Message 164


The PathWave License Service is still initializing. This can take a few minutes.


The application has started but more time is needed until Keysight's PathWave License Service is available to confirm a USB dongle license or borrowed floating license. This can happen if during this time period you:

  • Attempt to uses a licensed feature that is currently not licensed.
  • Click the FlexDCA Licensing dialog's Refresh button.
  • Send the SCPI command to borrow or return a floating license (:SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:BORRow and :SYSTem:SOFTware:LICenses:RETurn.

To resolve this issue, simply wait a few minutes so that the PathWave License Service has time to initailize.

This message is displayed in the message area and is reported as a programming error message. When this message is reported, the License Service(s) Unavailable dialog may also be displayed.