Pilot IQ Values (Custom OFDM)

The Pilot IQ Values parameter specifies the values of the pilot subcarriers. Each Pilot subcarrier is represented by a complex value, "I" the Real part followed by "Q" the Imaginary part, that is repeated for each subcarrier.

You can use the "Load Pilot IQ Values" command button to load a text file containing the Pilot IQ values.

Pilot I-Q File

You can create a reusable Pilot IQ values file. The Pilot I-Q file The Pilot I-Q file defines the expected I and Q values for each pilot subcarrier. contains the ideal I-Q locations for each known pilot (resource type = 1) shown in the Resource Map file The Resource Map file defines the function of each subcarrier in each symbol, describing whether it is a preamble, pilot, data or null subcarrier..

For more information, see "Pilot I-Q Values" in the Making a Custom OFDM Measurement tutorial.

See Also

Format Tab

Custom OFDM Demod Properties