This program creates two segments, then uploads the segment data to the VNA.
The second part downloads the segment list from the VNA.
See all Segment SCPI commands.
Sub SampleSegmentSetup()
'*** The variables of the resource manager and the instrument I/O are declared.
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim GPIB As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
' *** The memory area of the resource manager and the instrument I/O are acquired.
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set GPIB = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
'*** Open the instrument.
Set GPIB.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::16::INSTR")
GPIB.IO.timeout = 10000
Dim Buf As String * 100
Dim srcPortNames As Variant
Dim numberOfSrcPorts As Integer
Dim segData As Variant
Const numSegs = 2
Const Chan = 1
Const addIFBW_PWR = 0
' In case of a measurement receiver VNA like N5264A
' which has no source ports, "SOURce:CATalog?" will
' return an empty list (just a pair of quotation marks)
GPIB.WriteString "SOURce:CATalog?", True
Buf = GPIB.ReadString
srcPortNames = Split(Buf, ",")
If Left(srcPortNames(0), 2) = Chr(34) & Chr(34) Then
numberOfSrcPorts = 0
numberOfSrcPorts = UBound(srcPortNames) + 1
End If
' Building up a string consisting of the sweep segment data
' we want to set up. This example will create two segments.
' Set state of first segment to be ON (1 = ON, 0 = OFF),
' 101 points, start freq of 10 MHz, stop freq of 1 GHz
segData = "1,101,10E6,1E9"
' If you want to include one or more of: IFbandwidth, Dwell Time
' or Port Power, set Const addIFBW_PWR = 1
If addIFBW_PWR = 1 Then
GPIB.WriteString "SENSe" & Chan & ":SEGMent:BWIDth:CONTrol ON"
GPIB.WriteString "SENSe" & Chan & ":SEGMent:SWEep:TIME:CONTrol ON"
GPIB.WriteString "SENSe" & Chan & ":SEGMent:POWer:CONTrol ON"
' Turning off coupling allows power to vary per each port
GPIB.WriteString "SOURce" & Chan & ":POWer:COUPle OFF"
segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts)
End If
' Set state of second segment to be ON, 201 points,
' start freq of 1 GHz, stop freq of 3 GHz
segData = segData & ",1,201,1E9,3E9"
' Uncomment this line below only if you uncommented the
' AddOptionalSettings line above for the first segment.
'segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts)
' Upload our segment list to the channel
GPIB.WriteString "SENSe1:SEGMent:LIST SSTOP," & numSegs & "," & segData
' Set segment sweep type on Channel 1
GPIB.WriteString "SENSe1:SWEep:TYPE SEGment"
' Having the PNA display the segment sweep table for the channel
GPIB.WriteString "DISPlay:WINDow1:TABLe SEGMent"
'*** End procedure
End Sub
Function AddOptionalSettings(ByVal pStr As String, ByVal numSrcPorts As Integer) As String
Dim i
' Specifying 1 kHz IF bandwidth and Dwell Time of 0
pStr = pStr & ", 1E3, 0"
' -10 dBm power for each of the source ports
For i = 0 To numSrcPorts - 1
pStr = pStr & ",-10"
AddOptionalSettings = pStr
End Function
The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the VNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the VNA hard drive as Unguided.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
Option Explicit Dim app Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") ' Preset the VNA app.Preset Dim scpi Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser ' In case of a measurement receiver VNA like N5264A ' which has no source ports, "SOURce:CATalog?" will ' return an empty list (just a pair of quotation marks) Dim srcPortNames srcPortNames = Split( scpi.Execute("SOURce:CATalog?"), ",") Dim numberOfSrcPorts If Left( srcPortNames(0), 2 ) = Chr(34) & Chr(34) Then numberOfSrcPorts = 0 Else numberOfSrcPorts = UBound(srcPortNames) + 1 End If ' Building up a string consisting of the sweep segment data ' we want to set up. This example will create two segments. Dim segData ' Set state of first segment to be ON (1 = ON, 0 = OFF), ' 101 points, start freq of 10 MHz, stop freq of 1 GHz segData = "1,101,10E6,1E9" ' If you want to include one or more of: IFbandwidth, Dwell Time ' or Port Power, remove the comments from these next two lines 'TurnOnOptions 1 'Call the subroutine 'segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts) ' Set state of second segment to be ON, 201 points, ' start freq of 1 GHz, stop freq of 3 GHz segData = segData & ",1,201,1E9,3E9" ' Uncomment this line below only if you uncommented the ' AddOptionalSettings line above for the first segment. 'segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts) Const numSegs = 2 ' Upload our segment list to the channel scpi.Execute "SENSe1:SEGMent:LIST SSTOP," & numSegs & "," & segData ' Set segment sweep type on Channel 1 scpi.Execute "SENSe1:SWEep:TYPE SEGment" ' Having the VNA display the segment sweep table for the channel scpi.Execute "DISPlay:WINDow1:TABLe SEGMent" Sub TurnOnOptions(ByVal chan) scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:BWIDth:CONTrol ON" scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:SWEep:TIME:CONTrol ON" scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:POWer:CONTrol ON" ' Turning off coupling allows power to vary per each port scpi.Execute "SOURce"&chan&":POWer:COUPle OFF" End Sub Function AddOptionalSettings(ByVal inStr, ByVal numSrcPorts) ' Specifying 1 kHz IF bandwidth and Dwell Time of 0 inStr = inStr & ",1E3,0" ' -10 dBm power for each of the source ports Dim i For i = 0 To numSrcPorts - 1 inStr = inStr & ",-10" Next AddOptionalSettings = inStr End Function |
This example assumes that the active trace is in Window 1
Option Explicit Dim app Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application") Dim scpi Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser ' Set the display-active channel's sweep type to segment sweep ' (if the VNA's currently active measurement window doesn't ' contain any traces, this querying for active channel will ' result in a SCPI error which scpi.Parse will trap and throw) Dim chan chan = CLng( scpi.Parse("SYSTem:ACTive:CHANnel?") ) scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SWEep:TYPE SEGment" ' Having the VNA display the segment sweep table for the channel scpi.Execute "DISPlay:WINDow1:TABLe SEGMent" ' Get the total number of segments Dim numSegs numSegs = CLng( scpi.Execute("SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:COUNt?") ) ' Read the segment listing Dim segDataStr segDataStr = scpi.Execute("SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:LIST?") Dim segData segData = Split(segDataStr, ",") ' Get upper bound of the array of data values ' (lower bound of array resulting from VB 'Split' function is 0) Dim segArrayUB segArrayUB = UBound(segData) Dim numDataElementsPerSeg numDataElementsPerSeg = (segArrayUB + 1) / numSegs WScript.Echo "Number of segments = " & numSegs WScript.Echo "Number of data values per segment = " & numDataElementsPerSeg Dim segInfStr segInfStr = "Segment 1: state = " & CBool(segData(0)) segInfStr = segInfStr & ", num points = " & CLng(segData(1)) segInfStr = segInfStr & ", start freq = " & CDbl(segData(2)) segInfStr = segInfStr & ", stop freq = " & CDbl(segData(3)) segInfStr = segInfStr & ", IFBW = " & CDbl(segData(4)) segInfStr = segInfStr & ", dwell time = " & CDbl(segData(5)) ' In case of a measurement receiver VNA like N5264A ' which has no source ports, "SOURce:CATalog?" will ' return an empty list Dim srcPortNames srcPortNames = Split( scpi.Execute("SOURce"&chan&":CATalog?"), ",") Dim srcPortNamesUB srcPortNamesUB = UBound(srcPortNames) ' First source port name will be preceded by a quotation mark ' and the last name will be followed by one of those, so stripping ' those off now. srcPortNames(0) = Right( srcPortNames(0), Len(srcPortNames(0)) - 1 ) srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB) = Left( srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB), InStrRev(srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB), Chr(34)) - 1 ) Dim firstPortIndex firstPortIndex = 6 Dim lastPortIndex lastPortIndex = numDataElementsPerSeg - 1 Dim j For j = firstPortIndex To lastPortIndex segInfStr = segInfStr & ", " & srcPortNames(j - firstPortIndex) & " power = " & CDbl(segData(j)) Next WScript.Echo segInfStr |