Millimeter Configuration

This topic describes the Millimeter Configuration dialog functions used to configure the N5252A for banded measurements.

In this topic:

Accessing Millimeter Configuration Dialog

Banded Millimeter Configuration Dialog

Banded Millimeter Module Configuration dialog box help

Select Configuration  Lists the Standard VNA configuration and other configurations that you have created.

  • Click New for first-time use.

  • Select Standard PNA to exit the Millimeter Configuration dialog.

Name  Shows the currently selected configuration. Edit this field to change the configuration name. Type a unique name using only alphanumeric characters and underscore.

New  Click to create a new Millimeter configuration. A name is automatically selected. Edit the Name field to change the configuration name.

Remove  Deletes a Millimeter Configuration.


Max Power Limit at Module RF IN  The maximum mmWave module RF input is limited to this value.

Offset  Sets the loss of the cables. The mmWave module RF input is adjusted by this amount. Positive offset increases the power.

Slope  Helps compensate for cable and test fixture power losses at increased frequency. The mmWave module RF input power increases as the sweep frequency increases in dB/GHz. The slope is defined relative to the mmWave module RF input frequency. The slope starts at 0 Hz and a positive slope will increase the power level. Range is +/- 2 dB/GHz.

Installation Cal...  The installation calibration adjusts the source power at the output of the Frequency Extender. These can change each time a frequency extender is moved from one port to another, or from one system to another. This calibration should be done each time a change is made to the configuration. For a procedure, refer to Installation Cal.

Enable Installation Cal  When checked will use the calibration data from the installation calibration.

Frequency Settings

Module RF IN  RF Frequency Range (displayed in grey fields) multiplied by the multiplier value equals module test port frequency range.

Module LO IN  LO Frequency Range (displayed in grey field) multiplied by this value equals the module test port frequency.

Module Test Port  Set the Start and Stop frequencies of the selected configuration at the test ports. This becomes the displayed Start and Stop frequency of the VNA.

Important Notes

  • To set Test Port Frequency, first set the appropriate Multiplier values that are specified in your mmWave module documentation.

  • Ensure that the RF and LO Frequencies are within the frequency range of the sources. The VNA offers no warning if they are NOT.

Cancel  Closes dialog box without saving changes.

OK  Saves the configuration and the VNA is Preset before making the appropriate settings.