Short Message Service

Last updated: 2014-11-28

This section is only applicable to the feature-licensed test application.

Short Message Service (SMS) Overview

Mobile Terminated SMS (MT SMS)- Sending a Message to the Mobile Station

Mobile Originated SMS (MO SMS)- Receiving Messages Transmitted by the Mobile Station

How Do I Use the Short Message Service (SMS) Feature?

Short Message Service (SMS) Overview

Short Message Service (SMS) provides a means to transfer short messages between a mobile station (MS) and a Short Message Entity (SME) via a Service Centre (SC). Refer to 3GPP TS 24.011 and TS 23.040 for the SMS support and technical realization standards.

The test set supports the following SMS capablities:

Once your mobile has successfully camped or attached to the test set, you can make an SMS at any time, regardless of the call connection status.

Mobile Terminated SMS (MT SMS)- Sending a Message to the Mobile Station

MT SMS are SMS messages sent to the mobile station.

The test set allows you to specify several MT SMS message parameters, including the transportation mechanism, the content, and some header parameters. This allows you to send SMS messages of various usages and configurations. When the SMS process is over, a report is always returned and displayed on the test set; either confirming that the MS has received the short message, or informing that it was impossible to deliver the short message to the MS, and the reason why.

Supported Mobile Terminated SMS Scenarios

The test set supports sending MT SMS over existing or non-existing circuit-switched or packet-switched connections. It is therefore possible to send the UE an MT SMS under the following conditions:

Mobile Terminated SMS Parameters

You can choose to send Point-to-Point SMS messages in either the CS or PS domain. The domain to be used is configurable by specifying the Transportation mechanism.

GPIB Command: CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:TRANsport

Several SMS message options are available which allow you to use the pre-defined (Text1 or Text2) or create the message content (Custom Text) to be sent to the mobile station.


Keysight Technologies, your partner in wireless solutions

The default custom text message is: Enter your text here

GPIB Command: CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:CONTents

It is important for you to configure the Data Coding Scheme parameter in order for the mobile station to know what type of message it is receiving. Examples of parameter values that you are likely to use are:


ASCII Text Messages (concatenated or non-concatenated)


General binary messages (ringtones, vcards, bitmap picture messages, etc.)


UCS2 (Unicode) messages (Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, etc.)


WAP Push and MMS notification messages


GPIB Command: CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated][:MESSage]:DCSCheme

Mobile Terminated SMS Information

The Status area in the Last Sent Message window displays the state of the message sent  to the mobile station. The GPIB command is CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:SEND:STATe?.

There are six possible MT SMS message states.

Reject Cause

Hex equivalent




Short message Type 0 not supported



Cannot replace short message



Unspecified TP-PID error



Message class not supported



Unspecified TP-DCS error



TPDU not supported



(U)SIM SMS storage full



No SMS storage capability in (U)SIM



Error in MS



Memory Capacity Exceeded



(U)SIM Application Toolkit Busy



(U)SIM data download error



Values specific to an application



Unspecified error cause

When sending SMS messages programmatically, you should query the SMS Message Status to delay the sending of each message until the previous message has been acknowledged by the phone. If the command to send the message is received before the sending of a previous message has been acknowledged/rejected or timed out, the current message may not be sent.

Mobile Originated SMS (MO SMS)- Receiving Messages Transmitted by the Mobile Station

Mobile Originated SMS Parameters

This feature gives you the ability to simulate the complete transfer of an SMS message from an originating mobile station to a destination mobile station through the network.

GPIB Command: CALL:SMService:PTPoint:MORiginated:LOOPback

Last Received Message Information

The header and message elements of mobile originated SMS Submit messages are available in the Last Received Message window or by GPIB command, as listed below.

How Do I Use the Short Message Service (SMS) Feature?

Mobile-Terminated SMS Procedure

This section describes general procedures for Mobile-Terminated SMS tests. You can choose to send an SMS while in idle state or on a call connection.

  1. Connect the mobile station to the test set.

  2. Power on the mobile station.

  3. If you want to send an SMS in idle state, wait for the mobile station to perform a power up registration. The mobile station information should appear in the UE Information window after a successful registration.

  4. If you want to send an SMS on a voice or data call, follow the procedure in Set Up a Call and Make a Connection to set up a call connection. When finished, verify that the call has established by checking for Connected in the Active Cell field.

  1. Press the Call Setup key.

  2. Press the More key on the lower left side of the test set two times until 3 of 3 of the Call Control menu is displayed. Press the Short Message Service (F5) and then Point to Point (F1). The Message Summary screen appears.

  3. (Optional) Press Mobile Terminated (F2) and set up the Mobile-Terminated SMS parameters as desired. For example, If you want to send message over CS domain, set the Transportation parameter to CS Domain (See Supported Mobile Terminated SMS Scenarios on what scenarios are supported by the test set).  Choose the message to send by selecting the Content parameter. In this example, set the Content to Text2 to send the following message to the UE: "Keysight Technologies, your partner in wireless solutions".

  4. Press the Send Message softkey ( F1 ) to send the message. Observe the mobile station for indications that the message has been received. The test set also gives an indication.

Mobile-Originated SMS Procedure

This section describes general procedures for Mobile-Originated SMS tests. You can choose to receive an SMS while in idle state or on a call connection.

  1. Connect the mobile station to the test set.

  2. Power on the mobile station.

  3. If you want to receive an SMS in idle state, wait for the mobile station to perform a power up registration. The mobile station information should appear in the UE Information window after a successful registration.

  4. If you want to receive an SMS on a voice or data call, follow the procedure in Set Up a Call and Make a Connection to set up a call connection. When finished, verify that the call has established by checking for Connected in the Active Cell field.

  1. Press the Call Setup key.

  2. Press the More key on the lower left side of the test set two times until 3 of 3 of the Call Control menu is displayed. Press the Short Message Service (F5) and then Point to Point (F1). The Message Summary screen appears.

  3. (Optional) Press Mobile Originated (F3) and set up the Mobile-Originated SMS parameters as desired. For example, If you want the message received by the test set to be resent to the mobile station, set the Loopback parameter to On.

  4. (Optional) To clear the last received SMS message, press Clear All (F5).

  5. Use the mobile station to send a point-to-point message of "Hello" to any address.

  6. Observe the test set for indications that the message has been received. If the loopback mode is enabled, observe the mobile station for indications that the message has been received.

Related Topics

GPIB Commands: CALL:SMService