IGBT: Diode If-Vf Test
Measures the forward bias voltage vs. current characteristics of the body (free-wheeling) diode. SMU voltage pulse is used for the forward bias output.
Used with:
- B1505A: IGBT DUT, IV test type
- If the data sheet lists a maximum test limit for a parameter, use that value.
- If there is no maximum test limit, use a typical value.
See also Setting IV and CV Test Parameters.
Test Schematic
Gate Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Scale: The Scale of sweep: Linear (linear sampling), Log10 (10 points/decade log sampling), Log25 (25 points/decade log
Linear - Linear sampling (see also the LinearNOS setting)
Log10 - 10 points/decade log sampling
Log25 - 25 points/decade log sampling
LOG50 - 50 points/decade log sampling
Gate: The SMU connected to Gate terminal, primary sweep voltage output. Select Gate SMU from the drop-down menu.
VgStart (V): The Sweep start voltage for gate pulse bias. Some devices require a negative VgStart voltage. Check the device data sheet.
VgStop (V): The Sweep stop voltage for gate pulse bias. Some devices require a negative VgStop voltage. Check the device data sheet.
VgStep (V): The Sweep step voltage for gate pulse bias. Some devices require a negative VgStep voltage. Check the device data sheet.
Emitter: The GNDU:GND connected to Emitter terminal. (This field cannot be changed.)
Collector Parameters
Click here for detailed information about each item in the list.
Collector: The SMU connected to Collector terminal, secondary sweep voltage output.
VcStart (V): The Sweep start voltage for Collector terminal. Some devices require a negative VcStart voltage. Check the device data sheet.
VcStop (V): The Sweep stop voltage for Collector terminal. Some devices require a negative VcStop voltage. Check the device data sheet.
VcLinearStep (V): The Sweep step voltage for Linear SweepOutput for the Collector terminal. Some devices require a negative sweep voltage. Check the device data sheet.
IcLimit (A): The Upper limit of Collector current. If the Vc voltage is negative, set IcLimit negative also.
PcLimit (W): The Collector power compliance, in Watts.
PulsePeriodMode: The Pulse period mode, AUTO or MANUAL. (If you choose MANUAL, you must also set the ManualPulsePeriod parameter.)
ManualPulsePeriod (s): The Pulse period. Use this parameter only when you have selected PulsePeriodMode = MANUAL.
PulseWidth (s): The Pulse width.