HTTP Interface Configuration for Cell Broadcast Service Messages

HTTP Interface Configuration for Cell Broadcast Service Messages

Last updated: January 15, 2009

This section is only applicable to the lab applications.

Please keep in mind that an HTTP address requires all the components shown in the URL below, and that this section focuses on the request URL portion of the address. See HTTP Overview for more information regarding other components of the HTTP address.

If you wish to use the HTTP interface to configure and send cell broadcast messages to the mobile station attached to the test set's RF port, you must do the following:

  1. Enable the Test Set's HTTP Interface
  2. Enable the Cell Broadcast Service
  3. Configure the Request URL

Enable the Cell Broadcast Service

Once the HTTP interface is enabled (see Enable the Test Set's HTTP Interface ), you can do the following through the HTTP interface:

Configure the Request URL

When using the HTTP interface in the test set for sending cell broadcast messages, you must configure a request URL.

Requests to send cell broadcast messages to the mobile station attached to the test set using the HTTP interface must be configured using the following rules:

  1. The request URL format accepted by the test set is:


    "/cbsms/message<n>/?" must be specified at the beginning of the request URL (following the IP address and port number) in order for the test set to recognize the HTTP request as a request to send a cell broadcast message to the mobile station. The <n> represents the message number which must be 1,2, or 3.


    The parameters and values variables provides the content of the cell broadcast message as well as additional information for header configuration and test set configuration. All configurable parameters and values are detailed in Request URL Parameters .

  2. An HTTP error code of 400 (Bad Request) is returned to the client initiating an HTTP request and the message is not forwarded on to the mobile station if any parameter values in the request URL do not adhere to the constraints detailed in Request URL Parameters .
  3. Parameters in the request URL can be in any order.
  4. When a text message is being submitted via the `TEXT' parameter, HTTP URL escaping restrictions apply. Therefore, all space characters must be replaced with the `%20' character sequence. Other characters that require escape characters when used in URLs are detailed in the following table.

    Character to URL Escape Sequence Mapping

  5. Accepted HTPP request methods

    Both POST and GET HTTP requests are accepted by the test set for sending cell broadcast messages.

    If POST is used as the request method, the URL request parameters detailed in Request URL Parameters are not included in the request URL, but are included in the request body instead. Therefore, the request URL in POST requests contains only `cbsms/message<n>' (when <n> must be a 1, 2 or 3).

Request URL Parameters

Parameter Use and expected value Inclusion
CODE Specifies the 10-bit message code element of the cell broadcast message's serial number.Expected value: decimal number in the range 0-1023

Optional (default*= 0)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:CODE .

DATA Specifies the binary data to be sent in the message.Expected value: 0-2460 length character string of ASCII formatted hexadecimal characters

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the TEXT parameter.

Including this parameter affects the settings for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:CONTent and CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:CDATa .

DCS Specifies the 8-bit data coding scheme of the cell broadcast message.Expected value: Decimal number in the range 0-255

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the DCSHEX parameter. (default*= 1)

Including this parameter affects the settings for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:DCSCheme[:SPECify] and CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:DCSCheme:VALue .

DCSHEX Specifies the 8-bit data coding scheme of the cell broadcast message.Expected value: string of hex characters in the range 0 - FF

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the DCS parameter. (default*= not used).

Including this parameter affects the settings for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:DCSCheme[:SPECify] and CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:DCSCheme:VALue .

GSCOPE Specifies the 2-bit geographical scope element of the cell broadcast message's serial number.Expected value: decimal number in the range 0-3

Optional (default*= 0)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:GSCope .

ID Specifies the 16-bit message identifier of the cell broadcast message.Expected value: Decimal number in the range 0-65535

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the IDHEX parameter. (default*= 0)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:IDENtifier .

IDHEX Specifies the 16-bit message identifier for the cell broadcast message.Expected value: String of hex characters in the range 0 - FFFF

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the ID parameter. (default*= not used)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:IDENtifier .

REPETITION Specifies the repetition period for the message in seconds. This parameter may be included in HTTP requests to configure any of the individual cell broadcast messages however the associated value is be applied to ALL of the messages regardless of which message the HTTP request was for.Expected value: Decimal number in the range 1 - 1800

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the REPUNITS parameter. (default*= 30)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:REPetition[:SEConds] .

STATE Specifies if the message should be transmitted when the cell broadcast service is running.Expected value: Decimal number in the range 0 - 1 where 0=OFF, 1=ON.

Optional (default*: Message 1=ON, Message 2 and 3 = OFF)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:STATe .


Specifies the text to be sent in the message.

Expected Value: 0 to 1395 length character string of 7-bit text characters.

Optional -This parameter cannot be included in the same request as the DATA parameter.

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:CONTent and CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:CTEXt .

UPDATE Specifies the 4-bit update number element of the cell broadcast message's serial number.Expected value: Decimal number in the range 0-15

Optional (default*= 0)

Including this parameter affects the setting for CALL:SMService:CBRoadcast:MESSage[<n>]:UPDate .

*This value is the setting for the parameter when the test set is powered on. If a parameter is not included, the setting for the parameter does not revert to the default settings, but retains the current parameter settings.

Example Cell Broadcast Request URL Strings

Example Text Cell Broadcast Request URL

To send a text based cell broadcast message with the following message details:

  • Geographic Scope: Cell Wide/Normal
  • Message Code: 5
  • Update Number: 1
  • Message ID: 2
  • Data Coding Scheme: 1
  • Text: "This is a text message for message one"
  • State: On (message 1)
  • Repetition Period: 10 seconds

you would format the cell broadcast HTTP request URL as follows:


Example Binary Cell Broadcast Request URL

To send a binary message with the following message details:

  • Geographic Scope: PLMN Wide / Normal Display
  • Message Code: 13
  • Update Number: 1
  • Message ID: 6
  • Data Coding Scheme: 245
  • Data: 014FA553000FF110
  • State: On (message 2) Message 1 is on by default, so it does not need to be included in the above URL.

you would format the cell broadcast message as follows:


Subsequent Message Configuration

Messages can be updated over HTTP while the cell broadcast service is enabled and running. For example, if message 1 and message 2 are configured as described in Example Text Cell Broadcast Request URL and Example Binary Cell Broadcast Request URL and you wish to change the contents of the text message sent in message 1 to "This is an updated text message for message one", you would send the following URL:


Notice that the update number has changed from 1 to 2 to indicate to the mobile station that the contents of the message have been altered.

If you wish to stop transmitting message 2, you would send the following URL:


Related Topics

HTTP Interface for Cell Broadcast Service - Introduction