Measurement Classes

Measurement Classes are categories of measurements that can coexist on a channel.


Note: The M9370/71A/72A/73A/74A/75A does not support this function.

See other 'Setup Measurements' topics

What are Measurement Classes

Note: Measurement classes vary according to the VNA model and options installed.

The dialog below is an example showing the Measurement Classes currently available for a VNA. Within each of these classes there are a number of measurements.

Measurement Classes are categories of measurements that can coexist on a channel. A measurement from one class can NOT reside in a channel with a measurement from another class. For example, a Noise Figure measurement can NOT reside in a channel that is currently hosting Scalar Mixer Measurements.

The Measurement Class dialog is accessed in the following ways:

How to assign a Measurement Class to a Channel

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

  1. Press Meas > S-Param > Meas Class...

  1. Click Instrument.

  2. Select Meas Class....


Measurement Class dialog box help

Measurement class dialog box shows the supported classes for your unit. The supported classes depends on the product and installed options. The above dialog box shows an example of PNA.

Measurements in a measurement class can NOT coexist in a channel with a measurement of a different measurement class.

Select a measurement class for the active channel or new measurement channel.

  • The Standard measurement class contains S-Parameters. Balanced parameters, and Receiver measurements.

  • All other measurement classes are commonly called "Applications".

Title Bar Indicates the active channel to which the measurement class will be assigned.

Show setup dialog

  • Check to launch the selected Measurement Class dialog.

  • Clear (default setting) to not launch the selected Measurement Class dialog. This setting survives a Preset and VNA Shutdown.

Confirm changes

  • Check (default setting) to launch the Confirm Measurement Class Change dialog.

  • Clear to perform the 'OK' actions without confirmation. This setting survives a Preset and VNA Shutdown.

New Channel Click to create the measurement class in a new channel and new window. A default measurement for that class is created in the channel.

To change the measurement, click Trace, then select a new measurement.


Choose to do the following: