Short Message Service (SMS) Messages

Short Message Service (SMS) Messages

Last updated: January 15, 2009

This section is only applicable to the lab application or feature-licensed test application.

Several Short Message Service (SMS) message options are available which allow you to choose or create the message content to be sent to the mobile station.

The Content parameter for SMS includes the following selections:

You can use the following GPIB command to select the content type to be used in mobile terminated SMS messages:

CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:CONTents .

Predefined Point-to-Point Text Messages

There are two predefined point-to-point text messages. The ASCII text strings of these messages are as follows:

User Defined Text Message (Custom Text Message)

You can also customize the text sent in the sms message using the Custom Text message. You can define the text for the custom message using the following GPIB command:

CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:TEXT:CUSTom .

The custom text message can be defined only via the remote user interface. The maximum length for the user defined text messages is 160 characters.

The default custom text message is:

Enter your text here

SMS text messages exchanged between the test set and the mobile station are encoded using the ETSI Default Alphabet character set. The ETSI Default Alphabet encoding shares the majority of its character codes with those used by the ASCII character set. Between the two character sets, all alphanumeric characters and most punctuation characters have identical codes.

For user defined text messages, the test set accepts a 7-bit ASCII string. This string is then encoded using the ETSI Default Alphabet before it is transmitted. The ASCII code for each character in this string is mapped to the ETSI Default Alphabet character with the same code. Characters present in the user defined text message whose ASCII and ETSI Default Alphabet codes are not identical will be received and displayed by the mobile station as the ETSI Default Alphabet character with the original ASCII character's code. This behavior is only noticeable with certain user defined text messages as all of the predefined text messages use only alphanumeric and basic punctuation characters.


Defining the User Data (TP-UD) content for Binary SMS Applications

Transmission of SMS messages necessary for concatenated and binary SMS applications like WAP Push, MMS notifications, ringtones, picture messaging, as well as character based languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Hebrew that use UCS2 can be done by specifying the entire contents of the Deliver PDU's User Data field, including header information, in hexadecimal characters. You can define the content for the Custom Data parameter using the following GPIB command:

CALL:SMService:PTPoint[:MTERminated]:DATA:CUSTom .

The custom user data can be defined only via the remote user interface. The maximum length for the user data is 280 ASCII formatted hexadecimal characters.

The default custom user data is:


Related Topics

Short Message Service (SMS)

Point-to-Point SMS

Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)

How to use the Short Message Service Features
