DCA-X / DCA-M Specifications
For sampling oscilloscope products
This help system lists the specifications for the following products:
- N1000A DCA-X mainframe
- 86100D DCA-X mainframe
- DCA-X plug-in modules
- DCA-M series products
- 86100-series legacy plug-in modules
All specifications describe warranted performance over the temperature range +10°C to + 40°C (unless otherwise noted). The specifications are applicable after the temperature is stabilized, which occurs after 1 hour of continuous operation and while self calibration is valid. Many performance parameters are enhanced through frequent, simple user calibrations.
Specifications describe warranted performance. Characteristics provide useful, nonwarranted information about the functions and performance of the instrument. Characteristics are printed in italics.
Factory Calibration Cycle. For optimum performance, the instrument should have a complete verification of specifications once every 12 months.
Nominal Value indicates the expected, but not warranted, value of the parameter.