
These settings control the PRACH preamble.

See also, PRACH , Message, Multi PRACH Settings, and ClosedPRACH Structure.

1. General Settings

2. Transmission Settings

Signature (Single PRACH Mode)

Number of Preambles

Number of Preambles (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Initial Power

Initial Power (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Maximum Power

Maximum Power (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Power Ramp Step

Power Ramp Step (Multiple PRACH Mode)


Preamble Configuration Summary Table

This section defines the Settings Current and Apply Needed buttons. Only one button is available at any time. These buttons are available in all of the W-CDMA/HSPA+ Uplink's tree nodes.

This button indicates that the current real-time settings have been applied to the instrument. No action is required.

This button indicates that the instrument settings are not current and need to be updated to be applied to the instrument. Click this button to update the instrument's settings.



Begins the PRACH transmission. This button is active when the PRACH Start Trigger Source is set to Trigger in the PRACH node.


1. General Settings

Signature (Single PRACH Mode)

Range 0 to 15

Default: 0

Sets the signature code of PRACH Preamble.

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh[:SINGle]:PREamble:SIGNature <val>


2. Transmission Settings

Number of Preambles

Choice: 1 to 8388607 | Infinity

Default: 1

Sets the repetition number of the PRACH preamble. This value is clipped when <Number of Preamble> * <Power Ramp Step> exceeds 30 dB.

Edit the Number of Preambles by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedNumber of Preambles dialog box.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh[:SINGle]:PREamble:NUMBer <val>|INFinity


Number of Preambles (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Shows the repetition number of the PRACH preamble. The repetition number is fixed to 1 when the Multiple PRACH mode is on.

Edit the Number of PRACH (Multiple PRACH Mode) by clicking on the cell. Then click on the dialog box icon to launch the ClosedNumber of PRACH (Multiple PRACH Mode) dialog box. See also, Multi PRACH Settings topic.


Initial Power

Shows the initial preamble power from Maximum Power, Power Ramp Step, and the Number of Preambles. This parameter is not editable.


Initial Power (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Shows the initial preamble power (for Multiple PRACH Mode) from Maximum Power, Power Ramp Step, and the Number of Preambles. In Multiple PRACH Mode, the Initial Power is always the same value as the Maximum Power. See also, Multi PRACH Settings topic.


Maximum Power

Range: –144.06 to 30 (dB)

Default: 0 dB

Sets the maximum power of PRACH Preamble.

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh[:SINGle]:PREamble:POWer:MAXimum <val>


Maximum Power (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Range: –162.06 to 20 (dB)

Default: 0 dB

Sets the maximum power of PRACH Preamble (for Multiple PRACH Mode).

In Multiple PRACH Mode, the Maximum Power is always the same value as the Initial Power. See also, Multi PRACH Settings topic.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh:MULTi:PREamble:POWer:MAXimum <val>


Power Ramp Step

Range: 0 to 10 (dB)

Default: 0 dB

Sets the preamble power ramping level. This value is available when the number of Preambles is not "Infinity". This value is set to 0 when the number of Preambles is set to "Infinity".

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.

[:SOURce]:RADio:WCDMa:TGPP[:BBG]:ULINk:PRACh[:SINGle]:PREamble:POWer:RSTep <val>


Power Ramp Step (Multiple PRACH Mode)

Shows the power ramping level of preambles. This value is fixed to 0.0 dB because only one preamble is allowed in the multiple PRACH mode. See also, Multi PRACH Settings topic.



Range: 1 to 60 (Access Slot)

Default: 3 Access Slots

Sets Tp-p (timing duration preamble to preamble in access slots).

If the parameter set by the following command is changed while the signal is active, the :ULINk:APPLy command or Apply Needed () button must be executed for the change to occur.



Multi PRACH Settings