Fact 3. Learn Common Child Commands
As seen in the SCPI Command Tree Viewer, most commands have lower-level commands (children). Some child commands are unique and documented in the Interactive SCPI Command Tree. Other child commands are repeated under many commands, are not shown in the Interactive SCPI Command Tree, and are known as common child commands.
For example, FlexOTO's :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio
command for a Station has the following common child commands:
:TPRogram:SETup:THRatio:DEFault :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio:MAXimum :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio:MINimum :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio:STEP
Commands with ON/OFF Parameter Arguments
Some commands turn on or off a setting with ON
and OFF
parameter arguments. For example, the :CALibrate:ACAL:ENABle ON
, which enables instrument auto calibration. The available child command for on off settings is:
- Toggles the setting which turns the display on if it is currently off. Or, if the display is on, turns the display off. For example,
Commands with Parameter Arguments
An example of a command with parameter arguments is the :CHANnel:COLor
command, which has the arguments TCOLor1
through TCOLor16
. These commands generally have the following common child commands:
- Sets the setting to the corresponding default argument. Use the query form of this common child command to return the default argument.
- Sets the setting to the corresponding next argument. To learn the order of the arguments, use the
common query described below. There is no query form of this common child command. :PREVious
- Sets the setting to the corresponding previous argument. To learn the order of the arguments, use the
common query described below. There is no query form of this common child command. :VSET?
- Returns a list of all valid arguments.
Commands with Numerical Arguments
An example of a command with parameter arguments is the :TPRogram:SETup:THRatio
command. These commands generally have the following common child commands:
- Sets the setting to the default value. Use the query form of this common child command to return the default value.
- Sets the setting to its minimum possible value.
- Sets the setting to its maximum possible value.
- This common child command steps (increases or decreases) the current setting. An optional integer argument can be used to specify the direction (increase or decrease value) and size of the change from the current value. Generally, positive integers decrease a value and negative integer increase a value, but confirm before using as these directions can be swapped for some commands. Depending on the setting, the value of the integer either selects either a fixed change from the current value or a change according to a 1, 2, 5 sequence. For fixed changes, each time that you sent the child command
:STEP -1
, the change would be the same. For example, a 1ns setting would change to 2 ns, 3 ns, and so forth with each command. For sequence changes, if a time span is set to 1 ns, sending the child command:STEP -1
would change the span to 2 ns. Sending the command a second time would set the span to 5 ns, and a third time to 10 ns and so forth.
Commands for Scalar Statistic Measurement
The :MEASure
subsystem's scalar measurement commands have common child queries that return statistical measurement results and also query the validity of those values. The common child commands and queries are available for most measurements. Common statistical queries are children of each scalar measurement command and include the following:
- :MEAN?
- Returns the Mean measurement. It is calculated over the number of waveform acquisitions returned by the
query. - :MINimum?
- Returns the Minimum measurement. It is calculated over the number of waveform acquisitions returned by the
query. - :MAXimum?
- Returns the Maximum measurement. It is calculated over the number of waveform acquisitions returned by the
query. - :SDEViation?
- Returns the standard deviation (Std Dev) measurement, which is only displayed in the result table for Oscilloscope Mode measurements. It is calculated over the number of waveform acquisitions returned by the
query. - :COUNt?
- Returns the number of waveform acquisitions (Count) that have occurred for the parent measurement.
- :STATus?
- Queries the status of the common statistical measurement results. Use the :STATus:REASon? child query to determine the reason for a invalid or questionable measurement.
:STATus? Query Response Response Description CORR The measurement result is correct. INV The measurement result is invalid. A question mark (?) is shown in the displayed results table instead of a measurement result. QUES The measurement result is questionable. A question mark (?) is shown in the displayed results table next to the measurement result. - :STATus:REASon?
- Queries the explanation why the
child query indicates an unsuccessful measurement. Refer to the table "Possible Common:STATus:REASon?
Query Responses". If the:STATus?
child query indicates a successful measurement,STATus:REASon?
returns a null string.
To return the current measurement result (listed as Current in the results tables) use the parent command. For example, use :OSCilloscope:RISetime?
, which returns the value for the last waveform acquisition.