Click here to view links to Cal commands for all Measurement Classes.
Main Tab Commands | |||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI | COM |
Other Cals |
Cal All... |
Src Power Correct | ON/OFF | SOURce:POWer:CORRection[:STATe] | SourcePowerCorrection |
Interpolation | ON/OFF | SENSe:CORRection:INTerpolate[:STATe] | InterpolateCorrection |
Properties... | None | Properties |
Cal Sets & Cal Kits Tab Commands | |||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI | COM |
Cal Set Viewer | ON/OFF | DISPlay:TOOL:CSET[:STATe] | None |
Cal Pod... |
Fixtures Tab Commands | |||
Softkey | Sub-item | SCPI | COM |
Apply Fixtures | ON/OFF | CALCulate:FSIMulator:STATe | FixturingState |
Power Comp... | Port N | EnablePowerCompensation |
Change order of operations |
None |
2 and 4-port Extrapolate |
EnableSnPDataExtrapolation |
2-Port Fixturing | |||
Port matching ON and OFF |
PortMatchingState |
Reverse ports |
Reverse2PortAdapter |
Sets Port Matching circuit model |
PortMatchingCktModel |
Sets Port Matching 'S2P' file name |
strPortMatch_S2PFile |
Sets Capacitance 'C' value |
PortMatching_C |
Sets Conductance 'G' value |
PortMatching_G |
Sets Inductance 'L' value |
PortMatching_L |
Sets Resistance 'R' value |
PortMatching_R |
De-embed ON and OFF |
Port2PdeembedState |
Sets De-embedding circuit model |
Port2PdeembedCktModel |
Sets De-embedding 'S2P' file name |
strPort2Pdeembed_S2PFile |
Port Impedance ON and OFF |
PortArbzState |
Port Z Real |
PortArbzReal |
Port Z Imag |
PortArbzImag |
Port Z Real and Imag |
PortArbzZ0 |
Remote ONLY | |||
Create Cal Set with De-embeded fixture removed |
Deembed |
Create Cal Set with Matching network included |
Embed |