since last query. 1 - Transition detected. |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets the logic of the Data ports A-H on the Handler connector. Some of these lines are connected internally to the AuxIO. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: NEGative- Causes the Port lines to have negative logic (high = 0, low = 1). For ports that are in output (write) mode, a change in logic causes the output lines to change state immediately. For example, Low levels change immediately to High levels. For ports that are in input (read) mode (C,D,E only), a change in logic will be reflected when data is read from that port. For example, if a line read 0, the next read after a logic change will read 1. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:LOGic? |
Return Type |
Character |
NEGative |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets or reads the specified output line. Type 1 and Type 2 configurations: Returns the last value written to the selected output pin. Type 3 configuration: Returns the current state of the selected output pin. If an Input1 trigger occurs, the state may not be the same value as was written. |
Parameters |
<port> |
Output port. Choose from: 1 - output 1(default) 2 - output 2 |
<num> |
0 - Low 1 - High |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:OUTPut<num>:DATA? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 - Low |
Applicable Models: E5080A, M9485A
(Read-Write) Sets or reads the specified USER output line. Type 1 and Type2 configurations: Returns the last value written to the selected output pin. Type3 configuration: Returns the current state of the selected output pin. If an Input1 trigger occurs, the state may not be the same value as was written. Learn about User Output. |
Parameters |
<port> |
USER Output port. Choose from: 1 - User output 1(default) 2 - User output port |
<num> |
0 - Low 1 - High |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:OUTPut<num>:USER:DATA? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 - Low |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets the logic of the PassFail line of the Material Handler IO (pin 33). |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: NEGative- Causes the PassFail line to have negative logic (high = fail, low = pass). |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:LOGic? |
Return Type |
Character |
POSitive |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the default logical pass/fail state. This is the state the pass/fail line stays in until a failure occurs (if the mode is NOWait), or until an end-of-sweep condition occurs (if the mode is PASS or FAIL). The end-of-sweep condition is determined by the CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:SCOPe command. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: PASS- the line stays in PASS state until the end-of-sweep condition occurs, at which time the pass/fail line is set, and the pass/fail strobe (line 36) is activated. FAIL- the line stays in FAIL state until the end-of-sweep condition occurs, at which time the pass/fail line is set, and the pass/fail strobe (line 36) is activated. NOWait- the pass/fail line is set, and the pass/fail strobe (line 36) is activated as soon as a failure condition occurs. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
NOWait |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets the policy used to determine how global pass/fail is computed. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Name of the policy to use. Choose from: ALLTests - Pass/Fail Status returns PASS if all tests on all measurements pass. ALLMeas - Pass/Fail Status returns PASS if all measurements have associated tests, and all tests pass. FAIL is returned if even one measurement has no associated limit test. Only those measurements which are not in HOLD mode contribute to the pass/fail result. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:POLicy? |
Return Type |
Character |
ALLTests |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Sets and reads the scope of pass/fail testing. The pass/fail line on the material handler port can report the status of all measurements on each channel, or all measurements on all channels. This command selects which option to use. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: CHANnel - A pass/fail result is computed and written to the output pins at the end of all sweeps on a channel. GLOBal - A pass/fail result is computed and written to the output pins at the end of all sweeps on a channel. If the pass/fail mode is NOWait (as set by CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:MODe), the status and strobe pins are written immediately. Otherwise the pins are written as indicated above. Regardless of the mode value, the pass/fail line is returned to its default state (as set by the MODE command) at the end of channel or group of channels. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:SCOPe? |
Return Type |
Character |
GLOBal |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Only) Returns the most recent pass/fail status value. Use this command as follows:
Return Type |
Character - One of the following is returned: PASS - all measurements not in HOLD mode have been swept, and all associated limit tests have passed. FAIL - all measurements not in HOLD mode have been swept, and one or more limit tests failed according to the specified Pass/Fail policy. NONE - status cannot be determined because measurements are in progress. |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: E5080A
(Read-Write) Specifies the event that will cause the Handler Sweep End line to strobe. The strobe is at least 10ms in duration, and is activated when all calculations for the associated measurement are complete. This line is connected internally to the Sweep End line of the AUX IO connector. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: CHANnel - the line goes low when all the sweeps for each channel is complete. GLOBal - the line goes low when all sweeps for all channels are complete. The default state of the passFail line (before a measurement occurs) and after a failure occurs is set by CONTrol:HANDler:PASSfail:MODe |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:HANDler:SWEepend? |
Return Type |
Character |
GLOBal |
Last Modified:
18-May-2016 |
First Release |