Flex Apps:
Meas. mode:
Waveform type:

TDR/TDT mode requires an N1055A 35/50 GHz differential module or an 54754A differential TDR/TDT module.

TDR/TDT mode provides the following measurement capability:

  • Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and Time Domain Transmission (TDT) waveforms, which provide an intuitive view of a DUT's impedance profile (reflection and transmission characteristics) versus distance.
  • T-parameter waveforms (time domain TDR/TDT graphs) with amplitude units in volts, ohms, or percent.
  • S-parameter waveforms (frequency domain graphs) in magnitude, group delay, or phase. The frequency domain graphs allow you to view behaviors such as resonances. You can export S-parameters to a file. S-parameters are provided with option 202, S-Parameter and Time Domain Characterization.

TDR mode does not require a license, however the Signal Integrity or Manufacturing package licenses add significant capability:

  • Enhanced impedance and S-parameters.
  • Advanced waveform analysis (MATLAB/Python I/F).
  • Automatic fixture removal (Signal Integrity package only)

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Topics of interest

N1055A and 54754A TDR/TDT modules can be simultaneously installed. However, all TDR stimulus steps must originate from one type of module: either N1055A or 54754A.

These are the general measurement steps. For a more detailed procedure, refer to TDR Setup (DUT Based).

  1. In TDR/TDT mode, click the Setup toolbar.
  2. Click the TDR Setup… button and define the setup using the displayed dialog.
  3. Close the dialog and click on the TDR Calibration… button. Run a guided calibration. Supported ECal Modules.
  4. Once the TDR or TDT responses are displayed, use the Measurement toolbar to quickly measure any discontinuities.