N1060A Front Panel
The N1060A's front panel is shown in the following piture. The two input channels are 50 GHz (option 050) or 85 GHz (options 085). You can select the recovered clock rate at the Recovered Clock Output connection to be based on one of the following divide ratios: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. The Precision Timebase Input signal can be a sinusoid between 2.4 GHz to 32 GHz (1.3Vpp maximum).
Avoid expensive repairs! The high performance 1 mm RF Chanel Input connectors are very fragile and are easily damaged when improper connection techniques are used. Alway use the the tools in the N1060A accessory kit while following safe connection techniques to connect adapters, cables, or cables to channel input adapters.