How Do I Make a Fast Device Tune Measurement?

How Do I Make a Fast Device Tune Measurement?

Last updated: January 15, 2009

Before performing this measurement, ensure that the test set has been properly calibrated (see Calibrating the Test Set ).


Measuring Fast Device Tune

  1. Set Operating Mode ( F1 ) to FDD Test .
  2. Set Channel Type ( F8 ) to 12.2k RMC , 64k RMC , 144k RMC , 384k RMC or 33k No Coding RMC .
  3. Set the test set's receiver and generator control to manual mode:
    • Set RF Gen Freq Ctrl ( F11 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ) to Manual .
    • Select Receiver Control ( F12 on Call Parms 3 of 3 ).
    • Set Power Control to Manual (it is not necessary to set the Manual Power setting; it is not used by the measurement).
    • Select Measurement Frequency and press the front panel OFF ( MANUAL ) key (the particular frequency displayed is not used by the measurement).
  4. Press the Measurement selection key.
  5. Select the Fast Device Tune measurement.
  6. Select Fast Device Tune Setup ( F1 ) and set the measurement parameters as needed. Select Close Menu ( F6 ).
  7. Select Fast Device Tune MS TX/RX Parms ( F2 ), and configure the parameters as needed. Select Close Menu ( F6 ) and Return ( F6 ).
  8. Place your mobile into a test mode that causes it to transmit continuously at >20 dB below the power level of the first step in the MS TX Power Sequence.
  9. Press the START SINGLE key to initiate (arm) the measurement.
  10. Wait 2 seconds.
  11. Order your mobile to begin transmission of its MS TX Frequency/Power Series (the mobile should then increase its output power by more than 20 dB to reach the first step in the series, which triggers the measurement with an RF rise).

    Do not send any GPIB commands to the test set or press any front panel keys until the measurement has completed.


  12. Select Graph Control ( F3 ). Set the axis control parameters as needed. Select Return ( F6 ).
  13. Select Marker ( F2 ) to turn on the marker on the graphical display.

A typical result is shown below:

Related Topics

Fast Device Tune Measurement Description

Fast Device Tune Troubleshooting

Programming a Fast Device Tune Measurement