Last updated: January 16, 2009
Queries the average adjacent channel leakage ratio at the following offsets: -5 MHz, +5 MHz, -10 MHz, +10 MHz. To set the number of measurement to average, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WACLEAKAGE:AVERAGE:ALL?" !Queries the average adjacent channel leakage ratio. |
Queries the intermediate count of measurements completed in a multi-measurement. To set up multi-measurements, see SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WACLEAKAGE:ICOUNT?" !Returns the intermediate count of adjacent channel leakage ratio multi-measurements. |
Queries the average of several adjacent channel leakage measurement, in-channel power results. To set the number of measurements to average, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCh:WACLeakage:ICPower?" !Queries the average power for the in-channel power results. |
Queries the statistical measurement results for several adjacent channel leakage measurement, in-channel power results. To set the number of measurements to gather statistics for, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . Results are returned in the following order: minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation in-channel power. |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCh:WACLeakage:ICPower:ALL?" !Queries the statistical measurement results for the ACLR measurement, in-channel power results. |
Queries the maximum in-channel power of several adjacent channel leakage measurements. To set the number of measurement to average, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCh:WACLeakage:ICPower:MAXimum?" !Queries the maximum in-channel power of several ACLR measurements. |
Queries the minimum in-channel power of several adjacent channel leakage measurements. To set the number of measurements to compare, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . | |
OUTPUT 714;"FFETCh:WACLeakage:ICPower:MINimum?" !Queries the minimum in-channel power of several ACLR measurements. |
Queries the standard deviation of in-channel power for several adjacent channel leakage measurements. To set the number of measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCh:WACLeakage:ICPower:SDEViation?" !Queries the standard deviation of in-channel power for the ACLR measurements. |
Queries the measurement integrity indicator for the last adjacent channel leakage measurement completed. Zero indicates a normal measurement. See Integrity Indicator for information about non-zero integrity results. |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WACLEAKAGE:INTegrity?" !Queries the integrity indicator for the adjacent channel leakage ratio results. |
Queries the standard deviation of several adjacent channel leakage ratio measurements at the following offsets: -5 MHz, +5 MHz, -10 MHz, +10 MHz. To set the number of measurement to compare, use the command SETup:WACLeakage:COUNt[:SNUMber] . |
OUTPUT 714;"FETCH:WACLEAKAGE:SDEVIATION:ALL?" !Queries the standard deviation of power for the adjacent channel leakage ratio !measurements. |