Sub-level Nodes

Use the following links to navigate to the topics containing the cell descriptions and SCPI commands for the Closedsub-level nodes to GSM/EDGE:


view the settings for an unframed signal with a continuous data pattern

view the settings for a framed signal with or without a secondary frame

view the settings for configuring the data for both an unframed or framed signal

view the settings for configuring the data for both a non-combined and combined BCH

configure the various trigger signals and input signal AUX ports/pins

GSM/EDGE Node Setting Descriptions

Use this topic to view the descriptions and SCPI commands for the settings in the GSM/EDGE node. To view the dialog boxes used with some of the GSM/EDGE node settings, go to Dialog Boxes.

Use the following links to navigate to and view the available GSM/EDGE node settings:


Burst Shape


Data Format


Rise Time


Symbol Rate


Rise Delay


Differential Encoding for GSM


Fall Time


Phase Polarity


Fall Delay



Burst Shape


Filter (GSM)

Secondary Frame


Filter (EDGE)


Secondary Frame State




Secondary Frame Trigger Source


Data Format

Choices: Continuous | Framed

Default: Continuous

Double click the cell, or click in the cell and use the drop-down menu to select the data format:

  • Continuous

    (Burst Off)

Modulate with unframed data using choices such as pseudo-random, custom pattern, externally applied data, or user data.

  • Framed

    (Burst On)

Enables the construction of framed bursted timeslots corresponding to the standard. Also enables the choice to configure secondary frame settings.



Symbol Rate

Range: 10 sps–271 ksps

Default: 270.833333 ksps

Modify the symbol rate by entering a value.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SRATe <val>


Differential Encoding for GSM

Choices: On | Off

Default: On

Double click the cell, or click in the cell and use the drop-down menu to set the choice for differential encoding. Encoding encodes the bits prior to modulation.

  • On

Differential encoding uses an exclusive-OR function to generate a modulated bit. Modulated bits will have a value of 1 if a data bit is different from the previous bit, or they will have a value of 0 if a data bit is the same as the previous bit.

  • Off

Encoding is off.



Phase Polarity

Choices: Normal | Inverted

Default: Normal

Double click the cell, or click in the cell and use the drop-down menu to invert the internal Q signal, reversing the rotation direction of the phase modulation vector.

  • Normal

Selects normal phase polarity

  • Inverted

Inverts the internal Q signal

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:POLarity[:ALL] NORMal|INVerted



Filter (GSM)

Choices:Gaussian | EDGE |User FIR Filter | User File

Default: Gaussian with BbT 0.300

Set the filter type by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the filter Filter Setup  dialog box. While this filter uses the same Filter Setup dialog box with the same selections and settings as Filter (EDGE) , this filter is separate and independent from Filter (EDGE).

Use this filter with the following GSM signal settings:

  1. Data Format =Continuous

  2. Modulation Type = GMSK


  1. Data Format =Framed

  2. Timeslot Type = a GSM timeslot

ClosedFilter (GSM) SCPI Commands

ClosedGaussian BbT SCPI Commands

ClosedPattern SCPI Commands

From the example: OSR = 4, coefficients (8 of them) = 0,0.3,0.6,1,1,0.6,0.3,0

Filter (EDGE)

Choices:Gaussian | EDGE |User FIR Filter | User File

Default: EDGE

Set the filter type by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the Filter Setup  dialog box. While this filter uses the same Filter Setup dialog box with the same selections and settings as Filter (GSM) , this filter is separate and independent from Filter (GSM).

Use this filter with the following EDGE signal settings:

  1. Data Format =Continuous

  2. Modulation Type = 8PSK and 3PI/8 Rotation


  1. Data Format =Framed

  2. Timeslot Type = an EDGE timeslot

ClosedFilter (EDGE) SCPI Commands

ClosedGaussian BbT SCPI Commands

ClosedPattern SCPI Commands

From the example the Oversample Ratio = 4 followed by eight coefficients: 0,0.3,0.6,1,1,0.6,0.3,0

Burst Shape

Rise Time

GUI Range: 0.0625–11 symbols

GUI Default: 3.0000 symbols

SCPI Range: 0.2–33 bits

SCPI Default: 9 bits

Sets the burst shape rise time.






Rise Delay

GUI Range: -11 to 100 symbols

GUI Default: 0.0000 symbols

SCPI Range: -33 TO 300 bits

SCPI Default: 0 bits

Sets the burst shape rise delay.






Fall Time

GUI Range: 0.0625–140 symbols

GUI Default: 3.0000 symbols

SCPI Range:0.2–420 bits

SCPI Default: 9 bits

Sets the burst shape fall time.






Fall Delay

GUI Range: -11 to 100 symbols

GUI Default: 0.0000 symbols

SCPI Range: -11 to 300 bits

SCPI Default: 0 bits

Sets the burst shape fall delay.






Burst Shape

Choices: Sine | User Defined Shape | User File

Default: Sine

Set the burst shape by clicking on the cell. Then click the dialog box icon to launch the burst shape Burst Shape Edit dialog box.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:BURSt:SHAPe[:TYPE] SINE|PATTern|"<file name>"


If PATTern is the SCPI command choice, use the following command to configure the burst shape.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:BURSt:SHAPe:PATTern "<numRisePts,risePts,numFallPts,fallPts>"



:RAD:EDGE:BURS:SHAP:PATT “6,0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,2,0.5,0”

From the example:

Secondary Frame

Secondary Frame State

Choices: On | Off

Default: Off

Coupling: grayed out until Data Format = Framed

Turn secondary frame capability either on or off.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SECondary[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0


Secondary Frame Trigger Source

Choice: External

Default: External

Coupling: grayed out until Secondary Frame State = On

Trigger the secondary frame from only an external trigger source. Refer to the instrument's User's Guide for information on the input connector.

[:SOURce]:RADio:EDGE[:BBG]:SECondary:TRIGger[:SOURce] EXT


Filter Setup

Burst Shape Edit