FlexOTO Application

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A stand-alone FlexOTO application is included in every FlexDCA installation. Use FlexOTO to:

  • Test 400 GBd and 800 GBd modules on manufacturing lines. For example 400 GBd transceiver pluggables (4 x 100 Gb/s) and 800 GBd transceiver pluggables (8 x 100 Gb/s, 4 x 200 Gb/s).
  • Maximize measurement throughput. FlexOTO does not perform the selected tests in a linear order. Instead, FlexOTO parses test algorithms to connected DUT fixtures, DCA-M instruments, and switches based on timing requirements and in-depth knowledge of measurement algorithms in the relevant standards.
  • Maximize hardware utilization. The DCA-M oscilloscope is automatically shared between multiple DUT fixtures in the most efficient manner. And, when multiple DCA-M modules are used, FlexOTO concurrently runs measurement tasks on all DCA-Ms.
  • Measure 53 GBd PAM4 OER, OOMA, and TDECQ tests.
  • Minimize test setup time and provide flexible test setups. FlexOTO can account for WDM demultiplexers, attenuation, and fiber spools.

It is recommended that you use FlexDCA to make a connection to the optical switch and to the DCA-M modules. Then, start FlexOTO and configure the switch.

Starting FlexOTO

  1. Start the FlexOTO application.
  2. Apply power to your optical switch and to the DCA-M modules that you plan to use. Do not connect any USB/RS232 cables at this time. Only one optical switch can be used. The optical switch and DCA-M modules must be recognized by FlexOTO. If your optical switch is not recognized, you can write your own optical switch driver.
  3. Allow time for the optical switch and DCA-Ms to boot up before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Connect the USB/RS232 cables for the optical switch and DCA-Ms to the PC where FlexOTO is running.
  5. FlexOTO automatically detects the optical switch and DCA-M modules via the LAN, USB, or RS-232 connections. In the unlikely event that FlexOTO does not detect a switch or DCA-M, you can open the FlexDCA application and manually establish the connections using FlexDCA's Extended Module Configuration dialog. Confirm that the optical switch and DCA-Ms have been automatically installed as extended modules. A Switch slot tile (and DCA-M tile) should be displayed in along FlexDCA's bottom tray.
  6. FlexDCA's Bottom Tray Showing Switch Tile
    Example Connections (Only One Optical Switch Allowed)
  7. Turn on each DUT Fixture that you will use in your setup.
  8. Optional steps:
    1. Use a patch cord to connect one DUT Fixture output directly to your DCA-M modules.
    2. Open the FlexDCA application, and configure your DCA-M modules settings so that the DCA-M oscilloscope can trigger on and view the signal.
    3. Remove the patch cord.
    4. Return to FlexOTO.

Supported DCA-Ms and Optical Switches

External DCA-M Modules

At least one DCA-M acquisition group is required in the test setup. An acquisition group is a set of DCA-M modules that provide clock recovery and optical input channels. Here are two examples:

  • A single N1092B with the clock recovery option CDR. (includes both clock recovery and an input channel).
  • An N1078A clock recovery with an N1092D oscilloscope.
Recognized DCA-M Modules
DCA-M Module Number of
Clock Recovery Required Options Connection
Data In Data Out Clock In Clock Out
Oscilloscope Modules
N1092E 4 PLK, IRC, 30A/40A USB1
N1092D 4 PLK, IRC, 30A/40A USB1
N1092C 1 PLK, IRC, 30A/40A USB1
N1092B 2 2 PLK, IRC, CDR, 30A/40A USB1
N1092A 1 2 PLK, IRC, CDR, 30A/40A USB1
Clock Recovery Modules
N1078A S50 or SXT3 USB1
N1077B SMM or SXT3 USB1
N1077A SMS or SXT3 USB1

Supports automatic detection via USB by FlexOTO.

Options CDR and 40A required.

An N1077A-SXT, N1077B-SXT, or N1078A-SXT requires an external optical splitter to provide an optical data to an input channel of the N109x-series DCA-M oscilloscope.

Optical Switches

The test setup must include a recognized optical switch.

Recognized Optical Switches
Model Switch Ports Supported
Connection Peripheral
Keysight Switches
N7731A/C switch 2 channel 1 x 4 LAN, USB2
N7733C switch 1 x 16 LAN, USB2
N7734A switch 1 x 13 LAN, USB2
N7736C switch 4 chanel 2 x 2 LAN, USB2
DiCon GP750 switch Depends on installed modules. RS-232
DiCon GP600 Depends on installed modules. RS-232
Polatis Series 6000 Ultra switch 12 x 12
12 x 12
LAN, serial, USB1
Switch (not listed above). The user must write a switch driver (*.py or *.exe). .

Supports automatic detection via USB by FlexOTO.

Third-party optical switches are not provided by Keysight and must be purchased from their manufacturer. The N1002A, when purchased as part of a solution bundle includes an optical switch. If the N1002A is purchased separately, not in a solution bundle, the Keysight switch, if desired, must be separately purchased.