Real Time

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1. General Settings

ClosedBasic LTE, Basic LTE-A, and Advanced LTE

ClosedAdvanced LTE-A


Choice: On | Off

Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to control the operating state of the carrier.

Waveform Generation Length

Choices: 1 slot (0.5 ms) | 2 slots (1.0 ms) | … | 18 slots (9.0 ms) | 19 slots (9.5 ms) | 1 frame (10 ms) | 2 frames (20 ms) | 3 frames (30 ms) | 4 frames (40 ms)

Default: 1 frame (10 ms)

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to select the waveform generation length.

When the waveform generation length or offset is set, Waveform Generation Length + Waveform Generation Offset <= 1 frame (10 ms) is automatically satisfied by the software.

When the waveform generation length is longer than 1 frame, the waveform generation offset is limited to 0 slot (0.0 ms).

Shorter waveform length choices (< 10 ms) for this parameter are available only when Minor Enhancement Update (MEU) Option U01 or greater is valid. Refer to Licenses for more information.

Waveform Generation Offset

Range: 0 to 19 slots

Default: 0 slot

Sets the waveform generation offset. This parameter is available for basic carriers only.

When the waveform generation length or offset is set, Waveform Generation Length + Waveform Generation Offset <= 1 frame (10 ms) is automatically satisfied by the software.

This parameter appears in the software's GUI only when Minor Enhancement Update (MEU) Option U01 or greater is valid. Refer to Licenses for more information.

UI parameter couplings:

If the Waveform Generation Length parameter is set less than the Transmission Configuration Length, the value of Transmission Configuration Length is changed to be ≤Waveform Generation Length. In summary, the relation between Transmission Configuration Length and Waveform Generation Length is that the Transmission Configuration Length ≤Waveform Generation Length. (For more information on the Transmission Configuration Length parameter refer to the Channel Setups Advanced LTE TDD UL or and DL topics or the Channel Setups Advanced LTE-A TDD UL or and DL topics.)

Continuous Sequence:

While the long waveform is playing, the following signal or data values are generated sequentially.




Figure. Frame Structure type 2 (for 5 ms switch-point periodicity)

Oversampling Ratio

Choices: Auto, 1, 2

Default: Auto

If you select AUTO, the signal generator automatically sets an optimized oversampling ratio for the current setup.

The Total Sample Points value is automatically determined based on the oversampling ratio. Using a larger oversampling ratio results in a more completely filtered image, but also uses more waveform memory by increasing the number of waveform points. If AUTO is selected, the signal generator automatically selects the optimized oversampling ratio for the current signal setup.

Base Sampling Rate

Displays the Base Sampling Rate of the signal. This cell can not be edited.

Base Sampling Rate is a sampling rate without Oversampling Ratio (OSR). There is a relation among Base Sampling Rate, OSR, Total Sample Points and Waveform Generation Length as follows.

Total Sample Points = Base Sampling Rate (MHz) x OSR x 1000 x Waveform Generation Length (ms)

Example: System BW = 5MHz, OSR = 1 (Auto), Waveform Generation Length = 10 (ms) case:

Total Sample Points = 7.68 (MHz) x 1 x 1000 x 10 (ms) = 76800 (Points)

The software sets the Base Sampling Rate based on the System Bandwidth (BW) as follows:

System BW = 1.4 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 1.92 MHz.

System BW = 3 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 3.84 MHz.

System BW = 5 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 7.68 MHz.

System BW = 10 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 15.36 MHz.

System BW = 15 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 23.04 MHz.

System BW = 20 MHz, Base Sampling Rate = 30.72 MHz.

For multi-carrier waveforms, the Base Sampling Rate = 30.72 MHz.

Total Sample Points

View the waveform length, displayed in points. This cell cannot be edited.

The Total Sample Points value is automatically determined based on the oversampling ratio. Using a larger oversampling ratio results in a more completely filtered image, but also uses more waveform memory by increasing the number of waveform points.

Total Sample Points = (Waveform Generation (ms) * Oversampling Ratio * Base Sampling Rate)

Frequency Offset

Default: 0.000000 Hz

Set the frequency offset of the carrier relative to the signal generator's frequency setting.

The range of the parameter is coupled to the Oversampling Ratio, the Base Sampling Rate, the System Bandwidth, and the max ARB Sample Clock of the connected signal generator.

For single carrier configurations, the following table shows the maximum frequency offset:

Maximum Frequency Offset for each Maximum Arb Sample Clock and System Bandwidth
Maximum Frequency Offset System Bandwidth
Maximum Arb Sample Clock (RF Bandwidth) 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
75 MHz (60 MHz) 29.3 MHz 28.5 MHz 26.72 MHz 20.54 MHz 22.04 MHz 15.36 MHz
100 MHz (80 MHz) 39.3 MHz 38.5 MHz 37.5 MHz 35 MHz 32.5 MHz 30 MHz
125 MHz (100 MHz) 49.3 MHz 48.5 MHz 47.5 MHz 45 MHz 42.5 MHz 40 MHz
150 MHz (120 MHz) 59.3 MHz 58.5 MHz 57.5 MHz 55 MHz 52.5 MHz 46.08 MHz
200 MHz (160 MHz) 79.3 MHz 78.5 MHz 77.5 MHz 75 MHz 72.5 MHz 70 MHz

For multiple carrier configurations, the following table shows the maximum frequency offset:

Multiple Carrier Maximum Frequency Offset for each Maximum Arb Sample Clock and System Bandwidth
Maximum Frequency Offset System Bandwidth
Maximum Arb Sample Clock (RF Bandwidth) 1.4 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz
75 MHz (60 MHz) 15.36 MHz
100 MHz (80 MHz) 30.72 MHz 30 MHz
125 MHz (100 MHz) 46.08 MHz 45 MHz 42.5 MHz 40 MHz
150 MHz (120 MHz) 46.08 MHz
200 MHz (160 MHz) 76.8 MHz 75 MHz 72.5 MHz 70 MHz


Range: -60.000 to 0.000 dB

Default: 0.000 dB

Sets the power level in dB for the selected carrier in a multiple carrier configuration, relative to the power settings defined for the other carriers in the configuration.

You can ignore this parameter for single carrier configurations. In single carrier configurations, the amplitude of the signal is determined by the Amplitude setting in the Signal Generator node.

The carrier power level set with this parameter determines how the total RF power level (set with the Amplitude parameter in the Instrument node) is shared by the carriers in a multiple carrier configuration. The power, set in dB, is relative to the power, in dB, of the other carriers.   

Example: Assume a two-carrier configuration with the RF power level set at -10 dBm in the instrument node. If Carrier 1 is set to 0 dB and Carrier 2 is set to 0 dB, then each carrier will be transmitted with the same power level. This means that each carrier will be transmitted at -13 dBm to maintain the total power output by the instrument at -10 dBm. 

When Power Definition Type is set to Total Power, the RSTP is automatically calculated from the Amplitude setting in the Instrument node, the Power setting in the Component Carrier node, and each carrier's signal settings.

When Power Definition Type is set to RSTP, the Amplitude setting in the Instrument node and the Power setting in the Component Carrier node are automatically calculated and read-only.

Timing Offset

Range: 0.000 to minimum (waveform generation length - 1 ns or 10 ms - 1 ns) (us)

Default: 0.000 (us)

Specifies the length of timing offset. The maximum value of the range depends of Waveform Generation Length.

If the Timing Offset cannot be divided by sampling period (1 / Base Sampling Rate), the data is generated by the linear interpolation process.

Timing offset shifts the waveform relative to its original position and the Event 1 frame trigger marker signal. Each offset increment represents a period of time equal to the inverse value of the sampling frequency (see table below). As the waveform bit stream is shifted within a frame, the leftover bits wrap around to occupy the time between the original position and the offset value. This is advantageous in a multicarrier configuration because you can vary the timing offset of each carrier to reduce the probability of all carriers adding in phase and minimize the crest factor in the composite waveform. In a single carrier configuration, the timing offset has no effect on the crest factor, and therefore, should be set to 0.

Sampling Frequency

Time Value per Offset Increment

(1/sampling frequency)

Channel Configuration

(Bandwidth and Resource Blocks)

1.92 MHz

520.8 ns

1.4 MHz, 6 RB

3.84 MHz

260.4 ns

3 MHz, 15 RB

7.68 MHz

130.2 ns

5 MHz, 25 RB

15.36 MHz

65.1 ns

10 MHz, 50 RB

23.04 MHz

43.4 ns

15 MHz, 75 RB

30.72 MHz

32.55 ns

20 MHz, 100 RB

30.72 MHz

32.55 ns


Initial Phase

Range: 0 to 359 degrees

Default: 0 degrees

Set the initial phase of the carrier.

Symbol Roll-off Length

Range: 0 to 400 Ts

Default: 0 Ts

Windowing is used in the Signal Studio for 3GPP LTE software to reduce spurious signal generation between symbols.

Symbol Rolloff sets the windowing length in Basic Time Units.

Basic Time Unit (Ts) = 1/(15000 x 2048) seconds

The cyclic prefix used with SC-FDMA modulation in LTE results in a discontinuity between the SC-FDMA symbols. Windowing is used in the Signal Studio for 3GPP LTE software to reduce spurious signal generation between symbols caused by this discontinuity. Symbol Rolloff sets the windowing length in Basic Time Units. Adjusting the Symbol Roll-off Length can improve ACPR performance, but this may result in degraded EVM performance.

Baseband Filter

Choice: On | Off

Default: On

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to turn the baseband filter on or off. Turning the baseband filter off is not recommended.

Pre-Filter Clipping

Range: 10 to 100%

Default: 100%

Set the clipping (limit) level of the I/Q waveform before filtering. (100.0% = no clipping)

Post-Filter Clipping

Range: 10 to 100%

Default: 100%

Set the clipping (limit) level of the I/Q waveform after filtering. (100.0% = no clipping)

Inter-band Hardware

Choice: Inter-band 1 | Inter-band 2

Default: Inter-band 1

Double-click or use the drop-down menu to set the inter-band hardware.