Only the Main Setup commands corresponding to the Differential I/Q measurement class are documented here. All other commands are identical to the Setup commands for the Standard measurement class and can be accessed by clicking here or by clicking on the softtabs on the graphic below.
Click here to view links to Setup commands for all Measurement Classes.
Main Tab Commands | |||
Softkey |
Sub-item | SCPI |
DIQ Setup... | Frequency Range Settings | AddRange |
Frequency | RangeStartFrequency |
RangeStopFrequency |
RangeIFBW |
Coupling | RangeCoupleState |
SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:COUPle:ID | RangeCoupled |
SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:COUPle:OFFSet | RangeOffset |
SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:COUPle:UCONvert | RangeOffsetUp |
SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:COUPle:MULTiplier | RangeMultiplier |
SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:COUPle:DIVisor | RangeDivisor |
Remove | SENSe:DIQ:FREQuency:RANGe:DELete | DeleteRange |
Source Configuration |
Source State | SENSe:DIQ:PORT:STATe | SourceState |
Frequency Range | SENSe:DIQ:PORT:RANGe | SourceRange |
Ext Source Port | None None |
Power | PowerSweepState |
PortStartPower |
PortStopPower |
PortLevelingMode |
PortAttenuator |
AutoRangeState |
Phase | PortPhaseState |
PhaseSweepState |
PortPhaseStart |
PortPhaseStop |
PortReference |
PortPhaseParameter |
PhaseTolerance |
PhaseIterationNumber |
Match Correction | MatchState |
SENSe:DIQ:PORT:MATCh:TRECeiver | MatchTestReceiver |
SENSe:DIQ:PORT:MATCh:RRECeiver | MatchRefReceiver |
SENSe:DIQ:PORT:MATCh:RANGe | MatchFrequencyRange |
Meas Class... |
CALCulate:MEASure:DEFine | CreateCustomMeasurementEx |
Quick Start... | S-Param | CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter | CreateSParameterEx |
Balanced | CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter | BalSMeasurement BBalMeasurement SBalMeasurement SSBMeasurement |
Other | CALCulate:MEASure:PARameter | CreateSParameterEx |