Pulse Search Properties (Custom OFDM)

 Default: See Preset to Standard

Range: -200 dB to 0 dB

The Pulse Search properties are used by the VSA pulse search algorithm to detect the start and end of the analyzed burst (or pulse). The Pulse Search Threshold level is specified in "dB" relative to the RMS level of the "ON" part of the burst resulting in a negative "-dB" value.

Time Details Property


Automatic Pulse Search Threshold:

Selected (default): The VSA uses auto-detection to determine the pulse search threshold value.

Cleared: The VSA uses the Pulse Search Threshold property value.

Pulse Search Enable:

Selected (default): Use burst (pulse) search to detect the start of the bust to analyze.

Cleared: Do not use burst (pulse) search to detect the start of the bust to analyze.

Pulse Search Threshold:

Specifies the pulse search threshold level (-dB) used in manual pulse search threshold mode (Automatic Pulse Search Threshold is Cleared and Pulse Search Enabled is selected.


See Also

Time Tab

Custom OFDM Demodulation Properties Dialog Box