N1000A Specifications


This section lists the specifications for the N1000A mainframe.

An N1000A with a serial number ≥ MY62100101 requires FlexDCA firmware version A.06.90 or later.

All specifications describe warranted performance over the temperature range +10°C to + 40°C (unless otherwise noted). The specifications are applicable after the temperature is stabilized, which occurs after 1 hour of continuous operation and while self calibration is valid.

The N1000A time base has humidity-sensitive components. The amount of moisture accumulated in the instrument depends on the length of time it has been powered off as well as ambient humidity. Under certain measurement conditions and environments, the jitter may be temporarily higher than the specified limit after a unit has been recently turned on. If the jitter exceeds the specification it is recommended to allow the instrument to stay powered on for 24 hours to allow the humidity within the system to stabilize. Many performance parameters are enhanced through frequent, simple user calibrations.

Specifications describe warranted performance. Characteristics provide useful, nonwarranted information about the functions and performance of the instrument. Characteristics are printed in italics.

Factory Calibration Cycle. For optimum performance, the instrument should have a complete verification of specifications once every 12 months.

Nominal Value indicates the expected, but not warranted, value of the parameter.

N1000A computer system and storage specifications

Item Description
CPU Intel Core i7-9700E. N1000A serial number ≥ US64350101 or ( ≥ MY64350101). 1
Intel Core i5-3550S. N1000A serial number < US64350101 or ( < MY64350101).
RAM Intel Core i7-9700E: 32 GB
Intel Core i5-3550S: 8 GB
Operating System Windows 10, 64 bit
Mass storage (internal SSD hard disk) Intel Core i7-9700E CPU: 480 GB minimum
Intel Core i5-3550S CPU: 240 GB minimum

Requires FlexDCA version A.06.91 or later.

N1000A display specifications

Item Description
Display Area 210.4 mm x 157.8 mm
10.4 inch diagolnal color active matrix LCD module incorporating amorphous silicon TFTs.
Entire Display Resolution 1024 pixels horizontally x 768 pixels vertically
Waveform Colors Select from over 16 colors. User may change color assignment of all traces (channels, waveform memory, and signal processing functions).
Persistence Modes Gray scale, color grade, infinite, variable
Connect-the-dots On/Off selectable
Persistence Minimum, variable (100 ms to 40s), infinite
Graticule On/Off
Grid Intensity 0 to 100%
Dialog Boxes Opaque or transparent
Supports External Display Supports multiple display configurations via Windows display utility.

N1000A environmental specifications

Item Description
Use indoor
Operating 10 °C to +40 °C (50 °F to +104 °F)
Non-operating –40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)
Altitude (Operating) Up to 4,600 meters (15,000 ft)
Humidity 1 Type tested at 95%, +40 °C (non-condensing)
Mainframe without modules (characteristic) 20.5 kg (43 lb)
Module (characteristic) 1.2 kg (2.6 lb)
Dimensions (excluding handle)
Without front connectors and rear feet 221 mm H x 426 mm W x 530 mm D
(8.7 inch x 16.76 inch x 20.9 inch)
With front connectors and rear feet 234 mm H x 426 mm W x 601 mm D
(9.23 inch x 16.76 inch x 23.67 inch)
With front cover and rear feet 234 mm H x 426 mm W x 612 mm D
(9.23 inch x 16.76 inch x 24.1 inch)

Samples of this product have been type tested in accordance with the Keysight Environmental Test Manual and verified to be robust against the environmental stresses of Storage, Transportation and End-use; those stresses include but are not limited to temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, altitude and power line conditions. Test Methods are aligned with IEC 60068-2 and levels are similar to MIL-PRF-28800F Class 3.

N1000A LINE power specifications

Item Description
Line Power 100–120 Vac, 50/60/400 Hz
220–240 Vac, 50/60 Hz
Power in Watts 700 Watts Maximum
The products can operate with mains supply voltage fluctuations up to ± 10% of the nominal voltage.

The Mains wiring and connectors shall be compatible with the connector used in the premise electrical system. Failure, to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using the correct components may cause product damage, and serious injury.

This product is designed for use in INSTALLATION CATEGORY II and POLLUTION DEGREE 2 environment.

Only Keysight approved accessories shall be used.

N1000A horizontal (timebase) specifications

Item Description
Scale Factor Full scale is ten divisions.
Minimum 100 fs/div
Maximum 50 ms/div
Delay Time offset relative to the front panel trigger input on the instrument mainframe.
Minimum 16 ns
Maximum 1s
Time Interval Accuracy 1 ps + 1% of Δ time interval for intervals from minimum delay to minimum delay + 1 ns 1, or
6 ps + 1% of Δ time interval 1
500 fs + 0.25% of Δ time interval (characteristic) 2
Time Interval Accuracy
(Pattern Lock Mode)
1 GHz to 32 GHz:
500 fs + 0.5% of 1 / (clock input frequency), or
5 ps (whichever is smaller) 1
50 MHz to 1 GHz:
500 fs + 0.5% of 1 / (clock input frequency), or
30 ps (whichever is smaller) 1
250 fs + 0.25% of 1 / (clock input frequency) (characteristic) 2
Jitter Mode Operation Time interval accuracy – jitter mode operation 500 fs (characteristic). Test configuration: PRBS of length 27–1 bits, Data and Clock 10 Gb/s.
Time Interval Resolution 3 screen diameter / record length or 60 fs, whichever is larger
Display Units Unit Interval or Time
Record length 4 16 to 131,072 without pattern lock,
1 to 268,435,456 with pattern lock and "Acquire Entire Pattern"

Dual marker measurement performed at a temperature within ± 5 °C of horizontal calibration temperature.

Dual marker measurement performed at a temperature within ± 1.5 °C of horizontal calibration temperature.

The time interval resolution is the smallest time you can characterize between two points.

Maximum number of samples depends on pattern, number of active channels, available memory, pattern lock enabled, and Acquire Entire Pattern enabled.

N1000A front-panel inputs and outputs opecifications

Item Description
Trigger Input, Connector 2.92 mm (male)
Mainframe ships with 2.92 mm female-female connector saver (P/N 1250-4105)
Trigger Input, Impedance (Normalized) 50 Ω
Trigger Input, Maximum 2 Vpp maximum
Precision Timebase Input, Connector
(Option N1000A-PTB only)
2.92 mm (male)
Mainframe ships with 2.92 mm female-female connector saver (P/N 1250-4105).
Precision Timebase Input, Impedance (Normalized)
(Option N1000A-PTB only)
50 Ω
Precision Timebase Input, Maximum
(Option N1000A-PTB only)
1.3 Vpp maximum
DC Cal Output BNC (female)
Range: –2.0 V to +2.0 V
USB Three USB 2.0 ports
Ground Connection Banana plug

N1000A rear-panel inputs and outputs specifications

Item Description
GPIB Fully programmable, complies with IEEE 488.2
Display Port For connecting external displays
VGA Port Analog, full color, 15 pin D-sub (female)
LAN Two Gigabit Ethernet ports
USB Two USB 3.0 ports
Two USB 2.0 ports
USB Device Port Instrument control over USB

N1000A internal precision timebase specifications (Option PTB)

The N1000A Internal Precision Timebase Specifications are for Option PTB, which is the N1000A internal precision timebase. These specifications refer to the signal input to the front-panel Precision Timebase Input connector.

If Freerun trigger mode is not used, a trigger input must also be supplied. This is in addition to the reference clock input to the front-panel Precision Timebase connector. The trigger input must be synchronous to the reference clock but may be a sub-rate of the clock based on the required frequency range for the trigger input.

Item Description
Maximum Input Signal 1.3 Vpp
Input DC Offset Range ± 200 mV
Input Signal Type
The internal precision timebase works with typical digital clock signals, such as a BERT output, as well as sine waves. If the rise time or fall time of the clock signal is less than 15% of the period of the clock (for example, less than 15 ps for a 10 GHz clock), reduce the edge speed by using an external low-pass filter or length of cable. For the lowest jitter, use a signal that is as close as possible to the maximum signal amplitude (1.3 Vpp) and minimize any sub-harmonics.
Jitter (Input ≥ 750 mVpp, sinusoidal) (Characteristic)
2.4 GHz to < 4.0 GHz trigger
(tested at 2.4 GHz, 750 mVpp)
≤ 200 fs rms
< 400 fs rms, with 54XXX, 8348X, or N1045A (non Option LOJ) module
4 GHz to 9.0 GHz trigger
(tested at 5 GHz, 750 mVpp)
≤ 120 fs rms
< 400 fs rms, with 54XXX, 8348X, or N1045A (non Option LOJ) module
> 9.0 GHz to 44.0 GHz trigger
(tested at 10, 20, and 40 GHz,
500 mVpp)
≤ 90 fs rms
< 200 fs rms, with 54XXX, 8348X, or N1045A (non Option LOJ) module
Precision Timebase Input
Nominal Impedance 50 Ω
Connector Type 2.92 mm (male)

N1000A general trigger specifications

Item Description
Maximum Trigger Signal 2 V peak-to-peak
Trigger Input
Nominal Impedance 50 Ω
Reflection 10% for 100 ps rise time
Connector Type 2.92 mm (male)

N1000A internal trigger mode specifications

Item Description
Freerun Freerun trigger mode internally generates an asynchronous trigger that allows viewing the sampled signal amplitude without an external trigger signal but provides no timing information. Freerun is useful in troubleshooting external trigger problems.

N1000A clock trigger / pattern lock mode specifications

Item Description 1
Clock Trigger 50 MHz to 32 GHz, effective divide-by-one, AC coupled
Pattern Lock (Option PLK) 50 MHz to 32 GHz, AC coupled
Pattern Lock Length (Option PLK) 1 to 223 (8,388,608) symbols
50 MHz to < 500 MHz 1.0 ps rms + 10 PPM of horizontal position (maximum)
< 800 fs rms + 5 PPM of horizontal position (typical)
500 MHz to 32 GHz 2,3
(Option STB)
450 fs rms (maximum)
400 fs rms (typical)
500 MHz to 32 GHz 2,3
(Option LOJ)
250 fs rms (maximum)
200 fs rms (typical)
Trigger Sensitivity 200 mV p-p
Trigger Slew rate ≥ 2 V/ns

These specifications refer to the signal input to the front-panel Trigger Input connector. The sampled input signal timing is recreated by using an externally supplied trigger signal that is synchronous with the sampled signal input.

Verified at 10 GHz with a clock and signal slew rate ≥ 15 V/ns.

Verified at 28 GHz with a clock and signal slew rate ≥ 20 V/ns.

N1000A edge trigger mode specifications

Item Description 1
Input DC to 2.5 GHz
Jitter 2 1.0 ps rms + 10 PPM horizontal position (maximum)
< 800 fs rms + 5 PPM horizontal position (characteristic)
Trigger Sensitivity 200 mV p-p (sinusoidal input or 200 ps minimum pulse width)
Triggering Level Adjustment –1 V to +1 V
Edge Select Positive or negative

These specifications refer to the signal input to the front-panel Trigger Input connector. The sampled input signal timing is recreated by using an externally supplied trigger signal that is synchronous with the sampled signal input.

Verified at 2.5 GHz with a clock and signal slew rate ≥ 2 V/ns.

N1000A vertical (channel) specifications

Some normal and permissible degradation of system noise or jitter performance may be observed in DCA-X and DCA-M instruments in some narrow frequency ranges when exposed to radiated or conducted radio-frequency electromagnetic disturbances.

Item Description
Sample Rate Up to 250 kHz
Number of Channels Up to 16 channels
Vertical Resolution 16 bit hardware A/D converter for N10xx-series modules.
14 bit hardware A/D converter for 861xx, 54xxx, and 8348x-series modules.
Full Resolution Channel Scales Adjusts in a 1-2-5-10 sequence for coarse adjustment or fine adjustment resolution from the front panel knob.
Adjustments Scale, offset, activate filter, sampler bandwidth, attenuation factor, transducer conversion factors

N1000A Options

N1000A Options
N1000A Option Description
N1000A-STB 1 Standard Timebase
N1000A-LOJ 1 Low Jitter Timebase
N1000A-PLK Pattern Lock
N1000A-PTB Precision Timebase (requires Option LOJ)
N1000A-GPI GPIB Card Interface (installed on every N1000A)
N1000A-C0C Certificate of Calibration
N1000A-UK6 Commercial Cal Certificate with Test Data
N1027A-AFP Module filler panel, 1/4 bay width. To order a replacement or additional filler panel, up part number 86101-60017.
1CM015A Rack Mount Flange Kit
1CP020A Rack Mount Flange Kit with Handles

An N1000A can have options STB or LOJ but cannot have both.

N1000A Licensed Software Packages

Package Added Capability
Research &
Enables Jitter Mode for jitter and interference measurements.
Waveform signal processing equalizer operators: continuous time linear (CTLE), decision freedback (DFE), and linear feedforward.
Waveform signal processing user operators and measurements via MATLAB and Python.
TDR/TDT Mode S-parameter and time domain characterization.
Measure Eye Mode's TJ (Total Jitter), DJ (Deterministic Jitter) and RJ (Random Jitter) on patterns longer than PRBS16.
InfiniiSim waveform transformation (de-embedding and embedding) using waveform signal processing operators.
TDEC measurement
TDECQ Transmitter and Dispersion Eye Closure for PAM4.
PAM-N measurements in Oscilloscope, Eye, and Jitter modes.
Automatic fixture removal in TDR mode.
FlexEye Independent Eye Acquisition and Analysis